# import actions from StringIO import StringIO import conntrack import unittest from testutils import ReadlineError, makehi # This is a random test action file, just because. testfile = """ # Test action file. class0: record odd connect from non-localhost 127/8: %(ip)s class2: faillog DNSB %(label)s rejects %(ip)s : reject class1: ipmax 3 : connmax 10 : run /usr/bin/id """ testres = """class0: record odd connect from non-localhost 127/8: %(ip)s class1: connmax 10 : ipmax 3 : run /usr/bin/id class2: faillog DNSB %(label)s rejects %(ip)s : reject """ class basicTests(unittest.TestCase): knownOps = ( ("a: reject", "a: reject"), ("a: quiet", "a: quiet"), ("a: drop", "a: drop"), ("a: ipmax 3", "a: ipmax 3"), ("a: connmax 10", "a: connmax 10"), ("a: ipmax 0", "a: ipmax 0"), ("a: connmax 0", "a: connmax 0"), ("a: log", "a: log"), ("a: log foobar", "a: log foobar"), ("a: faillog foobar", "a: faillog foobar"), ("a: failmsg foobar", "a: failmsg foobar"), ("a: run /not/there", "a: run /not/there"), ("a: failrun /a", "a: failrun /a"), ("a: msg abc", "a: msg abc"), ("a: norepeatlog", "a: norepeatlog"), ("a: msg abc : failrun d", "a: failrun d : msg abc"), ("a: subst a b", "a: subst a b"), ("a: subst b c : subst a b", "a: subst a b : subst b c"), ("a: setenv b 1 : setenv a 2 : msg 3", "a: msg 3 : setenv a 2 : setenv b 1"), ("a: subst a b : msg 3", "a: msg 3 : subst a b"), ("a: subst a b : setenv 1 2", "a: setenv 1 2 : subst a b"), # Canonical order check HO. ("a: failmsg FAILMSG : log LOGIT : run DANGIT : ipmax 10 : quiet : connmax 1 : drop : reject : faillog FAILLOG : norepeatlog", "a: connmax 1 : drop : faillog FAILLOG : failmsg FAILMSG : ipmax 10 : log LOGIT : norepeatlog : quiet : reject : run DANGIT"), ) def testActionOperators(self): "Test that parseline recognizes and reproduces all of our operators." for ops, ress in self.knownOps: act = actions.parseline(ops, 0) self.assertEqual(str(act), ress) # assert stability of the output. self.assertEqual(str(actions.parseline(ress, 0)), ress) def testDictAccess(self): "Test that action objects can be accessed like dictionaries." act = actions.parseline("a: reject : log : faillog abc", 0) self.assertEqual(act['reject'], 1) self.assertEqual(act['log'], '') self.assertEqual(act['log'] != None, 1) self.assertEqual(act['faillog'], 'abc') # Test default value return for known keys. self.assertEqual(act['quiet'] == None, 1) # Unknown keys should bomb out: self.assertRaises(KeyError, lambda x: act[x], 'abc') def testFromfile(self): "Basic test for the fromfile function." for line, good in self.knownOps: si = StringIO(line) # actions.fromfile just returns a dictionary # instead of an object, so we must str-ify it with # a utility routine. res = str(actions.fromfile(si, "")) self.assertEqual(res, good+"\n") # Should work for empty input. si = StringIO("") res = actions.fromfile(si, "") self.assertEqual(len(res), 0) # Should work for our complex input. si = StringIO(testfile) res = actions.fromfile(si, "") self.assertEqual(str(res), testres) def testGetCnames(self): "Test that .getclassnames() works." res = actions.fromfile(StringIO(testfile), "") rl = res.getclassnames() rl.sort() self.assertEqual(rl, ["class0", "class1", "class2"]) class failureTests(unittest.TestCase): knownBadLines = ( '', 'a', 'a b', 'a:', 'a: foobar', 'a: ipmax : quiet', 'a: quiet : ipmax', 'a: failmsg : ipmax 1', # exhaustively enumerate every failure possibility for each # directive. Yes, I am obsessive. 'a: quiet a', 'a: quiet a a', 'a: drop a', 'a: drop a a', 'a: reject a', 'a: reject a a', 'a: norepeatlog a', 'a: norepeatlog a a', 'a: ipmax', 'a: ipmax a', 'a: ipmax 1 2', 'a: connmax', 'a: connmax a', 'a: connmax 1 2', 'a: run', 'a: msg', 'a: failrun', 'a: failmsg', 'a: faillog', 'a: record', "a: setenv", "a: setenv a", "a: subst", "a: subst a", "a: see", "a: see a b", # compound failures: "a: quiet : quiet", "a: ipmax 1 : ipmax 10", "a: msg a : run b", "a: failmsg a : failrun b", "a: setenv a 1 : setenv a 2", "a: subst a 1 : subst a 2", ) def testBasicOpfail(self): "Test that basic bad lines fail to parse." for line in self.knownBadLines: self.assertRaises(actions.BadAction, actions.parseline, line, 0) def testFromFile(self): "Test that fromfile fails on bad input." self.assertRaises(actions.BadAction, actions.fromfile, StringIO(" a: quiet"), "") for badline in self.knownBadLines: if not badline: continue self.assertRaises(actions.BadAction, actions.fromfile, StringIO(badline), "") def testDupClasses(self): "Test that fromfile rejects a file with duplicate class lines." self.assertRaises(actions.BadAction, actions.fromfile, StringIO("a: quiet\na: ipmax 0\n"), "") # Try to test fromfile's handling of IO errors by providing it with # a fake file object that does nothing except explode. def testFromfileIO(self): "Test that actions.fromfile correctly errors out if given a pseudo-file object that always fails." fakefp = ReadlineError() self.assertRaises(actions.BadAction, actions.fromfile, fakefp, "") # happens even with initial input. fakefp = ReadlineError(["foobar: quiet",]) self.assertRaises(actions.BadAction, actions.fromfile, fakefp, "") # Make sure we at least catch open errors. def testParseFile(self): "Test that actions.parsefile at least behaves right when the file isn't there." self.assertRaises(actions.BadAction, actions.parsefile, "/not/there/at/all") # Test that recursive 'see' is properly caught. # (If this test fails, Python will probably do bad things, but.) def testRecursiveSee(self): "Test to insure that see loops are caught on file load." si = StringIO("class1: see class2\nclass2: see class3\nclass3: see class1\n") self.assertRaises(actions.BadAction, actions.fromfile, si, "") def testNonexistantSee(self): "Test that a class that tries to 'see' a nonexistant class causes the file load to fail." si = StringIO("class1: see class2\n") self.assertRaises(actions.BadAction, actions.fromfile, si, "") # Test evaluation of actions. class FakeRule: def __init__(self, name, label = None): self.lineno = -1 self.clsname = name self.label = label def genrules(lst): return map(FakeRule, lst) actEvalfile = """ class1: record log1 class2: log log2 : run funcarg1 class3: ipmax 10 : faillog log3 class3.5: ipmax 0 : faillog class %(class)s class4: msg funcarg2 class5: reject : quiet class6: record log4 # drop should have no effect on explicit log messages. class7: drop : log log7 : faillog log7-fail : msg doit class7F: drop : log log7F : faillog log7F-fail : ipmax 0 # quiet just suppresses fail messages. class8: quiet : log log8 : faillog log8-fail : msg doit class8F: quiet : log log8F : faillog log8F-fail : ipmax 0 class8FD: quiet : log log8FD : ipmax 0 # But without quiet, we should get the right message. class9: ipmax 0 classA: failmsg a : ipmax 0 classB: failrun b : ipmax 0 classC: run c classD: msg d classE: drop classF: run F %(ip)s classG: run G : ipmax 10 : failmsg gfail classH: run H : ipmax 0 : failmsg hfail classI: drop : failrun i-fail : run i-success # environment variables env1: msg foo : setenv a 1 env2: msg foo : setenv b ip %(ip)s is it env3: msg foo : setenv foobar 1 : setenv barozp 2 """ class testActionEval(unittest.TestCase): knownDoesfails = ( ("a: reject", "reject"), ("a: ipmax 0", "ipmax"), ("a: connmax 0", "connmax"), ("a: ipmax 0 : connmax 10", "ipmax"), ("a: connmax 0 : ipmax 10", "connmax"), ("a: connmax 1 : ipmax 1", None), ("a: drop", None), ) # TOFIX: this test is probably obsolete, but at least it tests # the underlying 'doesfail()' call appropriately. Sort of. def testActRDoesFail(self): "Test ActRule.doesfailall() with basic known values." for s, r in self.knownDoesfails: hi = makehi() ar = actions.parseline(s, 0) self.assertEqual(ar.doesfailall(hi), r) knownLogresults = ( (('class1', 'class3'), ['log1']), (('class1', 'class2'), ['log1', 'log2']), (('class1', 'class2', 'class6'), ['log1', 'log4', 'log2']), (('class1', 'class6', 'class2'), ['log1', 'log4', 'log2']), (('class5',), []), (('class3.5',), ['class class3.5']), (('class7',), ['log7']), (('class7F',), ['log7F-fail']), (('class8',), ['log8']), (('class8F',), ['log8F-fail']), (('class8FD',), []), (('class9',), ["refused: rejected by class9 ipmax limit"]), ) def testLoggedResults(self): "Test what is logged on the generated action." actrules = actions.fromfile(StringIO(actEvalfile), "") for cls, logres in self.knownLogresults: rlist = genrules(cls) hi = makehi(rip = '') r = actrules.genaction(hi, rlist) if not r: self.assertEqual(0, 1, "genaction was null") self.assertEqual(r.logmsgs, logres) def testLogLabelLine(self): "Test that a label is properly logged." actrules = actions.fromfile(StringIO("a: ipmax 0 : faillog %(label)s@%(lineno)s\n"), "") hi = makehi() r = actrules.genaction(hi, (FakeRule('a', 'foobar-label'),)) self.assertEqual(r.logmsgs, ["foobar-label@-1"]) knownFuncResults = ( (("classA",), "failmsg", "a"), (("classB",), "failrun", "b"), (("classC",), "run", "c"), (("classD",), "msg", "d"), (("classE",), None, None), (("classF",), "run", "F"), (("classA", "classC"), "failmsg", "a"), (("classC", "classD"), "run", "c"), (("classG",), "run", "G"), (("classH",), "failmsg", "hfail"), (("classI",), None, None), ) def testFunctionResults(self): "Test that actions evaluation is setting the right functions to run." arules = actions.fromfile(StringIO(actEvalfile), "t") hi = makehi(rip = '') for cls, fres, vres in self.knownFuncResults: rlist = genrules(cls) r = arules.genaction(hi, rlist) self.assertEqual(r.what, fres) self.assertEqual(r.argstring, vres) knownEnvResults = ( ("env1", [("a", "1")]), ("env2", [("b", "ip is it")]), ("classD", []), ("env3", [('barozp', "2"), ("foobar", "1")]), ) def testEnvResults(self): "Test that the environment is set properly." arules = actions.fromfile(StringIO(actEvalfile), "t") hi = makehi(rip = '') for clsname, envres in self.knownEnvResults: rlist = genrules((clsname,)) r = arules.genaction(hi, rlist) l = r.env.keys(); l.sort() rl = [(k, r.env[k]) for k in l] self.assertEqual(rl, envres) def testActGenMsgFailure(self): "Test that we properly raise an error during action evaluation if we are formatting a bad string." si = StringIO("a: ipmax 0 : failmsg %(abcdef)s\n") aroot = actions.fromfile(si, "") rlist = genrules(("a",)) self.assertRaises(actions.BadAction, aroot.genaction, makehi(), rlist) def testNoSubst(self): "Test that we can disable string substitutions." si = StringIO("a: ipmax 0 : faillog %(ip)s\n") aroot = actions.fromfile(si, "") actions.dosubstitutions(0) r = aroot.genaction(makehi(), genrules(("a,"))) self.assertEqual(r.logmsgs, ["%(ip)s"]) # We'd BETTER restore that default! actions.dosubstitutions(1) # Test some basic defaulting behavior. Exhaustive tests are behind me # right now. failDefs = """ class1: faillog f1-log : failmsg f1-msg : ipmax 0 class2: ipmax 0 class3: connmax 0 class4: connmax 0 : quiet class5: ipmax 0 : quiet class6: faillog c6-l : ipmax 0 class7: failmsg c7-m : ipmax 0 class8: reject """ ipDef = "DEFAULT-IPMAX: failmsg ipmax-m : faillog ipmax-l" ipDefPart = "DEFAULT-IPMAX: failmsg ipmax-m2" connDef = "DEFAULT-CONNMAX: failmsg connmax-m : faillog connmax-l" baseDef = "DEFAULTMSGS: failmsg gen-m : faillog gen-l" rejDef = "DEFAULT-REJECT: failmsg rej-m : faillog rej-l" allThree = (ipDef, connDef, baseDef) class testFailDefaults(unittest.TestCase): knownValues = ( ([], "class1", "f1-msg", ["f1-log"]), (allThree, "class1", "f1-msg", ["f1-log"]), (allThree, "class2", "ipmax-m", ["ipmax-l"]), (allThree, "class3", "connmax-m", ["connmax-l"]), # rejections. ((rejDef,), "class8", "rej-m", ["rej-l"]), ((baseDef,), "class8", "gen-m", ["gen-l"]), # quiet *does* affect DEFMSG logs, but not the message. (allThree, "class4", "connmax-m", []), (allThree, "class5", "ipmax-m", []), # fallthroughs are correct. ((ipDef, baseDef), "class2", "ipmax-m", ["ipmax-l"]), ((ipDef, baseDef), "class3", "gen-m", ["gen-l"]), ((connDef, baseDef), "class2", "gen-m", ["gen-l"]), ((connDef, baseDef), "class3", "connmax-m", ["connmax-l"]), # One or the other. ((ipDef,), "class6", "ipmax-m", ["c6-l"]), ((ipDef,), "class7", "c7-m", ["ipmax-l"]), # Incomplete defaults, has a failmsg not a faillog. # (And that we don't fall back to the other reject default, # just the general one.) ((ipDefPart, connDef, baseDef), "class2", "ipmax-m2", ["gen-l"]), ) def testDefaultsMatrix(self): "Test a matrix of known defaulting failmsg and faillog results." hi = makehi() for plusList, cls, argRes, logRes in self.knownValues: t = "\n".join(plusList) si = StringIO(failDefs + t) aroot = actions.fromfile(si, "") r = aroot.genaction(hi, genrules((cls,))) self.assertEqual(r.argstring, argRes) self.assertEqual(r.logmsgs, logRes) # Test data for 'norepeatlog'. As usual, we have a class matrix that # we'll use in sequence when we start banging rocks together. testLogRepFile = """ class1: reject : faillog class1-f class2: reject : faillog class2-f : norepeatlog class3: record class3-r : norepeatlog class4: record class4-r : reject : faillog class4-f : norepeatlog class5: reject : norepeatlog : faillog foobar class6: reject : norepeatlog : faillog foobar class7: run foobar : log foobar : norepeatlog class8: reject : faillog foobar """ class testLogRepeats(unittest.TestCase): knownValues = ( # We properly repeat in the abscence of norepeatlog (('class1', 'class1'), ["class1-f"]), # norepeatlog suppresses repetition (('class2', 'class2'), []), (('class2', 'class2', 'class2'), []), # ... but not the first occurrence. (('class2',), ["class2-f"]), (('class1', 'class2'), ["class2-f"]), # norepeatlog does not suppress record (('class3', 'class3'), ["class3-r"]), # ... but it does suppress the faillog for the class. (('class4', 'class4'), ["class4-r"]), # the suppression clears when an off message is generated. (('class2', 'class1', 'class2'), ["class2-f"]), # ... but is still suppressed for a repeat afterwards. (('class2', 'class1', 'class2', 'class2'), []), # It doesn't matter if the message is generated in a # different class the second time. (('class5', 'class6'), []), # Or even from a success! (('class5', 'class7'), []), # However, even if it is a dup, if the class is not # norepeatlog it's generated. (('class5', 'class8'), ["foobar"]), # And even if the first class isn't, if the second class # is it's suppressed. (('class8', 'class5'), []), ) def testNoRepLog(self): "Test that the norepeatlog directive works right" hi = makehi() for clslst, logres in self.knownValues: si = StringIO(testLogRepFile) # We generate the action root anew each time # to insure that we have a consistent start point. aroot = actions.fromfile(si, "") for cls in clslst: r = aroot.genaction(hi, genrules((cls,))) self.assertEqual(r.logmsgs, logres) splitTFile = """ class1: run foo %(label)s class2: failrun bar %(label)s : reject class3: run baz%(label)s class4: reject : failmsg a b c """ class testArgSplit(unittest.TestCase): knownValues = ( ("class1", "1 2", ["foo", "1 2"], "foo 1 2"), ("class2", "3 4", ["bar", "3 4"], "bar 3 4"), ("class3", "5 6", ["baz5 6"], "baz5 6"), ("class1", " 1 3", ["foo", " 1 3"], "foo 1 3"), ("class4", "1 2", None, "a b c"), ) def testRunArgSplit(self): "Test that run and failrun properly split their arguments before string substitution." aroot = actions.fromfile(StringIO(splitTFile), "") hi = makehi() for rn, rl, alst, astr in self.knownValues: r = aroot.genaction(hi, (FakeRule(rn, rl),)) self.assertEqual(r.argstring, astr) self.assertEqual(r.arglist, alst) testSubstFile = """ class1: reject : subst abc foo-%(ip)s-bar : subst def HUP HIKE class2: subst identd UNKNOWN : run id -x %(identd)s DEFAULT-REJECT: faillog 1: %(abc)s 2: %(def)s """ class testSubst(unittest.TestCase): def testMsgSubsts(self): "Test subst-created additional substitutions." hi = makehi(rip = '') aroot = actions.fromfile(StringIO(testSubstFile), "") r = aroot.genaction(hi, genrules(("class1",))) self.assertEqual(r.logmsgs, ['1: foo- 2: HUP HIKE']) r = aroot.genaction(hi, genrules(("class2",))) self.assertEqual(r.arglist, ['id', '-x', 'UNKNOWN']) # Now make sure that we haven't mutated the substitutions # for class1 somehow (perhaps replacing the pre-expansion # versions with the post-expansion ones). hi = makehi(rip = '') r = aroot.genaction(hi, genrules(('class1',))) self.assertEqual(r.logmsgs, ['1: foo- 2: HUP HIKE']) # This tests the full scope of 'see'. My head hurts. testSeeF = """ class1: see class2 : log froboznik class1.5: reject : see class2 class2: faillog a : run b : failmsg mf-2 class3: see class4 : ipmax 10 : connmax 10 class3.5: see class6 : ipmax 10 class4: quiet : see class5 : run class4-r class5: ipmax 0 : connmax 0 class6: connmax 0 # MY HEAD HURTS department of departments of nngh. classA: setenv a 1 : see classB classB: setenv a 2 : see classC classC: setenv b 10 : run foobar : log # This is the REALLY PERVERSE case. Don't do this at home! classA1: subst abc def : subst def DEFJAM : see classA2 classA2: subst qzi take-%(abc)s : see classA3 classA3: subst abc HIKE : subst kij HERE : run foobar-me : log %(abc)s -- %(qzi)s -- %(def)s -- %(kij)s classA4: see classA3 : subst qzi IKE : subst def 2IKE : subst kij not-here # Mixed cascades. class10: see class11 : drop class11: see class12 : run foobar class12: msg baz class13: run c13-run : see class10 class20: see class21 : failrun 20-fr class21: see class22 : failmsg 21-fm class22: reject : faillog 22-F class23: see class20 : failmsg 23-fm : faillog 23-F class30: see class31 : ipmax 30 class31: connmax 0 : ipmax 0 : see class31a class31a: reject class32: see class31 : connmax 30 class33: see class32 : ipmax 30 # Record showthrough. class40: see class41 class41: record 41-record class42: see class40 : record frobnitz-42 # ipmax / connmax of > 0 class50: see class51 class51: ipmax 1 : connmax 1 : faillog failed %(limit)s : run foo DEFAULT-IPMAX: faillog ipmax-fl DEFAULT-CONNMAX: faillog connmax-fl DEFAULT-REJECT: faillog reject-fl """ class testSeeOptions(unittest.TestCase): knownValues = ( ("class1", "run", "b", ["froboznik"]), ("class1.5", "failmsg", "mf-2", ["a"]), ("class2", "run", "b", []), ("class5", None, None, ["ipmax-fl"]), ("class4", None, None, []), ("class3", 'run', 'class4-r', []), ("class3.5", None, None, ["connmax-fl"]), ("classA", "run", "foobar", ["accepted: by classA"]), # This handily tests all of our string shadowing. Whee. ("classA1", "run", "foobar-me", ["def -- take-def -- DEFJAM -- HERE"]), ("classA4", "run", "foobar-me", ["HIKE -- IKE -- 2IKE -- not-here"]), # cascade of drop/run/msg. ("class10", None, None, []), ("class11", "run", "foobar", []), ("class12", "msg", "baz", []), ("class13", "run", "c13-run", []), # cascade of failmsg/failrun. ("class22", None, None, ["22-F"]), ("class20", "failrun", "20-fr", ["22-F"]), ("class21", "failmsg", "21-fm", ["22-F"]), ("class23", "failmsg", "23-fm", ["23-F"]), # This tests that we fail for the right reason. ("class30", None, None, ["connmax-fl"]), ("class32", None, None, ["ipmax-fl"]), ("class33", None, None, ["reject-fl"]), ("class40", None, None, ["41-record"]), ("class42", None, None, ["frobnitz-42"]), ) def testBasicSees(self): "Test that basic 'see' operations work correctly." si = StringIO(testSeeF) hi = makehi(rip="") aroot = actions.fromfile(si, "") for cls, what, argstr, logmsgs in self.knownValues: r = aroot.genaction(hi, genrules((cls,))) self.assertEqual(r.what, what) self.assertEqual(r.argstring, argstr) self.assertEqual(r.logmsgs, logmsgs) def testEnvShadowing(self): "Test that setenv environment variables properly get set up." si = StringIO(testSeeF) hi = makehi() aroot = actions.fromfile(si, "") r = aroot.genaction(hi, genrules(("classA",))) re = r.env.items(); re.sort() self.assertEqual(re, [("a", "1"), ("b", "10")]) r = aroot.genaction(hi, genrules(("classB",))) re = r.env.items(); re.sort() self.assertEqual(re, [("a", "2"), ("b", "10")]) knownLimVals = ( (0, 0, []), (1, 0, ["failed ipmax"]), (0, 1, ["failed connmax"]), (1, 1, ["failed ipmax"]), ) def testMaxLims(self): "Test that connmax and ipmax are correctly handled in see situations." rip = '' hi = makehi(rip = rip) aroot = actions.fromfile(StringIO(testSeeF), "") clsl = genrules(("class50",)) for ipl, connl, lmsg in self.knownLimVals: conntrack._clearmaps() for i in range(0, ipl): conntrack.up(i, rip, []) for i in range(0, connl): conntrack.up(i+100, 'NOIP', ['class50']) r = aroot.genaction(hi, clsl) self.assertEqual(r.logmsgs, lmsg) # insure that this stays true if we up class51 too. conntrack.up(1000, 'NOIP', ['class51']) conntrack.up(1001, 'NOIP', ['class51']) conntrack.up(1002, 'NOIP', ['class51']) r = aroot.genaction(hi, clsl) self.assertEqual(r.logmsgs, lmsg) if __name__ == "__main__": unittest.main()