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Where NS records show up in DNS replies depends on who you ask

Suppose, not hypothetically, that you're trying to check the NS records for a bunch of subdomains to see if one particular DNS server is listed (because it shouldn't be). In DNS, there are two places that have NS records for a subdomain; the nameservers for the subdomain itself (which lists NS records as part of the zone's full data), and the nameservers for the parent domain, which have to tell resolvers what the authoritative DNS servers for the subdomain are. Today I discovered that these two sorts of DNS servers can return NS records in different parts of the DNS reply.

(These parent domain NS records are technically not glue records, although I think they may commonly be called that and DNS people will most likely understand what you mean if you call them 'NS glue records' or the like.)

A DNS server's answer to your query generally has three sections, although not all of them may be present in any particular reply. The answer section contains the 'resource records' that directly answer your query, the 'authority' section contains NS records of the DNS servers for the domain, and the 'additional' section contains potentially helpful additional data, such as the addresses of some of the DNS servers in the authority section. Now, suppose that you ask a DNS server (one that has the data) for the NS records for a (sub)domain.

If you send your NS record query to either a DNS resolver (a DNS server that will make recursive queries of its own to answer your question) or to an authoritative DNS server for the domain, the NS records will show up in the answer section. You asked a (DNS) question and you got an answer, so this is exactly what you'd expect. However, if you send your NS record query to an authoritative server for the parent domain, its reply may not have any NS records in the answer section (in fact the answer section can be empty); instead, the NS records show up in the authority section. This can be surprising if you're only printing the answer section, for example because you're using 'dig +noall +answer' to get compact, grep'able output.

(If the server you send your query to is authoritative for both the parent domain and the subdomain, I believe you get NS records in the answer section and they come from the subdomain's zone records, not any NS records explicitly listed in the parent.)

This makes a certain amount of sense in the DNS mindset once you (I) think about it. The DNS server is authoritative for the parent domain but not for the subdomain you're asking about, so it can't give you an 'answer'; it doesn't know the answer and isn't going to make a recursive query to the subdomain's listed DNS servers. And the parent domain's DNS server may well have a different list of NS records than the subdomain's authoritative DNS servers have. So all the parent domain's DNS server can do is fill in the authority section with the NS records it knows about and send this back to you.

So if you (I) are querying a parent domain authoritative DNS server for NS records, you (I) should remember to use 'dig +noall +authority +answer', not my handy 'cdig' script that does 'dig +noall +answer'. Using the latter will just lead to some head scratching about how the authoritative DNS server for the university's top level domain doesn't seem to want to tell me about its DNS subdomain delegation data.

sysadmin/DNSRepliesWhereNSRecordsShowUp written at 22:08:38;

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