The not so secret origins of /usr/bin
and /usr/sbin
(and /sbin
Once upon a time, Unix was very small and fit entirely in what is now
the root filesystem, /
; hence, among other things, /bin
, which
was where commands went. This didn't last very long, and by the time
of at least the Third Edition in 1973, there was an additional /usr
filesystem with a /usr/bin
for 'overflow' programs that didn't fit on
the root filesystem any more.
(As I heard the story, the root filesystem was deliberately set up to
contain everything you needed to rebuild at least the kernel, in case
you booted a kernel that couldn't mount the user filesystem. Hence as
late as V7 Unix you could find the C compiler as /bin/cc
and so on.)
I'm not sure if very many things migrated from /bin
to /usr/bin
or if it was just that after a certain point normal programs stopped
being added to /bin
. There was probably a mix of both, with the
shrinkage driven by pressure to keep the root filesystem small and
an ever-increasing set of programs that were necessary to boot the
system to the point where it could mount /usr
(Sun was a major contributor to the growth of /bin
when they made
it possible to have diskless machines, especially with NFS. When you
NFS-mount /usr
, a whole lot of network programs suddenly need to be
on the root filesystem.)
Of course, /usr/bin
and /bin
continued to grow as people added
more and more programs to Unix (and booting got more complicated),
which people didn't like. At some point someone noticed that a lot of
these commands weren't useful for ordinary users (so much so that their
manpages were in an entirely different section of the manual from user
commands), and had the good idea of moving them to new directories. Thus
were /sbin
and /usr/sbin
born; the 's' is traditionally said to stand
for 'system'.
(I suspect that the sbin directories were introduced by Sun, probably in SunOS 4. Sun has been responsible for a surprisingly large number of the rationalizations and complications of the Unix directory hierarchy over the years.)
Once consequence of this was that a whole bunch of system programs that
had been scattered in places like /etc
and /usr/lib
got rationalized
into /usr/sbin
and /sbin
, which is generally a good thing even if I
sometimes still try to run /usr/lib/sendmail
by reflex.
(What makes my use of /usr/lib/sendmail
even more perverse is that I'm
not even trying to run Sendmail. For years typing '/usr/lib/sendmail
' was the way I fired up our local mailer's debugging mode, and the
reflex still lurks in my fingers.)