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Rate-limiting failed SMTP authentication attempts in Exim 4.95

Much like with SSH servers, if you have a SMTP server exposed to the Internet that supports SMTP authentication, you'll get a whole lot of attackers showing up to do brute force password guessing. It would be nice to slow these attackers down by rate-limiting their attempts. If you're using Exim, as we are, then this is possible to some degree. If you're using Exim 4.95 on Ubuntu 22.04 (instead of a more recent Exim), it's trickier than it looks.

One of Exim's ACLs, the ACL specified by acl_smtp_auth, is consulted just before Exim accepts a SMTP 'AUTH <something>' command. If this ACL winds up returning a 'reject' or a 'defer' result, Exim will defer or reject the AUTH command and the SMTP client will not be able to try authenticating. So obviously you need to put your ratelimit statement in this ACL, but there are two complications. First, this ACL doesn't have access to the login name the client is trying to authenticate (this information is only sent after Exim accepts the 'AUTH <whatever>' command), so all you can ratelimit is the source IP (or a network area derived from it). Second, this ACL happens before you know what the authentication result is, so you don't want to actually update your ratelimit in it, just check what the ratelimit is.

This leads to the basic SMTP AUTH ACL of:

acl_smtp_auth = acl_check_auth
begin acl
  # We'll cover what this is for later
    set acl_c_auth = true

    ratelimit = 10 / 10m / per_cmd / readonly / $sender_host_address
    delay = 10s
    message = You are failing too many authentication attempts.
    # you might also want:
    # log_message = ....

  # don't forget this or you will be sad
  # (because no one will be able to authenticate)

(The 'delay = 10s' usefully slows down our brute force SMTP authentication attackers because they seem to wait for the reply to their SMTP AUTH command rather than giving up and terminating the session after a couple of seconds.)

This ratelimit is read-only because we don't want to update it unless the SMTP authentication fails; otherwise, you will wind up (harshly) rate-limiting legitimate people who repeatedly connect to you, authenticate, perhaps send an email message, and then disconnect. Since we can't update the ratelimit in the SMTP AUTH ACL, we need to somehow recognize when authentication has failed and update the ratelimit in that place.

In Exim 4.97 and later, there's a convenient and direct way to do this through the events system and the 'auth:fail' event that is raised by an Exim server when SMTP authentication fails. As I understand it, the basic trick is that you make the auth:fail event invoke a special ACL, and have the user ACL update the ratelimit. Unfortunately Ubuntu 22.04 has Exim 4.95, so we must be more clever and indirect, and as a result somewhat imperfect in what we're doing.

To increase the ratelimit when SMTP authentication has failed, we add an ACL that is run at the end of the connection and increases the ratelimit if an authentication was attempted but did not succeed, which we detect by the lack of authentication information. Exim has two possible 'end of session' ACL settings, one that is used if the session is ended with a SMTP QUIT command and one that is ended if the SMTP session is just ended without a QUIT.

So our ACL setup to update our ratelimit looks like this:

acl_smtp_quit = acl_count_failed_auth
acl_smtp_notquit = acl_count_failed_auth

begin acl

    condition = ${if bool{$acl_c_auth} }
    !authenticated = *
    ratelimit = 10 / 10m / per_cmd / strict / $sender_host_address


Our $acl_c_auth SMTP connection ACL variable tells us whether or not the connection attempted to authenticate (sometimes legitimate people simply connect and don't do anything before disconnecting), and then we also require that the connection not be authenticated now to screen out people who succeeded in their SMTP authentication. The settings for the two 'ratelimit =' settings have to match or I believe you'll get weird results.

(The '10 failures in 10 minutes' setting works for us but may not work for you. If you change the 'deny' to 'warn' in acl_check_auth and comment out the 'message =' bit, you can watch your logs to see what rates real people and your attackers actually use.)

The limitation on this is that we're actually increasing the ratelimit based not on the number of (failed) SMTP authentication attempts but on the number of connections that tried but failed SMTP authentication. If an attacker connects and repeatedly tries to do SMTP AUTH in the session, failing each time, we wind up only counting it as a single 'event' for ratelimiting because we only increase the ratelimit (by one) when the session ends. For the brute force SMTP authentication attackers we see, this doesn't seem to be an issue; as far as I can tell, they disconnect their session when they get a SMTP authentication failure.

sysadmin/Exim495RatelimitSMTPAuth written at 23:01:32;

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