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Mixed content upgrades on the web in mid 2024

To simplify, mixed content happens when a web page is loaded over HTTPS but it uses 'http:' URLs to access resources like images, CSS, Javascript, and other things included on the page. Mixed content is a particular historical concern of ours for moving our main web server to HTTPS, because of pages maintained by people here that were originally written for a non-HTTPS world and which use those 'http:' URLs. Mixed content came to my mind recently because of Mozilla's announce that Firefox will upgrade more Mixed Content in Version 127, which tells you, in the small print, that Firefox 127 normally now either upgrades mixed content to HTTPS or blocks it; there is no more mixed content warnings. This is potentially troublesome for us when you couple it with Firefox moving towards automatically trying the main URL using HTTPS.

However, it turns out that this change to mixed content behavior is probably less scary to us than I thought, because it looks like Firefox is late to this party. Per this Chromium blog entry and the related Chromium feature status page, Chrome has been doing this since Chrome 86, which it appears was released back in late 2020. As for Safari, it appears that Safari just unconditionally blocks mixed content without trying to upgrade it under default circumstances (based on some casual Internet searching).

(The non-default circumstance is if the web server explicitly says to upgrade things with a 'upgrade-insecure-requests' Content-Security-Policy, which has been supported on all browsers for a long time. However this only applies to the website's own URLs; if the web page fetches things from other URLs as 'http:', I'm not sure if this will upgrade them.)

So people accessing our sites over HTTPS have probably mostly been subjected to mixed content upgrades and blocks for years. Only the Firefox people have been seeing mixed content (with mixed content warnings), and now they're probably getting a better experience.

What we really have to look out for is when browsers will start trying HTTP to HTTPS upgrades for URLs that are explicitly entered as 'http:' URLs. For people hitting our websites, such 'http:' URLs could come from bookmarks, links on other (old) websites, or URLs in published papers (or just papers that circulate online) or other correspondence.

(As long as browsers preserve a fallback to HTTP, this won't strictly be the death knell of HTTP on the web. It will probably be a death knell of things like old HTTP only image URLs that assorted people on the net keep using as image sources, but the people with those URLs may consider this a feature.)

web/MixedContentUpgrades2024 written at 22:28:16;

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