Wandering Thoughts archives


Why we're interested in FreeBSD lately (and how it relates to OpenBSD here)

We have a long and generally happy history of using OpenBSD and PF for firewalls. To condense a long story, we're very happy with the PF part of our firewalls, but we're increasingly not as happy with the OpenBSD part (outside of PF). Part of our lack of cheer is the state of OpenBSD's 10G Ethernet support when combined with PF, but there are other aspects as well; we never got OpenBSD disk mirroring to be really useful and eventually gave up on it.

We wound up looking at FreeBSD after another incident with OpenBSD doing weird and unhelpful hardware things, because we're a little tired of the whole area. Our perception (which may not be reality) is that FreeBSD likely has better driver support for modern hardware, including 10G cards, and has gone further on SMP support for networking, hopefully including PF. The last time we looked at this, OpenBSD PF was more or less limited by single-'core' CPU performance, especially when used in bridging mode (which is what our most important firewall uses). We've seen fairly large bandwidth rates through our OpenBSD PF firewalls (in the 800 MBytes/sec range), but never full 10G wire bandwidth, so we've wound up suspecting that our network speed is partly being limited by OpenBSD's performance.

(To get to this good performance we had to buy servers that focused on single-core CPU performance. This created hassles in our environment, since these special single-core performance servers had to be specially reserved for OpenBSD firewalls. And single-core performance isn't going up all that fast.)

FreeBSD has a version of PF that's close enough to OpenBSD's older versions to accept much or all of the syntax of our pf.conf files (we're not exactly up to the minute on our use of PF features and syntax). We also perceive FreeBSD as likely more normal to operate than OpenBSD has been, making it easier to integrate into our environment (although we'd have to actually operate it for a while to see if that was actually the case). If FreeBSD has great 10G performance on our current generation commodity servers, without needing to buy special servers for it, and fixes other issues we have with OpenBSD, that makes it potentially fairly attractive.

(To be clear, I think that OpenBSD is (still) a great operating system if you're interested in what it has to offer for security and so on. But OpenBSD is necessarily opinionated, since it has a specific focus, and we're not really using OpenBSD for that focus. Our firewalls don't run additional services and don't let people log in, and some of them can only be accessed over a special, unrouted 'firewall' subnet.)

sysadmin/FreeBSDInterestAndOpenBSD written at 23:09:38;

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