# # Test the matchers module. # # Because the matchers module is a high-level thing, this requires a working # hinfo and eventually rdparse module. import matchers import hinfo import unittest from testutils import * class tUtils(unittest.TestCase): # As a side effect of how it works, lcheck checks to see that # the MatchInfo data is in place for a given matcher. def lcheck(self, name, list): mfactory = matchers.MatchInfo.terminals[name] for iaddr, val, res in list: mo = mfactory(name, val) if hasattr(mo, "finalize"): mo.finalize() hi = makehi(rip = iaddr) self.assertEqual(mo.eval(hi), res, "failed for %s/%s" % (iaddr, val)) def genfinal(self, name, val): mfactory = matchers.MatchInfo.terminals[name] mo = mfactory(name, val) if hasattr(mo, "finalize"): mo.finalize() return mo class testSimpleMatchers(tUtils): def testAllMatcher(self): "Test the ALL matcher." mo = matchers.AllMatch(None, None) hi = makehi() self.assertEqual(mo.eval(hi), 1) knownIpAddrMatches = ( ('', '', 1), ('', '', 0), ('', '', 1), ('', '', 0), ('', '127.0.0.', 1), ('', '127.0.', 0), ('', '', 1), ('', '', 0), # Make sure the low-hi syntax is recognized. ('', '', 1), # Make sure runt CIDR specifications, ditto. ('', '127.0/8', 1), ) def testIPaddrMatcher(self): "Test ip: matching against a variety of cases." self.lcheck("ip:", self.knownIpAddrMatches) def testLIPMatcher(self): "Test localip: matching to insure it uses the right IP address." li = ''; ri = '' m1 = self.genfinal("localip:", li) m2 = self.genfinal("localip:", ri) hi = makehi(lip = li, rip = ri) self.assertEqual(m1.eval(hi), 1) self.assertEqual(m2.eval(hi), 0) def testClassMatcher(self): "Test the class: matcher for positive and negative matches." mo = matchers.ClassMatch("class:", "foobar") hi = makehi() self.assertEqual(mo.eval(hi), 0) hi.addclass("foobar") self.assertEqual(mo.eval(hi), 1) # Test matcher.LocalMatch. We do this separately because we want # to vary to local IP, not the remote one. localMatcherValues = ( ('', 100, '100@', 1), ('', 100, '200@', 0), ('', 100, '', 1), ('', 100, '100@', 1), ('', 100, '', 0), ('', 100, '*@', 1), ) def testLocalMatcher(self): "Test the local: matcher against a series of known values." for ip, port, val, res in self.localMatcherValues: mo = matchers.LocalMatch('local:', val) hi = hinfo.frompairs((ip, port), ('', '100')) self.assertEqual(mo.eval(hi), res) # In the presence of finalization, this is now kind of ugly. It would # probably be better to rewrite this test using rdparse instead of # magically knowing the rules ourselves. On the other hand, it's a # thorough test. def testIpMerging(self): "Test that ip: and localip: merge correctly and get the right results." bo = matchers.IPAddrMatch('ip:', '') ipL = ('', '', '') for i in ipL: mi = matchers.IPAddrMatch('ip:', i) self.assertEqual(bo.merge(mi), 1) bo.finalize() self.assertEqual(str(bo), 'ip: ip: ip: ip:') for i in ipL: hi = makehi(rip = i) self.assertEqual(bo.eval(hi), 1) for i in ('', '', ''): hi = makehi(rip = i) self.assertEqual(bo.eval(hi), 0) # Localip should not merge down with 'ip:', but should # merge down with each other. bo = matchers.IPAddrMatch("ip:", "") mi = matchers.LIPAddrMatch('localip:', '') mi2 = matchers.LIPAddrMatch('localip:', '11/8') self.assertEqual(bo.merge(mi), 0) self.assertEqual(mi.merge(mi2), 1) mi.finalize() self.assertEqual(str(mi), 'localip: localip: 11/8') # Merge down on the prefixes to make sure that works. mi = matchers.IPAddrMatch('ip:', '128.100.100.') mi2 = matchers.IPAddrMatch('ip:', '128.100.') mi3 = matchers.IPAddrMatch('ip:', '128.') # Our first merge is two non-CIDrs. self.assertEqual(mi.merge(mi2), 1) mi.finalize() self.assertEqual(mi.cidr.tocidr(), ['']) mi._definalize() # Second merge is non-CIDR other, CIDR us. self.assertEqual(mi.merge(mi3), 1) mi.finalize() self.assertEqual(mi.cidr.tocidr(), ['']) mi._definalize() # By flipping this, we test non-cidr merging with cidr. self.assertEqual(mi3.merge(mi), 1) mi3.finalize() self.assertEqual(mi3.cidr.tocidr(), ['']) # Test that we get the /24 case right (it could have been # off and subsumed above). mi = matchers.IPAddrMatch('ip:', '128.100.100.') mi2 = matchers.IPAddrMatch('ip:', '') self.assertEqual(mi.merge(mi2), 1) mi.finalize() self.assertEqual(mi.cidr.tocidr(), ['', '']) from testshims import * # This stuffs shims into place. class Shimit(tUtils): def setUp(self): self.ghba = hinfo.socket.gethostbyaddr self.ghbne = hinfo.socket.gethostbyname_ex self.idc = hinfo.idclient.ident hinfo.socket.gethostbyaddr = mygethbaddr hinfo.socket.gethostbyname_ex = mygethbname hinfo.idclient.ident = myidentd def tearDown(self): hinfo.socket.gethostbyaddr = self.ghba hinfo.socket.gethostbyname_ex = self.ghbne hinfo.idclient.ident = self.idc class testShimMatchers(Shimit): knownHNSet = ( ("KNOWN", None, (('', 0), ('', 0), ('', 1))), ("UNKNOWN", None, (('', 1), ('', 0), ('', 0),)), ("PARANOID", None, (('', 0), ('', 0), ('', 1), ('', 1), ('', 1),)), ("hnstatus:", "noforward", (('', 1), ('', 1), ('', 0),)), ("hnstatus:", "addrmismatch", (('', 0), ('', 0), ('', 0), ('', 1),)), ) def testHNStatus(self): "Test the HNStatusMatch matcher against various values." for n, v, cases in self.knownHNSet: mo = matchers.HNStatusMatch(n, v) for ip, res in cases: hi = makehi(rip = ip) self.assertEqual(mo.eval(hi), res) knownHostnames = ( ('', 'is-a-good-name', 1), ('', 'many-ip-addrs', 1), ('', 'not-a-forward', 0), ('', '', 0), ('', 'franklin.com', 1), ('', 'a.franklin.com', 0), ('', 'klin.com', 0), ('', 'b.a.franklin.com', 1), ('', '.a.franklin.com', 1), ('', '.franklin.com', 1), ('', 'b.a.', 0), ('', 'bigbucks.smack.com', 1), ('', 'FRANKlin.CoM', 1), ('', '.smack.com', 1), ) def testHostnameMatch(self): "Test the HostnameMatch matcher against known values." self.lcheck('hostname:', self.knownHostnames) knownCHostnames = ( ('', 'is-a-good-name', 1), ('', 'not-a-forward', 1), ('', 'mismatch-reverse', 1), ('', '', 1), ('', '', 0), ) def testClaimedHNMatch(self): "Test the ClaimedHNMatch matcher against known values." self.lcheck('claimedhn:', self.knownCHostnames) knownREMatches = ( ('', '^good', 0), ('', 'good', 1), ('', "smack\.com$", 1), ('', 'match', 0), ) def testREMatch(self): "Test the re: matching against known values." self.lcheck("re:", self.knownREMatches) knownCREMatches = ( ('', 'good', 1), ('', '-forward', 1), ('', '127', 0), ) def testClaimedREMatch(self): "Test the claimedre: matcher to insure it matches against claimed hostnames." self.lcheck("claimedre:", self.knownCREMatches) knownForwhnMatches = ( ('', 'no-reverse-name', 0), ('', 'no-reverse-name', 1), ('', 'franklin.com', 1), ('', 'many-ip-addrs', 1), ('', 'many-ip-addrs', 0), ) def testForwMatch(self): "Test the forwhn: matcher for basic values." self.lcheck("forwhn:", self.knownForwhnMatches) knownDBLChecks = ( ('', 'dnsbl1', 1), ('', 'dnsbl1', 0), ('', 'dnsbl1/', 1), ('', 'dnsbl1/', 0), ('', 'dnsbl2/', 1), ('', 'dnsbl2', 1), ) def testDnsblMatch(self): "Test the dnsbl: matcher for basic values." self.lcheck('dnsbl:', self.knownDBLChecks) identdDataSet = ( (202, 'cks', 1), (202, 'foobar', 0), (203, 'cks', 0), (201, 'cks', 0), ) def testIdentdMatches(self): "Test identd matching." for port, iddes, res in self.identdDataSet: mo = matchers.IdentdMatch("identd:", iddes) hi = makehi(rport = port) self.assertEqual(mo.eval(hi), res) def testHasIdentd(self): "Test for matching when we just want to know if we have identd data." mo = matchers.IdentdMatch("IDENTD", None) idports = (202, 203) for port in idports + (204,): hi = makehi(rport = port) self.assertEqual(mo.eval(hi), port in idports) # Test the time-based matchers. knownTBInfo = ( ('firsttime', None, (0, None), 1), ('firsttime', None, (61, 0), 0), ('stallfor:', '60s', (50, 20), 1), ('stallfor:', '60s', (60, 20), 1), ('stallfor:', '60s', (61, 20), 0), # 'waited:' is the inverse of stallfor. ('waited:', '60s', (50, 20), 0), ('waited:', '60s', (60, 20), 0), ('waited:', '60s', (61, 20), 1), # 'seenwithin: and 'notseenfor' are the corresponding # last-time-connected versions. ('seenwithin:', '60s', (65, 50), 1), ('seenwithin:', '60s', (65, 60), 1), ('seenwithin:', '60s', (65, 61), 0), ('notseenfor:', '60s', (65, 50), 0), ('notseenfor:', '60s', (65, 60), 0), ('notseenfor:', '60s', (65, 61), 1), # They treat new connections differently. ('seenwithin:', '60s', (0, None), 0), ('notseenfor:', '60s', (0, None), 1), ) def testTimeBasedMatchers(self): "Test stallfor:, notseenfor:, and firsttime for correct results." for n, v, times, res in self.knownTBInfo: mo = matchers.MatchInfo.terminals[n](n, v) hi = makehi() hi.settimes(times[0], times[1]) self.assertEqual(mo.eval(hi), res, "failed on %s %s / %s" % (n, v, times)) def testAnswersTo(self): "Do a very basic test for answerson:." mo = matchers.MatchInfo.terminals["answerson:"] hi = makehi() # Now we get intimate with the innards: hi._anscache[10] = True hi._anscache[25] = False self.assertEqual(mo("answerson:", "10").eval(hi), True) self.assertEqual(mo("answerson:", "25").eval(hi), False) # Test things that should fail to be recognized. class testMatcherRejects(tUtils): knownBadIPAddrSet = ( 'abc', "localhost.foobar", "localhost.foobar.", "", "", "256.100.", "", "", "", "/24", # inverted hi-low '', # incomplete octets '127.0.0', '206.29.6', # Broken CIDR, with the local part not all zeros. '', '', ) def testBadIPAddrs(self): "Test IPAddrMatch to insure it does not accept bad values." for v in self.knownBadIPAddrSet: self.assertRaises(matchers.BadArg, self.genfinal, "ip:", v) def testBadHNStatus(self): "Test to insure HNStatus rejects bad values." self.assertRaises(matchers.BadArg, matchers.HNStatusMatch, "hnstatus:", "forobtz") def testBadLocalMatch(self): "Test to insure LocalMatch rejects bad values." for a in ('@', '*@', '@*', ''): self.assertRaises(matchers.BadArg, matchers.LocalMatch, None, a) def testBadHostnames(self): "Test to insure hostname: and forwhn: rejects bad names." for a in ('.', '%', ' ajk', ';'): self.assertRaises(matchers.BadArg, matchers.HostnameMatch, None, a) self.assertRaises(matchers.BadArg, matchers.ForwhnMatch, None, a) def testBadRegexp(self): "Test to insure that REMatch properly handles a bad regexp." self.assertRaises(matchers.BadArg, matchers.REMatch, 're:', '[ab') def testBadDNSBl(self): "Test that dnsbl: properly detects badly placed /'s." self.assertRaises(matchers.BadArg, matchers.DNSBlMatch, "dnsbl:", "/") self.assertRaises(matchers.BadArg, matchers.DNSBlMatch, "dnsbl:", "") self.assertRaises(matchers.BadArg, matchers.DNSBlMatch, "dnsbl:", "") # The stallfor: matcher is a proxy for all time based matchers, # because they all use the same basic code. knownBadTimes = ('60', '60k', 'abcs') def testBadStall(self): "Test that the stallfor: matcher rejects bad times." for i in self.knownBadTimes: self.assertRaises(matchers.BadArg, matchers.StallMatch, "stallfor:", i) def testBadAnswerOn(self): "Test that the answerson: matcher rejects bad ports." for i in ("a", "-10", "100000"): self.assertRaises(matchers.BadArg, matchers.AnswersOnMatch, "answeron:", i) # All of this testing is all well and good, but we want to test the # *real* stuff: can we parse and evaluate rules using all of the # functionality here exposed? import rdparse class testParsingEvaling(Shimit): basicOps = ( ("ALL", "ALL"), ("IDENTD", "IDENTD"), ("identd: foo", "identd: foo"), ("local: 1@", "local: 1@"), ("local: 1", "local: 1@"), ("local:", "local: @"), ("KNOWN", "hnstatus: KNOWN"), ("UNKNOWN", "hnstatus: UNKNOWN"), ("PARANOID", "hnstatus: PARANOID"), ("hnstatus: noforward", "hnstatus: noforward"), ("ip: 128.", "ip: 128."), ("ip:", "ip:"), ("localip: 127.", "localip: 127."), ("hostname: foobar.com", "hostname: foobar.com"), ("claimedhn: .foobar.com", "claimedhn: .foobar.com"), ("class: foobar", "class: foobar"), ("re: ^abcdef", "re: '^abcdef'"), ("claimedre: ppp", "claimedre: 'ppp'"), ("re: '(abc|def)'", "re: '(abc|def)'"), ("forwhn: foobar.com", "forwhn: foobar.com"), ("dnsbl: sbl.spamhaus.org", "dnsbl: sbl.spamhaus.org"), ("dnsbl: t.org/", "dnsbl: t.org/"), ("answerson: 25", "answerson: 25"), ("stallfor: 10s", "stallfor: 10s"), # The canonical duration for time-based duration is seconds. ("stallfor: 1m", "stallfor: 60s"), ('waited: 30s', 'waited: 30s'), ("notseenfor: 1h", "notseenfor: 3600s"), ('seenwithin: 10s', 'seenwithin: 10s'), ('seenwithin: 1d', 'seenwithin: 86400s'), ("firsttime", "firsttime"), # test the default cascades. ("", "ip:"), ("127.0.", "ip: 127.0."), ("localhost", "hostname: localhost"), ("foobar.com", "hostname: foobar.com"), (".foobar.com", "hostname: .foobar.com"), # test no-argument things that expand. ("UNKNOWN PARANOID", "hnstatus: UNKNOWN hnstatus: PARANOID"), # This tests IP address merging (sort of) ("128.120. 128.100.", "ip: 128.120. ip: 128.100."), ) def testParsedRepr(self): "Test the ability of all matchers to be parsed and to report themselves." for p, res in self.basicOps: tree = rdparse.parse(p, matchers.matchinfo) self.assertEqual(str(tree), res) def testStableRepr(self): "Test that reparsing the string version of a matcher gets the same result." for p, res in self.basicOps: s1 = str(rdparse.parse(p, matchers.matchinfo)) s2 = str(rdparse.parse(s1, matchers.matchinfo)) self.assertEqual(s1, s2, "%s did not stabilize" % (p,)) # The first two elements of each tuple are the parse and the # parse readout. After that is a list of tuples of (IP address, # result status). knownParseEvals = ( ('localhost', 'hostname: localhost', ('', 1), ('', 0)), (' EXCEPT', '(ip: EXCEPT (ip:', ('', 0), ('', 1)), ('127. EXCEPT KNOWN', '(ip: 127.) EXCEPT (hnstatus: KNOWN)', ('', 0), ('', 1), ('', 0), ('', 1)), ('UNKNOWN PARANOID', 'hnstatus: UNKNOWN hnstatus: PARANOID', ('', 0), ('', 1), ('', 1), ('', 0)), ('ALL EXCEPT KNOWN', '(ALL) EXCEPT (hnstatus: KNOWN)', ('', 0), ('', 1), ('', 1)), ('class: frotz AND KNOWN', "(class: frotz) AND (hnstatus: KNOWN)", ('', 1), ('', 0)), ('127. 128. AND KNOWN', '(ip: 127. ip: 128.) AND (hnstatus: KNOWN)', ('', 1), ('', 0), ('', 0), ('', 1)), ('128.100. AND NOT KNOWN', '(ip: 128.100. ip: AND (!(hnstatus: KNOWN))', ('', 0), ('', 0), ('', 1), ('', 1)), ('128.100. AND NOT KNOWN EXCEPT', '((ip: 128.100. ip: AND (!(hnstatus: KNOWN))) EXCEPT (ip:', ('', 0), ('', 1), ('', 0)), ) def testParseEval(self): "Test that we properly parse and evaluate known strings." for testline in self.knownParseEvals: pstr = testline[0] pres = testline[1] root = rdparse.parse(pstr, matchers.matchinfo) self.assertEqual(str(root), pres) # The following re-parsing test is pure paranoia. # But I'm paranoid. r2 = rdparse.parse(pres, matchers.matchinfo) self.assertEqual(str(r2), pres, "%s did not reparse identical" % (pres,)) for ip, res in testline[2:]: hi = makehi(rip = ip) # We manually add a class so we can use it. hi.addclass("frotz") self.assertEqual(root.eval(hi), res, "%s failed on host %s" % (pstr, ip)) if __name__ == "__main__": unittest.main()