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What admin access researchers have to their machines here

Recently on the Fediverse, Stephen Checkoway asked what level of access fellow academics had to 'their' computers to do things like install software (via). This is an issue very relevant to where I work, so I put a short-ish answer in the Fediverse thread and now I'm going to elaborate it at more length. Locally (within the research side of the department) we have a hierarchy of machines for this sort of thing.

At the most restricted are the shared core machines my group operates in our now-unusual environment, such as the mail server, the IMAP server, the main Unix login server, our SLURM cluster and general compute servers, our general purpose web server, and of course the NFS fileservers that sit behind all of this. For obvious reasons, only core staff have any sort of administrative access to these machines. However, since we operate a general Unix environment, people can install whatever they want to in their own space, and they can request that we install standard Ubuntu packages, which we mostly do (there are some sorts of packages that we'll decline to install). We do have some relatively standard Ubuntu features turned off for security reasons, such as "user namespaces", which somewhat limits what people can do without system privileges. Only our core machines live on our networks with public IPs; all other machines have to go on separate private "sandbox" networks.

The second most restricted are researcher owned machines that want to NFS mount filesystems from our NFS fileservers. By policy, these must be run by the researcher's Point of Contact, operated securely, and only the Point of Contact can have root on those machines. Beyond that, researchers can and do ask their Point of Contact to install all sorts of things on their machines (the Point of Contact effectively works for the researcher or the research group). As mentioned, these machines live on "sandbox" networks. Most often they're servers that the researcher has bought with grant funding, and there are some groups that operate more and better servers than we (the core group) do.

Next are non-NFS machines that people put on research group "sandbox" networks (including networks where some machines have NFS access); people do this with both servers and desktops (and sometimes laptops as well). The policies on who has what power over these machines is up to the research group and what they (and their Point of Contact) feel comfortable with. There are some groups where I believe the Point of Contact runs everything on their sandbox network, and other groups where their sandbox network is wide open with all sorts of people running their own machines, both servers and desktops. Usually if a researcher buys servers, the obvious person to have run them is their Point of Contact, unless the research work being done on the servers is such that other people need root access (or it's easier for the Point of Contact to hand the entire server over to a graduate student and have them run it as they need it).

Finally there are generic laptops and desktops, which normally go on our port-isolated 'laptop' network (called the 'red' network after the colour of network cables we use for it, so that it's clearly distinct from other networks). We (the central group) have no involvement in these machines and I believe they're almost always administered by the person who owns or at least uses them, possibly with help from that person's Point of Contact. These days, some number of laptops (and probably even desktops) don't bother with wired networking and use our wireless network instead, where similar 'it's yours' policies apply.

People who want access to their files from their self-managed desktop or laptop aren't left out in the cold, since we have a SMB (CIFS) server. People who use Unix and want their (NFS, central) home directory mounted can use the 'cifs' (aka 'smb3') filesystem to access it through our SMB server, or even use sshfs if they want to. Mounting via cifs or sshfs is in some cases superior to using NFS, because they can give you access to important shared filesystems that we can't NFS export to machines outside our direct control.

sysadmin/ResearchersAndAdminAccessHere written at 23:31:32; Add Comment

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