Wandering Thoughts archives

2024-07-31: We may want /usr/bin/python to be Python 3 sooner than I expected
2024-07-30: On not automatically reconnecting to IPMI Serial-over-LAN consoles
2024-07-29: Handling (or not) the serial console of our serial console server
2024-07-28: Our slowly growing Unix monoculture
2024-07-27: Backward compatibility, even for settings, has real costs
2024-07-26: The uncertain possible futures of Unix graphical desktops
2024-07-25: How I almost set up a recursive syslog server
2024-07-24: The Online Certificate Status Protocol (OCSP) is basically dead now
2024-07-23: Seeing and matching pf rules when using tcpdump on OpenBSD's pflog interface
2024-07-22: The challenges of working out how many CPUs your program can use on Linux
2024-07-21: Our giant login server: solving resource problems with brute force
2024-07-20: My home wireless network and convenience versus security
2024-07-19: Part of (computer) security is convincing people that it works
2024-07-18: The Linux Out-Of-Memory killer process list can be misleading
2024-07-17: SSH has become our universal (Unix) external access protocol
My self-inflicted UPS and computer conundrum
2024-07-15: People at universities travel widely and unpredictably
2024-07-14: The Firefox source code's 'StaticPrefs' system (as of Firefox 128)
2024-07-13: That software forges are often better than email is unfortunate
2024-07-12: Network switches aren't simple devices (not even basic switches)
2024-07-11: Brute force attackers seem to switch targets rapidly if you block them
2024-07-10: Fedora 40 probably doesn't work with software RAID 0.90 format superblocks
2024-07-09: Some (big) mail senders do use TLS SNI for SMTP even without DANE
2024-07-08: Using WireGuard as a router to get around reachability issues
2024-07-07: I think (GNU) Emacs bankruptcy is inevitable in the longer term
2024-07-06: "Out of band" network management is not trivial
2024-07-05: Gtk 4 has decided to blow up some people's world on HiDPI displays
2024-07-04: Structured log formats are not really "plaintext" logs
2024-07-03: Fedora 40 and a natural but less than ideal outcome with 'alternatives'
2024-07-02: Unix's fsync(), write ahead logs, and durability versus integrity
2024-07-01: Modifying and setting alarm times: a phone UI irritation

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