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How ATX power supply control seems to work on desktop motherboards

Somewhat famously, the power button on x86 PC desktop machines with ATX power supplies is not a 'hard' power switch that interrupts or enables power through the ATX PSU but a 'soft' button that is controlled by the overall system. The actual power delivery is at least somewhat under software control, both the operating system (which enables modern OSes to actually power off the machine under software control) and the 'BIOS', broadly defined, which will do things like signal the OS to do an orderly shutdown if you merely tap the power button instead of holding it down for a few seconds. Because they're useful, 'soft' power buttons and the associated things have also spread to laptops and servers, even if their PSUs are not necessarily 'ATX' as such. After recent events, I found myself curious about actually did handle the chassis power button and associated things. Asking on the Fediverse produced a bunch of fascinating answers, so today I'm starting with plain desktop motherboards, where the answer seems to be relatively straightforward.

(As I looked up once, physically the power button is normally a momentary-contact switch that is open (off) when not pressed. A power button that's stuck 'pressed' can have odd effects.)

At the direct electrical level, ATX PSUs are either on, providing their normal power, or "off", which is not really completely off but has the PSU providing +5V standby power (with a low current limit) on a dedicated pin (pin 9, the ATX cable normally uses a purple wire for this). To switch an ATX PSU from "off" to on, you ground the 'power on' pin and keep it grounded (pin 16; the green wire in normal cables, and ground is black wires). After a bit of stabilization time, the ATX PSU will signal that all is well on another pin (pin 8, the grey wire). The ATX PSU's standby power is used to power the RTC and associated things, to provide the power for features like wake-on-lan (which requires network ports to be powered up at least a bit), and to power whatever handles the chassis power button when the PSU is "off".

On conventional desktop motherboards, the actual power button handling appears to be in the PCH or its equivalent (per @rj's information on the ICH, and also see Whitequark's ICH/PCH documentation links). In the ICH/PCH, this is part of general power management, including things like 'suspend to RAM'. Inside the PCH, there's a setting (or maybe two or three) that controls what happens when external power is restored; the easiest to find one is called AFTERG3_EN, which is a single bit in one of the PCH registers. To preserve this register's settings over loss of external power, it's part of what the documentation calls the "RTC well", which is apparently a chunk of stuff that's kept powered as part of the RTC, either from standby power or from the RTC's battery (depending on whether or not there's external power available). The ICH/PCH appears to have a direct "PWRBTN#" input line, which is presumably eventually connected to the chassis power button, and it directly implements the logic for handling things like the 'press and hold for four seconds to force a power off' feature (which Intel describes as 'transitioning to S5', the "Soft-Off" state).

('G3' is the short Intel name for what Intel calls "Mechanical Off", the condition where there's no external power. This makes the AFTERG3_EN name a bit clearer.)

As far as I can tell there's no obvious and clear support for the modern BIOS setting of 'when external power comes back, go to your last state'. I assume that what actually happens is that the ICH/PCH register involved is carefully updated by something (perhaps ACPI) as the system is powered on and off. When the system is powered on, early in the sequence you'd set the PCH to 'go to S0 after power returns'; when the system is powered off, right at the end you'd set the PCH to 'stay in S5 after power returns'.

(And apparently you can fiddle with this register yourself (via).)

All of the information I've dug up so far is for Intel ICH/PCH, but I suspect that AMD's chipsets work in a similar manner. Something has to do power management for suspend and sleep, and it seems that the chipset is the natural spot for it, and you might as well put the 'power off' handling into the same place. Whether AMD uses the same registers and the same bits is an open question, since I haven't turned up any chipset documentation so far.

tech/ATXDesktopPowerControlHow written at 23:11:37;

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