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Go 1.21 may have a clear(x) builtin and there's an interesting reason why

Recently I noticed an interesting Go change in the development version, which adds type checking of a 'clear' builtin function. This was the first I'd heard of such a thing, but the CL had a helpful link to the Go issue, proposal: spec: add clear(x) builtin, to clear map, zero content of slice, ptr-to-array #56351. The title basically says what it's about, but it turns out that there's a surprising and interesting reason why Go sort of needs this.

On the surface you might think that this wasn't an important change, because you can always do this by hand even for maps. While there's no built in way to clear a map, you can use a for loop:

for k := range m {
   delete(m, k)

This for loop is less efficient than clearing a map in one operation, but it turns out that there is a subtle tricky issue that makes it not always work correctly. That issue is maps with floating point NaNs as keys (well, as the value of some keys). The moment a NaN is a key in your map, you can't delete it this way.

(Really, you can see it in this playground example using math.NaN().)

The cause of this issue with NaNs in maps is that Go follows the IEEE-754 standard for floating point comparison, and under this standard a NaN is never equal to anything, even another NaN or even itself. Although formally speaking delete() isn't defined in terms of specific key equality (in general maps don't quite specify things like that), in practice it works that way. Since delete() is implicitly based on key equality and NaNs never compare equal to each other, delete() can never remove key values that are NaNs, even if you got the key value from a 'range' over the map.

Of course you're probably not going to deliberately use NaN as a key value in a map. But you may well use floating point values as keys, and NaNs might sneak into your floating point values in all sorts of ways. If they do, and you have code that clears a map this way, you're going to get a surprise (hopefully a relatively harmless one). There's no way to fix this without changing how maps with floating point keys handle NaNs, and even that opens up various questions. Adding a clear() builtin is more efficient and doesn't open up the NaN can of worms.

This NaN issue was a surprise to me. Had you asked me before I'd read the proposal, I would have expected 'clear()' to be added only for efficiency and clarity. I had no idea there was also a correctness reason to have it.

(While the current change will likely be in Go 1.20, a clear builtin likely won't appear until Go 1.21 at the earliest.)

PS: If you suspect that this implies interesting and disturbing things for NaNs as key values in maps, you're correct. But that's for another entry.

programming/GoFutureClearBuiltin written at 23:36:52;

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