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Threads, asynchronous IO, and cancellation

Recently I read Asynchronous IO: the next billion-dollar mistake? (via), and had a reaction to one bit of it. Then yesterday on the Fediverse I said something about IO in Go:

I really wish you could (easily) cancel io Reads (and Writes) in Go. I don't think there's any particularly straightforward way to do it today, since the io package was designed way before contexts were a thing.

(The underlying runtime infrastructure can often actually do this because it decouples 'check for IO being possible' from 'perform the IO', but stuff related to this is not actually exposed.)

Today this sparked a belated realization in my mind, which is that a model of threads performing blocking IO in each thread is simply a harder environment to have some sort of cancellation in than an asynchronous or 'event loop' environment. The core problem is that in their natural state, threads are opaque and therefor difficult to interrupt or stop safely (which is part of why Go's goroutines can't be terminated from the outside). This is the natural inverse of how threads handle state for you.

(This is made worse if the thread is blocked in the operating system itself, for example in a 'read()' system call, because now you have to use operating system facilities to either interrupt the system call so the thread can return to user level to notice your user level cancellation, or terminate the thread outright.)

Asynchronous IO generally lets you do better in a relatively clean way. Depending on the operating system facilities you're using, either there is a distinction between the OS telling you that IO is possible and your program doing IO, providing you a chance to not actually do the IO, or in an 'IO submission' environment you generally can tell the OS to cancel a submitted but not yet completed IO request. The latter is racy, but in many situations the IO is unlikely to become possible right as you want to cancel it. Both of these let you implement a relatively clean model of cancelling a conceptual IO operation, especially if you're doing the cancellation as the result of another IO operation.

Or to put it another way, event loops may make you manage state explicitly, but that also means that that state is visible and can be manipulated in relatively natural ways. The implicit state held in threads is easy to write code with but hard to reason about and work with from the outside.

Sidebar: My particular Go case

I have a Go program that at its core involves two goroutines, one reading from standard input and writing to a network connection, one reading from the network connection and writing to standard output. Under some circumstances, the goroutine reading from the network will want to close down the network collection and return to a top level, where another two way connection will be made. In the process, it needs to stop the 'read from stdin, write to the network' goroutine while it is parked in 'read from stdin', without closing stdin (because that will be reused for the next connection).

To deal with this cleanly, I think I would have to split the 'read from standard input, write to the network' goroutine into two that communicated through a channel. Then the 'write to the network' side could be replaced separately from the 'read from stdin' side, allowing me to cleanly substitute a new network connection.

(I could also use global variables to achieve the same substitution, but let's not.)

tech/ThreadsAsyncIOAndCancellation written at 22:23:59;

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