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JSON is usually the least bad option for machine-readable output formats

Over on the Fediverse, I said something:

In re JSON causing problems, I would rather deal with JSON than yet another bespoke 'simpler' format. I have plenty of tools that can deal with JSON in generally straightforward ways and approximately none that work on your specific new simpler format. Awk may let me build a tool, depending on what your format is, and Python definitely will, but I don't want to.

This is re: <Royce Williams Fediverse post>

This is my view as a system administrator, because as a system administrator I deal with a lot of tools that could each have their own distinct output format, each of which I have to parse separately (for example, smartctl's bespoke output, although that output format sort of gets a pass because it was intended for people, not further processing).

JSON is not my ideal output format. But it has the same virtue as gofmt does; as Rob Pike has said, "gofmt's style is no one's favorite, yet gofmt is everyone's favorite" (source, also), because gofmt is universal and settles the arguments. Everything has to have some output format, so having a single one that is broadly used and supported is better than having N of them. And jq shows the benefit of this universality, because if something outputs JSON, jq can do useful things with it.

(In turn, the existence of jq makes JSON much more attractive to system administrators than it otherwise would be. If I had no ready way to process JSON output, I'd be much less happy about it and it would stop being the easy output format to deal with.)

I don't have any particular objection to programs that want to output in their own format (perhaps a simpler one). But I want them to give me an option for JSON too, and most of the time I'm going to go with JSON. I've already written enough ad-hoc text processing things in awk, and a few too many heavy duty text parsing things in Python. I don't really want to write another one just for you. If your program does use only a custom output format, I want there to be a really good reason why you did it, not just that you don't like the aesthetics of JSON. As Rob Pike says, no one likes gofmt's style, but we all like that everyone uses it.

(It's my view that JSON's increased verbosity over alternates isn't a compelling reason unless there's either a really large amount of data or you have to fit into very constrained space, bandwidth, or other things. In most environments, disk space and bandwidth are much cheaper than people's time and the liability of yet another custom tool that has to be maintained.)

PS: All of this is for output formats that are intended to be further processed. JSON is a terrible format for people to read directly, so terrible that my usual reaction to having to view raw JSON is to feed it through 'jq . | less'. But your tool should almost always also have an option for some machine readable format (trust me, someday system administrators will want to process the information your tool generates).

sysadmin/JSONLeastBadFormat written at 22:28:00;

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