When I reimplement one of my programs, I often wind up polishing it too
Today I discovered a weird limitation of some IP address lookup
stuff on the Linux machines I use (a limitation
that's apparently not universal). In response to this, I rewrote
the little Python program that I had previously been using for
looking up IP addresses as a Go program, because I was relatively
confident I could get Go to work (although it turns out I couldn't
use net.LookupAddr()
had to be slightly more complicated). I could have made the Go
program a basically straight port of the Python one, but as I was
writing it, I couldn't resist polishing off some of the rough edges
and adding missing features (some of which the Python program could
have had, and some which would have been awkward to add).
This isn't even the first time this particular program has been polished as part of re-doing it; it was one of the Python programs I added things to when I moved them to Python 3 and the argparse package. That was a lesser thing than the Go port and the polishing changes were smaller, but they were still there.
This 'reimplementation leads to polishing' thing is something I've experienced before. It seems that more often than not, if I'm re-doing something I'm going to make it better (or at least what I consider better), unless I'm specifically implementing something with the goal of being essentially an exact duplicate but in a faster environment (which happened once). It doesn't have to be a reimplementation in a different language, although that certainly helps; I've re-done Python programs and shell scripts and had it lead to polishing.
One trigger for polishing is writing new documentation and code comments. In a pattern that's probably familiar to many programmers, when I find myself about to document some limitation or code issue, I'll frequently get the urge to fix it instead. Or I'll write the documentation about the imperfection, have it quietly nibble at me, and then go back to the code so I can delete that bit of the documentation after all. But some of what drives this polishing is the sheer momentum of having the code open in my editor and already changing or writing it.
Why doesn't happen when I write the program the first time? I think part of it is that I understand the problem and what I want to do better the second time around. When I'm putting together the initial quick utility, I have no experience with it and I don't necessarily know what's missing and what's awkward; I'm sort of building a 'minimum viable product' to deal with my immediate need (such as turning IP addresses into host names with validation of the result). When I come back to re-do or re-implement some or all of the program, I know both the problem and my needs better.