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Options for adding IPv6 networking to your libvirt based virtual machines

Recently, my home ISP switched me from an IPv6 /64 allocation to a /56 allocation, which means that now I can have a bunch of proper /64s for different purposes. I promptly celebrated this by, in part, extending IPv6 to my libvirt based virtual machine, which is on a bridged internal virtual network (cf). Libvirt provides three different ways to provide (public) IPv6 to such virtual machines, all of which will require you to edit your network XML (either inside the virt-manager GUI or directly with command line tools). The three ways aren't exclusive; you can use two of them or even all three at the same time, in which case your VMs will have two or three public IPv6 addresses (at least).

(None of this applies if you're directly bridging your virtual machines onto some physical network. In that case, whatever the physical network has set up for IPv6 is what your VMs will get.)

First, in all cases you're probably going to want an IPv6 '<ip>' block that sets the IPv6 address for your host machine and implicitly specifies your /64. This is an active requirement for two of the options, and typically looks like this:

<ip family='ipv6' address='2001:19XX:0:1102::1' prefix='64'>

Here my desktop will have 2001:19XX:0:1102::1/64 as its address on the internal libvirt network.

The option that is probably the least hassle is to give static IPv6 addresses to your VMs. This is done with <host> elements inside a <dhcp> element (inside your IPv6 <ip>, which I'm not going to repeat):

  <host name='hl-fedora-36' ip='2001:XXXX:0:1102::189'/>

Unlike with IPv4, you can't identify VMs by their MAC address because, to quote the network XML documentation:

[...] The IPv6 host element differs slightly from that for IPv4: there is no mac attribute since a MAC address has no defined meaning in IPv6. [...]

Instead you probably need to identify your virtual machines by their (DHCP) hostname. Libvirt has another option for this but it's not really well documented and your virtual machine may not be set up with the necessary bits to use it.

The second least hassle option is to provide a DHCP dynamic range of IPv6 addresses. In the current Fedora 40 libvirt, this has the undocumented limitation that the range can't include more than 65,535 IPv6 addresses, so you can't cover the entire /64. Instead you wind up with something like this:

  <range start='2001:XXXX:0:1102::1000' end='2001:XXXX:0:1102::ffff'/>

Famously, not everything in the world does DHCP6; some things only do SLAAC, and in general SLAAC will allocate random IPv6 IPs across your entire /64. Libvirt uses dnsmasq (also) to provide IP addresses to virtual machines, and dnsmasq can do SLAAC (see the dnsmasq manual page). However, libvirt currently provides no directly exposed controls to turn this on; instead, you need to use a special libvirt network XML namespace to directly set up the option in the dnsmasq configuration file that libvirt will generate.

What you need looks like:

<network xmlns:dnsmasq='http://libvirt.org/schemas/network/dnsmasq/1.0'>
    <dnsmasq:option value='dhcp-range=2001:XXXX:0:1102::,slaac,64'/>

(The 'xmlns:dnsmasq=' bit is what you have to add to the normal <network> element.)

I believe that this may not require you to declare an IPv6 <ip> section at all, although I haven't tested that. In my environment I want both SLAAC and a static IPv6 address, and I'm happy to not have DHCP6 as such, since SLAAC will allocate a much wider and more varied range of IPv6 addresses.

(You can combine a dnsmasq SLAAC dhcp-range with a regular DHCP6 range, in which case SLAAC-capable IPv6 virtual machines will get an IP address from both, possibly along with a third static IPv6 address.)

PS: Remember to set firewall rules to restrict access to those public IPv6 addresses, unless you want your virtual machines fully exposed on IPv6 (when they're probably protected on IPv4 by virtue of being NAT'd).

linux/LibvirtIPv6Options written at 22:47:23;

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