Wandering Thoughts archives


I wish you could whitelist kernel modules, instead of blacklisting them

There was another Ubuntu kernel security update released today, this time one for CVE-2017-2636. It's a double-free in the N_HDLC line discipline, which can apparently be exploited to escalate privileges (per the news about it). Another double-free issue was also the cause of CVE-2017-6074; based on what Andrey Konovalov said for the latter, these issues are generally exploitable with standard techniques. Both were found with syzkaller, and all of this suggests that we're going to see more such double-free and use after free issues found in the future.

You've probably never heard of the N_HDLC line discipline, which is probably related to HDLC; certainly I hadn't. You may well not have heard of DCCP either. The Linux kernel contains a great deal of things like this, and modern distributions generally build it all as loadable kernel modules, because why not? Modules are basically free, since they just take up some disk space, and building everything avoids issues that have bit people in the past.

Unfortunately, in a world where more and more obscure Linux kernel code is being subjected to more and more attention, modules are no longer free. All of those neglected but loadable modules are now potential security risks, and the available evidence is that every so often one of them is going to explode in your face. So I said on Twitter:

I'm beginning to think that we should explicitly blacklist almost all Ubuntu kernel modules that we don't use. Too many security issues.

(At the time I was busy adding a blacklist entry for the n_hdlc module to deal with CVE-2017-2636. Given that we now blacklist DCCP, n_hdlc, and overlayfs, things are starting to add up.)

A lot of kernel modules are for hardware that we don't have, which is almost completely harmless since the drivers won't ever be loaded automatically and even if you did manage to load them, they would immediately give up and go away because the hardware they need isn't there. But there are plenty of things like DCCP that will be loaded on demand through the actions of ordinary users, and which are then exposed to be exploited. Today, this is dangerous.

There are two problems with the approach I tweeted. The first is that the resulting blacklist will be very big, since there are a lot of modules (even if one skips device drivers). The second is that new versions of Linux generally keep adding new modules, which you have to hunt down and add to your blacklist. Obviously, what would be better is a whitelist; we'd check over our systems and whitelist only the modules that we needed or expected to need. All other modules would be blocked by default, perhaps with some way to log attempts to load a module so we could find out when one is missing from our whitelist.

(Modern Linux systems load a lot of modules; some of our servers have almost a hundred listed in /proc/modules. But even still, the whitelist would be smaller than any likely blacklist.)

Unfortunately there doesn't seem to be any particular support for this in the Linux kernel module tools. Way back in 2010, Fedora had a planned feature for this and got as far as writing a patch to add this. Unfortunately the Fedora bugzilla entry appears to have last been active in 2012, so this is probably very dead by now (I doubt the patch still applies, for example).

linux/KernelModuleWhitelistWish written at 00:30:10;

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