Wandering Thoughts archives

2024-08-31: In practice, abstractions hide their underlying details
2024-08-30: Mercurial's extdiff extension and reporting filenames in diffs
2024-08-29: The web fun fact that domains can end in dots and canonicalization failures
2024-08-28: How not to upgrade (some) held packages on Ubuntu (and Debian)
2024-08-27: Some reasons why we mostly collect IPMI sensor data locally
2024-08-26: What's going on with 'quit' in an interactive CPython session (as of 3.12)
2024-08-25: How to talk to a local IPMI under FreeBSD 14
2024-08-24: JSON is usually the least bad option for machine-readable output formats
2024-08-23: My (current) view on open source moral obligations and software popularity
2024-08-22: I used libvirt's 'virt-install' briefly and it worked nicely
2024-08-21: What a POSIX shell has to do with $PWD
2024-08-20: Some brief notes on 'numfmt' from GNU Coreutils
2024-08-19: It's not simple to add function keyword arguments to Go
2024-08-18: A downside or two of function keyword arguments (and default values)
2024-08-17: Why and how I keep around spare libvirt based virtual machines
2024-08-16: FreeBSD's 'root on ZFS' default appeals to me for an odd reason
2024-08-15: Workarounds are often forever (unless you work to make them otherwise)
2024-08-14: Traceroute, firewalls, and the modern Internet: a horrible realization
A note to myself about using traceroute to check for port reachability
2024-08-13: Some thoughts on OpenSSH 9.8's PerSourcePenalties feature
2024-08-12: Uncertainties and issues in using IPMI temperature data
2024-08-11: ZFS properties sometimes change their default values over time
2024-08-10: Allocating disk space (and all resources) is ultimately a political decision
2024-08-09: The Broadcom 'bnxt' Ethernet driver and RDMA (in Ubuntu 24.04)
2024-08-08: How Linux kernel driver modules for hardware get loaded (I think)
2024-08-07: Maybe understanding Crowdstrike's argument arity problem
2024-08-06: Host names in syslog messages may not be quite what you expect
2024-08-05: Staged rollouts of things still have limitations
2024-08-04: The speed of updates for signatures of bad things matters (a lot)
2024-08-03: A surprise with the temperature distribution in our machine room
2024-08-02: Modern web PKI (TLS) is very different than it used to be
2024-08-01: OCSP Stapling always faced a bunch of hard problems

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