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Modern web PKI (TLS) is very different than it used to be

In yesterday's entry on the problems OCSP Stapling always faced, I said that OCSP Stapling felt like something from an earlier era of the Internet. In a way, this is literally true. The OCSP Stapling RFC was issued in January 2011, so the actual design work is even older. In 2011, Let's Encrypt was a year away from being started and the Snowden leaks about pervasive Internet interception (and 'SSL added and removed here') had not yet happened. HTTPS was a relative luxury, primarily deployed for security sensitive websites such as things that you had to log in to (and even that wasn't universal). Almost all Certificate Authorities charged money (and the ones that had free certificates sometimes failed catastrophically), the shortest TLS certificate you could get generally lasted for a year, and there were probably several orders of magnitude fewer active TLS certificates than there are today.

(It was also a different world in that browsers were much more tolerant of Certificate Authority misbehavior, so much so that I could write that I couldn't think of a significant CA that had been de-listed by browsers.)

The current world of web PKI is a very different place from that. Let's Encrypt, the current biggest CA, currently has almost 380 million active TLS certificates, HTTPS is increasingly expected and required by people and browsers (in order to enable various useful new bits of Javascript and so on), and a large portion of web traffic is HTTPS instead of HTTP. For good reasons, it's become well understood that everything should be HTTPS if at all possible. Commercial Certificate Authorities (ones that charge money for TLS certificates) face increasingly hard business challenges, since Let's Encrypt is free, and even their volume is probably up. With HTTPS connections being dominant, everything related to that is now on the critical path to them working and being speedy, placing significant demands on things like OCSP infrastructure.

(These demands would be much, much worse if Chrome, the dominant browser, checked the OCSP status of certificates. We don't really have an idea of how many CAs could stand up to that volume and how much it would cost them.)

In the before world of 2011, being a Certificate Authority was basically a license to print money if you could manage some basic business and operations competence. In the modern world of 2024, being a general Certificate Authority is a steadily increasing money sink with a challenging business model.

web/ModernWebPKIVeryDifferent written at 22:45:07;

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