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Some thoughts on when you can and can't lower OpenSSH's 'LoginGraceTime'

In a comment on my entry on sshd's 'MaxStartups' setting, Etienne Dechamps mentioned that they lowered LoginGraceTime, which defaults to two minutes (which is rather long). At first I was enthusiastic about making a similar change to lower it here, but then I start thinking it through and now I don't think it's so simple. Instead, I think you can look at three broad situations for the amount of time to log in you give people connecting to your SSH server.

The best case for a quite short login grace time is if everyone connecting authenticates through an already unlocked and ready SSH keypair. If this is the case, the only thing slowing down logins is the need to bounce a certain amount of packets back and forth between the client and you, possibly on slow networks. You're never waiting for people to do something, just for computers to do some calculations and for the traffic to get back and forth. Etienne Dechamps' 20 seconds ought to be long enough for this even under unfavourable network situations and in the face of host load.

(If you do only use keypairs, you can cut off a lot of SSH probes right away by configuring sshd to not even offer password authentication as an option.)

The intermediate case is if people have to unlock their keypair or hardware token, touch their hardware token to confirm key usage, say yes to a SSH agent prompt, or otherwise take manual action that is normally short. In addition to the network and host delays you had with unlocked and ready keypairs, now you have to give fallible people time to notice the need for action and respond to carry it out accurately. Even if 20 seconds is often enough for this, it feels rushed to me and I think you're likely to see some amount of people failing to log in; you really want something longer, although I don't know how much longer.

The worst case is if people authenticate with passwords. Here you have fallible humans carefully typing in their password, getting it wrong (because they have N passwords they've memorized and have to pick the right one, among other things), trying again, and so on. Sometimes this will be a reasonably fast process, much like in the intermediate case, but some of the time it will not be. Setting a mere 20 second timeout on this will definitely cut people off at the knees some of the time. Plus, my view is that you don't want people entering their passwords to feel that they're in a somewhat desperate race against time; that feels like it's going to cause various sorts of mistakes.

For our sins, we have plenty of people who authenticate to us today using passwords. As a result I think we're not in a good position to lower sshd's LoginGraceTime by very much, and so it's probably simpler to leave it at two minutes. Two minutes is fine and generous for people, and it doesn't really cost us anything when dealing with SSH probes (well, once we increase MaxStartups).

sysadmin/OpenSSHLoginGraceTimeThoughts written at 21:48:37;

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