Wandering Thoughts archives


Using Shellcheck is good for me

A few months ago I wrote an entry about my views on Shellcheck where I said that I found it too noisy to be interesting or useful to me. Well, you know what, I have to take that back. What happened is that as I've been writing various shell scripts since then, I've increasingly found myself reaching for Shellcheck as a quick syntax and code check that I could use without trying to run my script. Shellcheck is a great tool for this, and as a bonus it can suggest some simplifications and improvements.

(Perhaps there are other programs that can do the same sort of checking that shellcheck does, but if so I don't think I've run across them yet. The closest I know of is shfmt.)

Yes, Shellcheck is what you could call nitpicky (it's a linter, not just a code checker, so part of its job is making style judgments). But going along with it doesn't hurt (I've yet to find a situation where a warning was actively wrong) and it's easier to spot real problems if 'shellcheck <script>' is otherwise completely silent. I can live with the cost of sprinkling a bunch of quotes over the use of shell variables, and the result is more technically correct even if it's unlikely to ever make a practical difference.

In other words, using Shellcheck is good for me and my shell scripts even if it can be a bit annoying. Technically more correct is still 'more correct', and Shellcheck is right about the things it complains about regardless of what I think about it.

(With that said, I probably wouldn't bother using Shellcheck and fixing its complaints about unquoted shell variable usage if that was all it did. The key to its success here is that it adds value over and above its nit-picking; that extra value pushes me to use it, and using it pushes me to do the right thing by fixing my variable quoting to be completely correct.)

programming/ShellcheckGoodForMe written at 23:55:25; Add Comment

I still like Python and often reach for it by default

Various local events recently made me think a bit about the future of Python at work. We're in a situation where a number of our existing tools will likely get drastically revised or entirely thrown away and replaced, and that raises local issues with Python 3 as well as questions of whether I should argue for changing our list of standard languages. I have some technical views on the answer, but thinking through this has made me realize something on a more personal level. Namely, I still like Python and it's my go-to default language for a number of things.

I'm probably always going to be a little bit grumpy about the whole transition toward Python 3, but that in no way erases the good parts of Python. Despite the baggage around it, Python 3 has its own good side and I remain reasonably enthused about it. Writing modest little programs in Python has never been a burden; the hard parts are never from Python, they're from figuring out things like data representation and that's the same challenge in any language. In the mean time, Python's various good attributes make it pretty plastic and easily molded as I'm shaping and re-shaping my code as I figure out more of how I want to do things.

(In other words, experimenting with my code is generally reasonably easy. When I may completely change how I approach a problem between my first draft and my second attempt, this is quite handy.)

Also, Python makes it very easy to do string-bashing and to combine it with basic Unix things. This describes a lot of what I do, which means that Python is a low-overhead way of writing something that is much like a shell script but that's more structured, better organized, and expresses its logic more clearly and directly (because it's not caught up in the Turing tarpit of Bourne shell).

(This sort of 'better shell script' need comes up surprisingly often.)

My tentative conclusion about what this means for me is that I should embrace Python 3, specifically I should embrace it for new work. Despite potential qualms for some things, new program that I write should be in Python 3 unless there's a strong reason they can't be (such as having to run on a platform with an inadequate or missing Python 3). The nominal end of life for Python 2 is not all that far off, and if I'm continuing with Python in general (and I am), then I should be carrying around as little Python 2 code as possible.

python/IStillLikePython written at 02:58:38; Add Comment

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