You're probably reading this page because you've attempted to access some part of my blog (Wandering Thoughts) or CSpace, the wiki thing it's part of. Unfortunately whatever you're using to do so has a HTTP User-Agent header value that is too generic or otherwise excessively suspicious. Unfortunately, as of early 2025 there's a plague of high volume crawlers (apparently in part to gather data for LLM training) that behave like this. To reduce the load on Wandering Thoughts I'm experimenting with (attempting to) block all of them, and you've run into this.
All HTTP User-Agent headers should clearly identify what they
are, and for non-browser user agents, they should identify not just
the software involved but also who specifically is using that software.
An extremely generic value such as "Go-http-client/1.1
is not something that I consider acceptable any more.