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Browers can't feasibly stop web pages from talking to private (local) IP addresses

I recently read Jeff Johnson's A problem worse than Zoom (via), in which Johnson says:

[...] The major browsers I've tested — Safari, Chrome, Firefox — all allow web pages to send requests not only to localhost but also to any IP address on your Local Area Network! Can you believe that? I'm both astonished and horrified.

(Johnson mostly means things with private IP addresses, which is the only sense of 'on your local and private network' that can be usefully determined.)

This is a tempting and natural viewpoint, but unfortunately this can't be done in practice without breaking things. To understand this, I'll outline a series of approaches and then explain why they fail or cause problems.

To start with, a browser can't refuse to connect to private IP addresses unless the URL was typed in the URL bar because there are plenty of organizations that use private IP addresses for their internal web sites. Their websites may link to each other, load resources from each other, put each other in iframes, and in general do anything you don't want an outside website to do to your local network, and it is far too late to tell everyone that they can't do this all of a sudden.

It's not sufficient for a browser to just block access by explicit IP address, to stop web pages from poking URLs like ''. If you control a domain name, you can make hosts in that have arbitrary IP addresses, including private IP addresses and Some DNS resolvers will screen these out except for 'internal' domains where you've pre-approved them, but a browser can't assume that it's always going to be behind such a DNS resolver.

(Nor can the browser implement such a resolver itself, because it doesn't know what the valid internal domains even are.)

To avoid this sort of DNS injection, let's say that the browser will only accept private IP addresses if they're the result of looking up hosts in top level domains that don't actually exist. If the browser looks up 'nasty.evil.com' and gets a private IP address, it's discarded; the browser only accepts it if it comes from 'good.nosuchtld'. Unfortunately for this idea, various organizations like to put their internal web sites into private subdomains under their normal domain name, like '<host>.corp.us.com' or '<host>.internal.whoever.net'. Among other reasons to do this, this avoids problems when your private top level domain turns into a real top level domain.

So let's use a security zone model. The browser will divide websites and URLs into 'inside' and 'outside' zones, based on what IP address the URL is loaded from (something that the browser necessarily knows at the time it fetches the contents). An 'inside' page or resource may refer to outside things and include outside links, but an outside page or resource cannot do this with inside resources; going outside is a one-way gate. This looks like it will keep internal organizational websites on private IP addresses working, no matter what DNS names they use. (Let's generously assume that the browser manages to get all of this right and there are no tricky cases that slip by.)

Unfortunately this isn't sufficient to keep places like us working. We have a 'split horizon' DNS setup, where the same DNS name resolves to different IP addresses depending on whether you're inside or outside our network perimeter, and we also have a number of public websites that actually live in private IP address space but that are NAT'd to public IPs by our external firewall. These websites are publicly accessible, get linked to by outside things, and may even have their resources loaded by outside public websites, but if you're inside our network perimeter and you look up their name, you get a private IP address and you have to use this IP address to talk to them. This is exactly an 'outside' host referring to an 'inside' resource, which would be blocked by the security zone model.

If browsers were starting from scratch today, there would probably be a lot of things done differently (hopefully more securely). But they aren't, and so we're pretty much stuck with this situation.

web/BrowsersAndLocalIPs written at 21:49:48; Add Comment

Reflections on almost entirely stopping using my (work) Yubikey

Several years ago (back in 2016), work got Yubikeys for a number of us for reasons beyond the scope of this entry. I got designated as the person to figure out how to work with them, and in my usual way with new shiny things, I started using my Yubikey's SSH key for lots of additional things over and above their initial purpose (and I added things to my environment to make that work well). For a long time since then, I've had a routine of plugging my Yubikey in when I got in to work, before I unlocked my screen the first time. The last time I did that was almost exactly a week ago. At first, I just forgot to plug in the Yubikey when I got in and didn't notice all day. But after I noticed that had happened, I decided that I was more or less done with the whole thing. I'm not throwing the Yubikey away (I still need it for some things), but the days when I defaulted to authenticating SSH with the Yubikey SSH key are over. In fact, I should probably go through and take that key out of various authorized_keys files.

The direct trigger for not needing the Yubikey as much any more and walking away from it are that I used it to authenticate to our OmniOS fileservers, and we took the last one out of service a few weeks ago. But my dissatisfaction has been building for some time for an assortment of reasons. Certainly one part of it is that the big Yubikey security issue significantly dented my trust in the whole security magic of a hardware key, since using a Yubikey actually made me more vulnerable instead of less (well, theoretically more vulnerable).

Another part of it is that for whatever reason, every so often the Fedora SSH agent and the Yubikey would stop talking to each other. When this happened various things would start failing and I would have to manually reset everything, which obviously made relying on Yubikey based SSH authentication far from the transparent experience of things just working that I wanted. At some points, I adopted a ritual of locking and then un-locking my screen before I did anything that I knew required the Yubikey.

Another surprising factor is that I had to change where I plugged in my Yubikey, and the new location made it less convenient. When I first started using my Yubikey I could plug it directly into my keyboard at the time, in a position that made it very easy to see it blinking when it was asking for me to touch it to authenticate something. However I wound up having to replace that keyboard (cf) and my new keyboard has no USB ports, so now I have to plug the Yubikey into the USB port at the edge of one of my Dell monitors. This is more awkward to do, harder to reach and touch the Yubikey's touchpad, and harder to even see it blinking. The shift in where I had to plug it in made everything about dealing with the Yubikey just a bit more annoying, and some bits much more annoying.

(I have a few places where I currently use a touch authenticated SSH key, and these days they almost always require two attempts, with a Yubikey reset in the middle because one of the reliable ways to have the SSH agent stop talking to the Yubikey is not to complete the touch authentication stuff in time. You can imagine how enthused I am about this.)

On the whole, the most important factor has been that using the Yubikey for anything has increasingly felt like a series of hassles. I think Yubikeys are still reasonably secure (although I'm less confident and trusting of them than I used to be), but I'm no longer interested in dealing with the problems of using one unless I absolutely have to. Nifty shiny things are nice when they work transparently; they are not so nice when they don't, and it has surprised me how little it took to tip me over that particular edge.

(It's also surprised me how much happier I feel after having made the decision and carrying it out. There's all sorts of things I don't have to do and deal with and worry about any more, at least until the next occasion when I really need the Yubikey for something.)

sysadmin/YubikeyMostlyDropped written at 01:27:37; Add Comment

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