# # This requires a bunch of shimming to actually test, and some of it is # impossible. Life is like that. import hinfo import socket from errno import * import unittest import netblock from testutils import * class basicTests(unittest.TestCase): def testIPAddrs(self): "Test that the right IP addresses come back from setting up fixed information." hi = hinfo.frompairs(('', 1000), ('', 2000)) self.assertEqual(hi.getip(), '') self.assertEqual(hi.getport(), '2000') self.assertEqual(hi.getlip(), '') self.assertEqual(hi.getlport(), '1000') ln = netblock.strtoip('') self.assertEqual(hi.getipn(), ln) ln2 = netblock.strtoip('') self.assertEqual(hi.getlipn(), ln2) # Each tuple is what-to-add and what-the-result-should-be. # The thing is cumulative. clsseq = ( (None, []), ('abc', ['abc']), ('10', ['abc', '10']), ('testing', ['abc', '10', 'testing']), ('10', ['abc', '10', 'testing']), ) def testClassLabelling(self): "Test that classes can be labelled and that duplicates are removed." hi = hinfo.frompairs(('', 100), ('', 200)) for add, res in self.clsseq: if add: hi.addclass(add) self.assertEqual(hi.getclasses(), res) # nngh. The entire purpose of the fail function here is explicitly to die # hideously. Yet pychecker bitches at us if this is put anywhere else. __pychecker__ = "no-abstract" class FailSock: def fail(self): raise socket.error, "foobar" def succeed(self): return ('', 100) getpeername = succeed getsockname = succeed __pychecker__ = '' class socketTests(unittest.TestCase): def testSockInfo(self): "Test basic information obtained from a real socket." s = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM) # ssh to gpu should be good. # okay, we'll go for hawkwind instead. don't look at me. rip = "" rip = "" s.connect((rip, 22)) hi = hinfo.fromfd(s) self.assertEqual(hi.getip(), rip) self.assertEqual(hi.getport(), '22') self.assertEqual(hi.getrevip(), "") s.close() # Fortunately we can provide a fake socket object that fails # deliberately. def testFailSockcalls(self): "Test that errors are properly trapped by fromfd when getsockname or getpeername fail." fs = FailSock() # This should work self.assertEqual(hinfo.fromfd(fs) != None, 1) fs.getpeername = fs.fail self.assertEqual(hinfo.fromfd(fs), None) fs.getpeername = fs.succeed fs.getsockname = fs.fail self.assertEqual(hinfo.fromfd(fs), None) from testshims import * class shimTests(unittest.TestCase): def setUp(self): self.ghba = hinfo.socket.gethostbyaddr self.ghbne = hinfo.socket.gethostbyname_ex self.idc = hinfo.idclient.ident hinfo.socket.gethostbyaddr = mygethbaddr hinfo.socket.gethostbyname_ex = mygethbname hinfo.idclient.ident = myidentd def tearDown(self): hinfo.socket.gethostbyaddr = self.ghba hinfo.socket.gethostbyname_ex = self.ghbne hinfo.idclient.ident = self.idc knownValues = ( ('', 'noforward', '', None), ('', 'noforward', 'not-a-forward', None), ('', 'addrmismatch', 'mismatch-reverse', None), ('', 'good', 'is-a-good-name', 'is-a-good-name'), ('', 'unknown', None, None), ('', 'good', 'many-ip-addrs', 'many-ip-addrs'), ('', 'good', 'many-ip-addrs', 'many-ip-addrs'), ) def testKnownHostnames(self): "With shimed socket calls, test hostname resolution." for ip, hns, chn, rhn in self.knownValues: p = hinfo.frompairs(('', 100), (ip, 200)) self.assertEqual(p.gethnstate(), hns) self.assertEqual(p.getclaimedhn(), chn) self.assertEqual(p.gethostname(), rhn) knownIdentdPorts = porttores.keys() + [200,] def testKnownIdentd(self): "With known identd returns, test that we get them properly." for port in self.knownIdentdPorts: p = hinfo.frompairs(('', 100), ('', port)) self.assertEqual(p.getidentd(), myidentd(0, port, 0, 0, None)) def testPrettyPrint(self): "Test the pretty-print output of remote connection information." hi = hinfo.frompairs(('', 100), ('', 202)) # Neither identd nor hostname info. self.assertEqual(hi.pretty(), "") self.assertEqual(hi.pretty(1), "") hi.getidentd() self.assertEqual(hi.pretty(0), "cks@") hi.gethostname() self.assertEqual(hi.pretty(0), "cks@is-a-good-name") self.assertEqual(hi.pretty(1), "cks@") knownInfoVals = ( ('ip', ''), ('remport', 202), ('localip', ''), ('port', 10), ('hnstatus', 'good'), ('hostname', 'is-a-good-name'), ('claimedhn', 'is-a-good-name'), ('identd', 'cks'), ('seensince', 0), ('connsum', 'cks@is-a-good-name'), ('connipsum', 'cks@'), ) def testGetInfo(self): "Test that the getinfo() dictionary exists and has the right contents." hi = makehi(rip = '', rport = 202, lip = '', lport = 10) d = hi.getinfo() self.assertEqual(d['hostname'], '') self.assertEqual(d['connsum'], '') # Fill all the info sources, then refetch the dict. hi.getfirsttime(); hi.gethostname(); hi.getidentd() d = hi.getinfo() for k, v in self.knownInfoVals: self.assertEqual(d[k], v) def testGetLower(self): "Test that the gethostname_l() and getclaimedhn_l() routines work." hi = makehi(rip = '') self.assertEqual(hi.gethostname(), "BIGBUCKS.SMACK.COM") self.assertEqual(hi.gethostname_l(), "bigbucks.smack.com") self.assertEqual(hi.getclaimedhn(), "BIGBUCKS.SMACK.COM") self.assertEqual(hi.getclaimedhn_l(), "bigbucks.smack.com") # Shim calls to get the current time. curtime = 0 def settime(t): global curtime curtime = t def advtime(t): global curtime curtime += t def gettime(): return curtime class testConnAge(unittest.TestCase): def setUp(self): self.otime = hinfo.time.time hinfo.time.time = gettime hinfo.cleariptimes() def tearDown(self): hinfo.time.time = self.otime def testGetNewTimes(self): "Test that HostInfo returns correct basic time info." settime(1000) hi = makehi() # On the first connection, first time diff is 0, and # we have no last time information. self.assertEqual(hi.getfirsttime(), 0) self.assertEqual(hi.getlasttime(), None) advtime(10) hi = makehi() # On a connection 10s forward, both first and last are 10s # back. self.assertEqual(hi.getfirsttime(), 10) self.assertEqual(hi.getlasttime(), 10) advtime(10) hi = makehi() # After another 10 seconds forward, firsttime ages to 20s, but # last time is still 10s back. self.assertEqual(hi.getfirsttime(), 20) self.assertEqual(hi.getlasttime(), 10) def testSettimes(self): "Test that the HostInfo settimes interface works." settime(1000) hi = makehi() # This set of times together is impossible normally, as # firsttime is always >= lasttime. hi.settimes(10, 200) self.assertEqual(hi.getfirsttime(), 10) self.assertEqual(hi.getlasttime(), 200) def testPurgeTimes(self): "Test that expireiptimes() will sweep and delete old times and not new ones." def _mkent(tm, ip): settime(tm) makehi(rip = ip).getfirsttime() def _ftime(ip): return makehi(rip = ip).getfirsttime() # Start empty: self.assertEqual(hinfo.iptimessize(), 0) # This entry should die. _mkent(1000, '') _mkent(1000, '') # As seen as more recently (just) than the threshold, this # should stay. _mkent(1100, '') # As seen recently, this entry should stay too. _mkent(1200, '') settime(1200) self.assertEqual(hinfo.iptimessize(), 3) hinfo.setiptimesdur(101) hinfo.expireiptimes() # We should have dropped one entry, the self.assertEqual(hinfo.iptimessize(), 2) # should be new, the other two not. self.assertEqual(_ftime(''), 0) self.assertEqual(_ftime(''), 200) # We don't use _ftime, because we want to be sure that # this entry has not been renewed somehow. hi = makehi(rip = '') self.assertEqual(hi.getfirsttime(), 100) self.assertEqual(hi.getlasttime(), 100) # Now we should have three again. self.assertEqual(hinfo.iptimessize(), 3) # And another expire should not remove anything: hinfo.expireiptimes() self.assertEqual(hinfo.iptimessize(), 3) knownIPRanges = ( '', '', '', '', '', ) def testVariousIPs(self): "Test a series of IP addresses under time check to insure they work properly." settime(1000) mydict = {} for ir in self.knownIPRanges: for ip in netblock.IPRanges(ir): hi = makehi(rip = ip) self.assertEqual(hi.getlasttime(), None) self.assertEqual(hi.getfirsttime(), 0) mydict[ip] = gettime() advtime(10) # Now, make sure they're there and all accurate still. now = gettime() for ir in self.knownIPRanges: for ip in netblock.IPRanges(ir): hi = makehi(rip = ip) self.assertEqual(hi.getlasttime(), now-mydict[ip]) self.assertEqual(hi.getfirsttime(), now-mydict[ip]) def testIntTime(self): "Test that times are reported as integers, not as floats." hi = makehi(rip = '') settime(10) hi.getlasttime(); hi.getfirsttime() settime(15.9) hi = makehi(rip = '') self.assertEqual(hi.getlasttime(), 5) self.assertEqual(hi.getfirsttime(), 5) class sockShimTests(unittest.TestCase): def setUp(self): self.sockfunc = hinfo.socket.socket self.selfunc = hinfo.select.select def tearDown(self): hinfo.socket.socket = self.sockfunc hinfo.select.select = self.selfunc # Note that this is familiar with the implementation details # of hinfo.connectto(), at least to some degree. knownValues = ( # Connect, data immediately there: true. (EAGAIN, "a", 0, True), # Connect, no data yet: true. (EAGAIN, EAGAIN, 0, True), (EINPROGRESS, EAGAIN, 0, True), # Immediate connection refused: false. (ECONNREFUSED, EAGAIN, 0, False), # connect OK, error on recv: false. (EAGAIN, ECONNREFUSED, 0, False), # connect, select timeout: false. (EAGAIN, "a", 1000, False), ) def testConnectTo(self): "Test the hostinfo answerson functionality." for cR, rR, tmo, res in self.knownValues: hi = makehi() hinfo.select.select = selectfactory(tmo) hinfo.socket.socket = socketfactory(cR, rR) self.assertEqual(hi.answerson(10), res) if __name__ == "__main__": unittest.main()