PORTNANNY CONFIGURATION Portnanny is configured through three files: the configuration file, the rules file, and the actions file. The configuration file is read once on startup to define things such as what the names of the rules and actions files are; the rules and actions files are reloaded every time they change. All files allow comment lines, blank lines, and continued lines. A comment line is any line that has '#' as the first non-whitespace character; eg # this is a comment is a comment line. Comment lines are always ignored completely. Lines in all three files may be continued simply by indenting the second and subsequent lines with whitespace; eg, ignoring the leading tab: this will be one logical line. turns into 'this will be one logical line.'. It is illegal to start the first non-comment line in a file with whitespace, as it would be a continuation to a nonexistent first line. Comments (with any indentation) may occur in the middle of continued lines and are duly ignored. THE PROCESS Portnanny operates by sorting each new connection into one or more classes, and then checking any limits and doing any actions specified for the classes that the connection is a member of. A new connection can be a member of one class, many classes, or of none; if it is a member of more than one class, it must satisfy the limits of all of the classes it is a member of. Portnanny only performs one action for new connections. If a new connection is a member of more than one class that wants to do an action (usually starting a program and handing the connection to it to deal with), the class who's action is carried out is the one that was matched earliest. It is possible for a new connection to be a member of no classes, or to be a member of no classes that specify any action to do. If this happens, portnanny closes the connection. In general, portnanny must be actively told to do something; if it is told nothing, it does nothing, and if it does nothing it drops the connection. Portnanny's two major files each control one half of this process. The rules file specifies how new connections are sorted (aka classified) into classes. Each line is a rule; if a new connection satisfies the rule, it is a member of the rule's class. A single class can have more than one rule in the rules file. The actions file specifies what limits apply to members of classes and what should be done for new connections that fall into each particular class. Because it makes no sense to specify several versions of what to do or what limits to apply for the same class (which set should portnanny pick?), classes can only be specified in the actions file once. Not all classes that are mentioned in the rules file have to be in the actions file. A class that isn't in the actions file imposes no limits and causes no actions to happen for new connections that are members. Portnanny maintains a count of how many active connections are members of each class as well as how many active connections there are from a given IP (regardless of what classes they are members of; connections from the same IP address are not necessarily all members of the same class). These counters are used to enforce connection limits and are maintained dynamically as new connections are made and old connections die off. THE CONFIGURATION FILE Portnanny's configuration file is named on the command line. It contains a series of directives, each of which has exactly one argument. The directives, and their arguments (given in uppercase) are: rulefile FILE Gives the filename of the rules file actionfile FILE Gives the filename of the actions file listen PORT[@IP] Portnanny will listen for new connections on the given port and IP address. If no IP address is given, portnanny will listen for new connections on the given port on all IP addresses of the machine. Portnanny accepts 'PORT@' and 'PORT@*' as synonyms for a bare 'PORT'. PORT must be a number. You may specify multiple listen directives. user USERNAME Portnanny will change to the user ID and groups of this user right after it has set up the TCP/IP ports to listen on. Failure to successfully do so immediately aborts the program. The process after 'user USERNAME' has the same UID and set of groups that the user would normally get through logging in or using 'su'. dropipafter TIMESPEC If an IP address has not made a new connection to us for TIMESPEC, discard any information we have been maintaining about the times of its previous IP connections. The default is that time information about such connections will never be expired if portnanny is maintaining it. (See later for a discussion of when portnanny keeps such information.) expireevery TIMESPEC Check for things to expire no more than every TIMESPEC amount of time. The default is 60 seconds (if there is any point, ie if dropipafter is specified). A value of '0' means 'at every connection'. TIMESPEC is a number with 's', 'm', 'h', or 'd' after it, to indicate that many seconds, minutes, hours, or days. onfileerror WHAT What to do if the actions file or the rules file contain an error when they are reloaded. May be 'use-old' or 'drop'; 'use-old' is the default. substitutions [on|off] If 'on' (the default), string substitutions in the actions file are enabled. If 'off', they are disabled. See the discussion of the actions file for details. 'off' is for cautions people who want safety. maxthreads NUMBER Portnanny can use up to NUMBER threads to evaluate rules for new connections in parallel, instead of having to evaluate each new connection one after the other in a main process. The default is zero (threading is disabled). aftermaxthreads CLASS When portnanny is over the thread maximum, new connections will be immediately made members of CLASS without evaluating any rules. If unset, portnanny evaluates rules for the new connection in the main process, as if threading was disabled. When portnanny reloads files, it does so as a unit. If a new version of a file contains an error, no information from the new version will be used -- even if the error was at the very end of the file. With 'onfileerror use-old', portnanny does not discard the old version of a file until it has successfully loaded the new version. This means that portnanny will continue dealing with new connections under the old rules until you fix the error. With 'onfileerror drop', portnanny immediately discards the old version of a file when it tries to reload a new version of it. If the new file fails to reload, portnanny acts as if the file was empty and all further connections will be dropped until the file is corrected and loads successfully. Note that the rules and the actions files are loaded separately. It is possible to update both and have one load and the other contain errors; in that case, under 'use-old' portnanny will try to use the new version of one with the old version of the other, which may not work too well. 'use-old' is more resilient in the face of a stream of minor updates; a stupid typo will not kill the service entirely. 'drop' is more paranoid; you are guaranteed that either your update took or portnanny is not serving anything to anyone. The configuration file must name the rules file and the actions file, and have at least one 'listen' directive. Everything else is optional. You cannot have both 'listen PORT@*' and 'listen PORT@IP' for the same port; the operating system won't accept it. (The reasons are complex but good.) If you do this in a portnanny configuration you will get an error at startup time. If portnanny is not listening at a specific PORT@IP combination, people connecting to there will get 'connection refused' errors. This both consumes less resources and is somewhat more friendly to users than having portnanny listen to 'PORT@' and immediately drop connections that are made to 'PORT@undesired-IP'; it also immunizes you against rules mistakes allowing undesired access. 'listen PORT@' is often used to create a TCP service that can only be connected to from the machine itself. Threading is used to make portnanny respond faster to multiple new connections that are made closely together. It is discussed in more detail later. By default, portnanny does not use threading; this is appropriate for many relatively simple configurations or low-load services. THE RULES FILE Lines in the rules file have the general form: CLASSNAME[/NOTES]: EXPRESSION There are four valid notes: /always, /nt, /nonterminal (equivalent to /nt), and /label[=LABEL]. If /label is given with no LABEL, the LABEL is taken to be EXPRESSION. Portnanny decides what classes each new connection is by evaluating each line's expression; if it is true, the new connection is a member of the class CLASSNAME and the rule is said to have matched. Portnanny usually stops evaluating rules once one has matched. There are two exceptions: rules marked /nt do not stop the evaluation process, and rules marked /always are always evaluated. The exception to the exception is that once a connection is a member of a class, no further rules for that class will be evaluated. Thus the result of rules evaluation is a list of classes that the connection is a member of, in the order that they matched; this list can be empty. If the connection is a member of at least one class, portnanny also makes it a member of the pseudo-class 'GLOBAL', putting this class at the end of the list. Portnanny maintains some information about which specific rule matched to make the connection a member of a given class: the line number of the rule and the label associated with the rule (if it has one). How these pieces of information can be used is covered later. Before we get into the specifics of rule expressions, we should say that in general portnanny expressions attempts to look a lot like tcpwrappers expressions. For normal basic cases involving IP addresses and hostnames (and not using the additional expression power of portnanny) you should be able to write expressions which are pretty much the same. Possibly completely identical. Rules file expressions are made up of operands joined together with operators. In order of precedence (high to low), the operators are: ( .. ), !/NOT, or-list, AND/&&, EXCEPT Operator parsing and association is left to right, so 'a EXCEPT b EXCEPT c' is '(a) EXCEPT ((b) EXCEPT (c))'. An 'or-list' is simply a list of operands, which is true if any of them are; thus 'a b c d EXCEPT e f g' is '(a b c d) EXCEPT (e f g)', and is true if any of a, b, c, or d is true and none of e, f, or g is. Portnanny only evaluates as much of the expression (and of bits of the expression) as it needs to do in order to determine whether it is true or false. This is usually unimportant but becomes relevant in some cases. Rules are normally broken into words (the operators and operands) by spaces, except that !, (, ), and && are special and are recognized inside normal words; this allows '(a&&b)' to be what you expect. Things may be quoted with single quotes; to put a single quote inside a quoted object, use '' (two quotes). Quotes do not break words, so: a'&&'b, a'foobar'b, a' 'b, and 'a b c d e f' are each one word. To use an operator as a normal word, you must quote it. Operands evaluate to either true or false based on some characteristic of the new connection, and come in three forms: MATCHER: ARGUMENT MATCHER or ARGUMENT If the operand is a bare argument, portnanny tries to see if the matchers for IP addresses or hostnames think it is a valid IP address match or hostname match. (It is an error if neither of them like it.) Some matchers take no argument; they are 'ALL', 'UNKNOWN', 'PARANOID', 'KNOWN', and 'IDENTD' (by convention, inherited from tcpwrappers, no-argument matchers are in upper case). ALL is always true. IDENTD is true if identd (aka auth) data is available for this connection. UNKNOWN, KNOWN, and PARANOID are the same as in tcpwrappers. KNOWN is true if there is a validated hostname for the remote IP address; UNKNOWN is true if there is no hostname for the IP address; PARANOID is true if either the claimed hostname doesn't exist or the claimed hostname lists IP addresses that do not include the remote IP address. Note that 'NOT KNOWN' is '(UNKNOWN PARANOID)'. The remaining matchers all take an argument and match something against it. identd: - matches the username returned from an identd query. (Implicitly implies IDENTD.) class: - matches against the classnames of already matched rules. Clearly, either that rule was /nt or this one is /always. forwhn: - matches if the remote IP address is one of the IP addresses returned when we look up the argument as a hostname. answerson: PORT - a TCP connection can be established to port PORT on the remote machine (PORT must be a number). ip: ADDRSPEC This matches the remote IP address. ADDRSPEC can be any of the following: - an IP address. - a partial IP address that ends in a '.', such as '128.100.'; this matches any IP address that starts with that, in the style of tcpwrappers. - a CIDR netblock, such as ''. - an explicit range, specified with a dash: ''. A CIDR netblock must be 'proper', which is to say that the listed IP address must be the start of the appropriately-sized CIDR netblock containing it. '' is not a proper CIDR netblock; a /24 covering would start at Portnanny rejects improper CIDR netblocks because there are at least two possible interpretations for what they mean. localip: ADDRSPEC This is like ip: except for the local IP address instead of the remote IP address. hnstatus: STATUS This is true if the hostname lookup status is the given status. Possible statuses are - 'good': equivalent to KNOWN - 'unknown': equivalent to UNKNOWN - 'noforward': the IP address claims a hostname, but the hostname doesn't exist. - 'addrmismatch': the IP address claims a hostname, which exists, but the hostname does not list the IP address as one of its IP addresses. '(hnstatus: noforward hnstatus: addrmismatch)' is the same as PARANOID. hostname: HOSTARG This matches the hostname of the remote IP address. If KNOWN is not true, this automatically fails. Otherwise it may be a full hostname or it may be a domain postfix starting with a '.', tcpwrappers style. An argument starting with '.' matches if the hostname ends with that (so '.foo.com' matches 'a.foo.com') or if the hostname equals the argument minus the dot (so '.foo.com' also matches 'foo.com'). All hostname comparisons are case-independent. If the operand specifies no matcher, ip: and hostname: are tried in that order. This allows one to write tcpwrappers-like expressions like '128.100. 127. .utcc.utoronto.ca'. re: REGEXP This matches the regexp against the hostname of the remote IP address; like hostname:, this always fails if KNOWN is not true. The match is case-independent and unanchored (if you want to match the beginning or end of the hostname, you must use '^' and '$'). The regexp is a Python regexp, essentially equivalent to Perl regexps. claimedhn: claimedre: THESE ARE DANGEROUS. These are just like hostname: and re:, but they apply to the 'claimed' hostname. The claimed hostname is the unverified result of the IP to name lookup of the remote IP address, and thus these differ from the standard hostname:/re: lookups only if PARANOID is true. Since the claimed hostname may be totally under the control of the person connecting to you, it should not be trusted to authorize connections. However, the author finds it convenient to have it available to *reject* some connections, as some nameless large ISPs have useful IP to name information but have not bothered setting up the corresponding name to IP mappings. Plus, you can use it to blow off anyone who thought it was a clever idea to have their IP to name mapping resolve to an IP address. local: [PORT][@][IP] This is true if the local IP and port match those specified. Both IP and PORT must be numeric. Either (but not both) can be missing or '*', in which case they match all values; thus 'local: 119@' matches all connections to local port 119. The 'local:' directive is how you tell apart which local port the connection is for, if portnanny is listening on multiple local ports. dnsbl: DNSBLDOM[/IPADDR] This matches if the remote IP address is found at the DNS blocklist rooted at DNSBLDOM, such as 'sbl.spamhaus.org', using the standard query form of name to IP address lookup on the reversed IP address. If the optional IP address is specified, this only matches if the DNSBl returns the IP address among the results of the query. Some DNSBls use returned IP addresses to distinguish sub-categories of their DNSBl. /IPADDR allows you to make use of this information, but is otherwise not needed. firsttime seenwithin: TIMESPEC notseenfor: TIMESPEC stallfor: TIMESPEC waited: TIMESPEC TIMESPEC is a number suffixed by 's', 'm', 'h', or 'd', meaning that many seconds, minutes, hours, or days ago. firsttime is true if this IP address is connecting to portnanny for the first time on record. seenwithin: and notseenfor: are true if the remote IP address last connected to us within TIMESPEC or not within TIMESPEC, respectively. stallfor: and waited: are true if the remote IP address first connected to us within TIMESPEC or not within TIMESPEC, respectively. Portnanny only records connection time information for connections that have one of these matchers applied to them. Keeping this information for all connections would cause portnanny to grow its memory use based on the number of distinct IP addresses that connected to it, regardless of whether the information on their connection time was of any use. If the configuration file specifies a 'dropipafter' directive, portnanny will periodically discard all cached information for IP addresses who have not connected to us within that many seconds (ie, IP addresses for whom 'notseenfor: EXPIRETIME' would be true). If one of those IP addresses connects again, it will be seen as a first time connection and so on. In addition, portnanny makes no attempt to preserve this information if it is stopped and restarted. HOST INFORMATION LOOKUP Some information can be expensive to look up. Determining the hostname can take DNS queries; determining the identd information requires making a connection to the target machine; and we've just discussed the overheads of first and last connection time. In order to run as fast as possible, portnanny only looks up such expensive information if it is explicitly asked for. For example, if all of your rules match only IP addresses, portnanny will never perform hostname lookups. While this is not important for rules (portnanny materializes any information necessary), it affects the information available for logging. In the above example, logging would never record a hostname (even if a valid one was available for some of the IPs). Recall that portnanny evaluates only as much of the rules as necessary in order to determine whether or not they're true. This means that if a particular lookup is in a rule but not necessary to determine the rule's result, it will not be performed. For example: example: 128.100. identd: bad-idea will not perform an identd lookup for a connection for a connection from a 128.100.*.* IP address. This means that later logging of information about connections that are members of 'example' may or may not have identd data available for them. At the same time, this can be exploited (even within one rule) to avoid more expensive lookups if they're not needed. For example, listing all IP matches before hostname matches will avoid potential lookup delays on hostname lookups. As another example, there is a potential big speed difference between example1: identd: cks AND 128.100. and example2: 128.100. AND identd: cks for connections that are not from 128.100.*.*. On the other hand, if you want identd data to be available for all connections if possible, the example1 version is obviously better. As a corollary, recall that after a class matches once, no further rules for it are evaluated (no matter how they're noted). This is importantly different from 'no duplicate class matches are added to the list of matches', because it means that their expressions are not evaluated at all, which means that they do not cause (or force) any additional information lookups. If you want to force certain information to be available for logging purposes, include /nt or /always rules for otherwise unused 'dummy' classes that force it to be looked up. THREADING Evaluating rules to determine what classes a new connection should be sorted can require portnanny to pause to look up information about the remote machine, such as its hostname. These pauses can potentially be quite long. By default, portnanny is single-threaded: it deals with one connection at a time, no matter how long that takes. This is simple and reliable and works on all Unix systems, but means that if there are several new connections at nearly the same time, the unlucky ones may have to wait quite a while to get dealt with. In order to support high-load, high-demand services with multiple, time-consuming lookups (such as checking several DNS blocklists), portnanny supports evaluating rules in multiple threads. However, this may not work on all Unix systems (it is known to work on Linux). In order to not overwhelm systems, portnanny limits the maximum number of threads that can be evaluating rules at any one time via the 'maxthreads' configuration parameter (and a command-line switch). When portnanny has reached this limit its behavior depends on whether or not 'aftermaxthreads' was set. If it was not set, portnanny temporarily behaves as if it was single-threaded: the main process evaluates the new connection, and all further ones have to wait until that's done. When 'aftermaxthreads' is set and portnanny has hit the threads limit, portnanny immediately sorts the new connection into the named class, as if it had been matched by a rule in the rule file (thus, it actually matches the class and 'GLOBAL'). It then continues on normally to look for actions to do and so on. This can be used for such things as giving an error message during overload conditions. It can also be used to immediately drop such connections, either explicitly by having the class in the action file drop them or implicitly by not having that class defined in the actions file. Threaded rules evaluations have several unobvious consequences; all are differences from the single-threaded case. First, while the version of the rules file that a new connection uses is frozen at the time it starts rules evaluation, no matter how long that takes and how many times the rules file changes in the mean time, the actions file is *not* similarly frozen. This can significantly lengthen the amount of time where it's possible to have portnanny use mismatched rules and actions files. Second, because portnanny freezes the version of the rules file when rules evaluation starts, it cannot immediately release that memory when a new version of the rules file is loaded. Each version of the rules file can only be freed up when the last thread evaluating a connection uses it exits. If you are unlucky and change the rules file repeatedly very rapidly, portnanny's memory usage may temporarily increase quite significantly. Because of the above, the effects of 'onfileerror drop' and a bad rules file may take a bit of time to take full effect. On a very active service, you may see a number of connection be logged as successfully processed even after the reload error message. However, because it isn't frozen, an erroneous actions file will take immediate effect. THE ACTIONS FILE The actions file is used to specify the limits that apply to classes and what action should be performed when a new connection is a member of the class. Each entry is said to be the 'action rule' for a particular class. Lines in the actions file have the general form CLASSNAME: DIRECTIVE [ARGS] [ : DIRECTIVE ARGS ...] Because it specifies per-class information, no class can be named more than once in the actions file, and most directives can only be given once per class. Directives are separated from each other by a colon with whitespace on both sides; 'a : b' is valid, but 'a: b' does not separate two directives. This is necessary to allow simple use of embedded :'s in action rules. An action rule must have at least one directive (otherwise it's pointless and is assumed to be an error). The available directives are: run CMDSTRING msg MESSAGE failrun CMDSTRING failmsg MESSAGE drop reject quiet log [MESSAGE] faillog MESSAGE norepeatlog record MESSAGE ipmax NUM connmax NUM setenv VARNAME STRING subst NEWNAME STRING see CLASS 'ipmax' and 'connmax' specify maximum connection limits. The first limits the total number of connections from this IP; the second limits the total number of connections that are members of this class (or were at the time they were made and classified, as the classification rules may have changed since then). If unspecified on a class's action rule, no limit is imposed by this class. If a class imposes a connection limit and a new connection would go over it, the class is said to refuse the connection. A connection limit of 0 (or below) causes all new connections to be refused. If no class that a new connection is a member of refuses it, the connection is said to have been accepted. 'reject' causes this class to refuse all connections. The same thing can be accomplished with 'ipmax 0' or 'connmax 0', but portnanny uses different default log messages when 'reject' is specified, and you can specify 'reject' as well as 'ipmax' and 'connmax' (this is handy for temporarily disabling connections for classes). 'failrun' or 'failmsg' describe what this class wants to happen to new connections if this class refuses the connection. 'failrun' causes a program to be started and the connection passed to it; 'failmsg' causes the message to be sent to the new connection and then the connection closed. If neither is specified when the class refuses a connection, the connection will just be closed silently (this is the most efficient thing for portnanny to do; 'failmsg' takes somewhat more work and causes somewhat more load on the server). Similarly, 'run' or 'msg' describes what this class wants to happen to accepted connections: run a program or send out a message. No class can have both 'run' and 'msg' directives specified, or 'failrun' and 'failmsg', because portnanny has no way of deciding which action would win. 'drop' means that this class wants accepted connections to be quietly closed. 'drop' can be specified alongside 'run' or 'msg' and takes precedence over them. If the class specifies none of 'run', 'msg', or 'drop' it has no particular action it wants taken on new connections. 'setenv' creates new environment variables and values that will be passed to any program started via 'run' or 'failrun'. A class can have multiple 'setenv' directives, but you can't setenv the same environment variable more than once. 'subst' creates additional string substitutions that will be available in any string substitutions done for this class, *excluding* 'record' directives. A class can have multiple 'subst' directives, but (like setenv) you can't subst the same name more than once. Built-in string substitutions override 'subst' definitions of the same names, causing the 'subst' provided values to be silently ignored. 'see' names another class to look at for any information that this class does not supply itself. The effect is as if this class included the text of the 'see''d class's directives (and in turn, any classes that that class 'see''s). If several classes in a chain of 'see's have the same directive, the first one the occurs is the one used; in 'A: see B : ipmax 10' and 'B: ipmax 5', the 'ipmax' value used for connections that are members of A is 10, not 5. Obviously there cannot be loops of 'see' references ('A: see B' and 'B: see A'). Portnanny also insists that all classes named as the target of 'see' directives exist. However, they can be in any order in the actions file; there is no requirement to define classes that will be 'see' targets earlier in the file than the classes that 'see' to them. (Indeed, it may make sense to define them later.) 'see' combines 'subst' and 'setenv' directives in multiple classes by using all of them, merged together. If multiple classes try to set a value for the same environment variable or the same new string substitution, only the first one is used: 'A: see B : setenv a b' and 'B: setenv a c' will result in the environment variable 'a' having the value 'b'. 'faillog' sets the message to be logged if this class is the one that refused a new connection. If 'faillog' is not set and this class refuses a new connection, portnanny will look for a default message to log in a number of places (described later). 'quiet' suppresses looking for default 'faillog' messages. 'quiet' does not suppress following 'see' directives. 'log' or 'log MESSAGE' sets the message to be logged if this class specifies the action to be taken for a new connection. If no message is specified, portnanny uses a default message. In the absence of 'log', portnanny logs no message in this situation; this is unlike 'faillog', because success is considered to be an ordinary situation not worth cluttering up logs with. (The author runs reasonably active systems and so does not want to get a message per connection in his logs.) 'record' sets a message to be logged any time a new connection is a member of this class. 'norepeatlog' means that this class doesn't want to bother logging a log message if it's the same as the last log message that portnanny logged. A 'log message' here is one of 'log' or 'faillog'; which one doesn't matter, only that the message is the same. In particular, messages from 'record' are completely unaffected by 'norepeatlog'. The net effect is that portnanny will log only the first of a stream of 'log'/'faillog' messages from a stream of connections, discarding all of the rest; this is especially handy with 'faillog' if you are dealing with some people who retry their connections very rapidly. When portnanny starts commands from 'run' (or 'failrun') it does so by taking the argument string, splitting it apart on whitespace, and directly executing the result; the program will get each word as an argument. If you need to run a program that requires more sophisticated arguments, or something such as output redirection, wrap it in a shell script and have portnanny run the shell script. For security reasons, this split is done before string substitution. Programs started by portnanny are started in the fashion of inetd, xinetd, and so on: the new connection is their standard input, standard output, and standard error. Portnanny tries to make sure that they're not passed other stray file descriptors; in particular, it guarantees that the network sockets that portnanny itself is listening on are not passed on to children. If a class refuses a connection and does not have settings for them itself, portnanny will look for default 'faillog' and 'failmsg' settings from several places; the first one that is found is used. The first one is the settings for the class 'DEFAULT-', if it exists, where is an upper-case version of why the class refused the connection: 'IPMAX', 'CONNMAX', or 'REJECT' (the class specified 'reject'). The second is the settings of the class 'DEFAULTMSGS', again if it exists. If it still doesn't have a 'faillog' message, portnanny falls back to internal defaults (using one for 'reject' and another for connection limits). There is no internal default for 'failmsg', and a default 'failmsg' is not looked for if the class has specified a 'failrun'. These default message source classes are not special in any other way, although the author does suggest that you avoid using them as normal classes in your rules files. DECIDING ON THE ACTION FOR A NEW CONNECTION As previously mentioned, the result of evaluating the rules file for a new connection is a list of classes that the new connection is a member of (plus 'GLOBAL'), in the order that they were first matched in the rules file. Portnanny takes the list and looks up each class in the actions file. Some of them may not be specified in the actions file (for example, you may have no GLOBAL class defined), in which case they are ignored during further processing. For each class that it finds, portnanny checks to see if the class refuses the connection (whether because of 'reject' or because of connection limits). If it does, the class that refuses the class is said to be the 'action class'. If no member class refuses the connection, the connection is successful and portnanny looks the classes up again to find the first class that specifies an action to take for successful connections (one of 'drop', 'run', or 'msg'). If there is such a class, it is said to be the 'action class'. If there is an 'action class' it is used to determine what action to perform and what messages to log about it. Only the 'log' or 'faillog' values of the *action class* are used; if a class is not the action class, only a 'record' directive will cause a message to be logged. Similarly, only the 'failrun' or (possibly defaulted) 'failmsg' values of the class that refused the connection are used on refused connections; if it has neither, portnanny takes its default 'nothing to do' action and closes the connection. A connection will be counted against connection maximum limits if is performing *either* a 'run' or a 'failrun' action. If you use 'failrun', this implies that the connection maximums are not an upper bound on the number of processes that portnanny starts; see the discussion on load limiting, later. If there is no action class, because no class refused the connection but no class specified an affirmative action for new connections, portnanny falls back to the default behavior of 'well, do nothing' and closes the connection. The GLOBAL class is generally intended to be used to implement global connection limits. Because it is treated as a normal class that the connection is a member of, it is possible to use it to create (implicitly default) actions for successful connections; however, this is somewhat dangerous -- effectively you are defaulting to portnanny performing an action instead of doing nothing. (It is not quite this, because new connections only become a member of GLOBAL if they are already members of at least one other class through rules file evaluation.) LOAD LIMITING AND A CAUTION ON 'FAILRUN' Obviously, 'failrun' runs a program. Because it runs a program when the connection is *refused*, there is very little load limiting possible. All you can do is insure there is always an earlier matching class with a higher load limit and no 'failrun' that will at least cut in when you are being overwhelmed. If you do not do this, an attacker can cause you to start a potentially unbound number of copies of your 'failrun' program. The most efficient thing to do to unwanted connections is to have portnanny just close them, either with 'drop' or with the implicit do nothing action of the refusing class not supplying a 'failmsg' or 'failrun'. Using 'msg' or 'failmsg' requires portnanny to fork to insure that a slow network to the new connection would not stall other people as portnanny tried to write out the message. Portnanny takes some steps to limit the amount of time that message-writing children will stick around (possibly not enough). 'run' / 'failrun' are the most resource-consuming, since they require starting an entire separate program. STRING SUBSTITUTION & EXPANSION The arguments to log, faillog, failmsg, msg, run, record, failrun, and the values of setenv's environment variables (but not their names) and subst's values (but not its names) are all run through an internal process of string substitution and expansion before use. This process is designed to allow the inclusion of connection specific information in these places; log messages, arguments to programs being started, and so on. Note that for security reasons, the command string for 'run' and 'failrun' is split into arguments before string substitution, not after it, so spaces in a substitution will never create additional command arguments. String substitution based on a printf-like expansion of string format operators starting with %. The fully general form is '%(THING)', but normally you are expected to use '%(THING)s' where THING is one of the following: ip - remote IP address remport - remote TCP port number localip - local IP address port - local TCP port number hnstatus - what 'hnstatus:' matches against. claimedhn - the claimed remote hostname hostname - the remote hostname, or the same as ip. identd - the identd information seensince - seconds since the first connection from this IP address. lastseen - seconds since the last connection from this IP address. connsum - a pretty-printed summary of information about this connection, roughly %(identd)s@%(hostname)s except that the '%(identd)s@' is only present if identd information is valid. connipsum - as connsum, but instead of the hostname the IP address is always used. class - the name of the action class. lineno - the (starting) line number in the rules file of the rule that matched this class. label - if the rule in the rules file that matched this class specified a /label=LABEL note, this is 'LABEL' with underscores ('_') changed to spaces (' '). cr - a \r nl - a \n eol - \r\n limit - either 'ipmax' or 'connmax' depending on which connection limit rejected the connection. [Plus any additional string substitutions defined by 'subst' directives in the action class.] Not all of these substitutions are defined all of the time. hnstatus and claimedhn are only present if hostname lookup has been done. (hostname is always present; if hostname lookup has not been done or has failed, its value is the IP address.) identd are only present if identd lookup has been done. seensince and lastseen are only present if time-based lookups have been done in the process of evaluating rules. label is only present if the relevant rule specified a /label= note. limit is only present if the connection was rejected by connection limits. Use of any of these when they are not defined will cause an error to be logged and the connection will be dropped, as will use of any unrecognized substitution string. 'subst' directives have their value string-substituted only once, when they are initially processed. Note that 'subst'-provided substitutions are only overridden by built-in substitutions *if the built-in substitution is defined*. Thus: A: subst identd UNKNOWN : run whatever : log Got a connection from %(ip)s with identd %(identd)s will *not* error out if identd information was not available for the connection; it will instead log it as 'UNKNOWN'. If identd information is available, the built-in 'identd' is defined and overrides the subst directive. USE OF SUBST AND SEE Consider the following actions file definitions for an example of use of 'subst' and 'see': bl-a: subst blmsg On DNSBL http://foo.bar : see DNSBL bl-b: subst blmsg http://baz.orp lists you as an open proxy : see DNSBL bl-c: subst blmsg Please read http://dnsbl/FAQ : see DNSBL bl-d: subst blmsg Pleass see http://dnsbl2/query?ip=%(ip)s : see DNSBL DNSBL: faillog refused %(connsum)s: DNS blocklist class %(class)s failmsg 500 Sorry, %(ip)s. Connection refused. %(blmsg)s : reject : norepeatlog This condenses the redundant information in class action rules down to a minimum, and uses 'subst' to define a per-DNS-blocklist block of explanatory text that will be inserted into the failure message that appropriate connections will receive. Note that the DNSBL meta-class has been used to define not just messages, but also the 'repeat' and 'norepeatlog' clauses that apply to all DNS blocklist entries. In addition, this shows (in bl-d) the new 'subst' text itself being expanded before it is defined, and why you might want to use something like that. Despite the 'faillog' directive being on the DNSBL class, the log entries will refer to 'DNS blocklist class bl-a' and the like, because portnanny considers the log message to have been generated by the 'bl-a' class, not by the DNSBL class. (This is the same thing as happens with 'DEFAULTMSGS' et al, of course.) As a bonus wizard feature, the following actually works correctly: A: see C : subst extra we are coming from %(hostname)s in A B: see C : subst extra we are coming from B C: see E : subst info %(extra)s and from C too D: see E : subst info because we came from %(ip)s E: reject : faillog Failed in E: %(info)s The process of merging multiple 'subst' values across 'see's defines the earlier substitutions (such as A's) before the added substitutions in later classes (such as C) are expanded, so C's 'info' can use the new 'extra' substitution defined in A and B. Of course, if C is ever used directly there will be explosions because the '%(extra)s' expansion it is counting on is not present. (Note that in this example 'D' can be used directly, as its own definition of 'info' doesn't expect anything.') USE OF /LABEL AND MULTI-RULE CLASSES The best documentation is an example. Imagine that you are interested in identifying and rejecting connections to some service from various people's dialup pools. For example: [rules sample]: dialups/label=dipDE: .dip.t-dialin.net dialups/label=AOL: .ipt.aol.com dialups/label=liwest.at: re: ^cm[0-9]+-[0-9]+\.liwest\.at$ dialups/label=SORBSDUL: dnsbl: dul.dnsbl.sorbs.net [actions sample:] dialups: reject : failmsg 500 Dialups not accepted, %(ip). : faillog rejected %(connsum)s as dialup, decided by %(labels)s You can then use the logs to not only see what is rejected, but see what sources of dialups are connecting to you. While you could use %(lineno)s for this, %(label)s both has more mnemonic value in logs and summaries and is much more stable over time and editing the rules file.