Wandering Thoughts archives


Go is still a young language

Once upon a time, young languages showed their youth by having core incapabilities (important features not implemented, important platforms not supported, or the like). This is no longer really the case today; now languages generally show their youth through limitations in their standard library. The reality is that a standard library that deals with the world of the modern Internet is both a lot of work and the expression of a lot of (painful) experience with corner cases, how specifications work out in practice, and so on. This means that such a library takes time, time to write everything and then time to find all of the corner cases. When (and while) the language is young, its standard library will inevitably have omissions, partial implementations, and rough corners.

Go is a young language. Go 1.0 was only released two years ago, which is not really much time as these things go. It's unsurprising that even today portions of the standard library are under active development (I mostly notice the net packages because that's what I primarily use) and keep gaining additional important features in successive Go releases.

Because I've come around to this view, I now mostly don't get irritated when I run across deficiencies in the corners of Go's standard packages. Such deficiencies are the inevitable consequence of using a young language, and while they're obvious to me that's because I'm immersed in the particular area that exposes them. I can't expect authors of standard libraries to know everything or to put their package to the same use that I am time. And time will cure most injuries here.

(Sometimes the omissions are deliberate and done for good reason, or so I've read. I'm not going to cite my primary example yet until I've done some more research about its state.)

This does mean that development in Go can sometimes require a certain sort of self-sufficiency and willingness to either go diving into the source of standard packages or deliberately find packages that duplicate the functionality you need but without the limitations you're running into. Some times this may mean duplicating some amount of functionality yourself, even if it seems annoying to have to do it at the time.

(Not mentioning specific issues in, say, the net packages is entirely deliberate. This entry is a general thought, not a gripe session. In fact I've deliberately written this entry as a note to myself instead of writing another irritated grump, because the world does not particularly need another irritated grump about an obscure corner of any standard Go package.)

programming/GoYoungLanguage written at 23:06:19; Add Comment

Save your test scripts and other test materials

Back in 2009 I tested ssh cipher speeds (although it later turned out to be somewhat incomplete). Recently I redid those tests on OmniOS, with some interesting results. I was able to do this (and do it easily) because I originally did something that I don't do often enough: I saved the script I used to run the tests for my original entry. I didn't save full information, though; I didn't save information on exactly how I ran it (and there's several options). I can guess a bit but I can't be completely sure.

I should do this more often. Saving test scripts and test material has two uses. First, you can go back later and repeat the tests in new environments and so on. This is not just an issue of getting comparison data, it's also an issue of getting interesting data. If the tests were interesting enough to run once in one environment they're probably going to be interesting in another environment later. Making it easy or trivial to test the new environment makes it more likely that you will. Would I have bothered to do these SSH speed tests on OmniOS and CentOS 7 if I hadn't had my test script sitting around? Probably not, and that means I'd have missed learning several things.

The second use is that saving all of this test information means that you can go back to your old test results with a lot more understanding of what they mean. It's one thing to know that I got network speeds of X Mbytes/sec between two systems, but there are a lot of potential variables in that simple number. Recording the details will give me (and other people) as many of those variables as possible later on, which means we'll understand a lot more about what the simple raw number means. One obvious aspect of this understanding is being able to fully compare a number today with a number from the past.

(This is an aspect of scripts capturing knowledge, of course. But note that test scripts by themselves don't necessarily tell you all the details unless you put a lot of 'how we ran this' documentation into their comments. This is probably a good idea, since it captures all of this stuff in one place.)

sysadmin/SaveYourTests written at 00:49:23; Add Comment

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