Wandering Thoughts archives

2024-10-31: Pam_unix and your system's supported password algorithms
2024-10-30: Keeping your site accessible to old browsers is non-trivial
2024-10-29: Doing general address matching against varying address lists in Exim
2024-10-28: The question of whether to still allow HTTP/1.0 requests or block them
2024-10-27: Linux's /dev/disk/by-id unfortunately often puts the transport in the name
2024-10-26: The importance of name-based virtual hosts (websites)
2024-10-25: Using pam_access to sometimes not use another PAM module
2024-10-24: Having an emergency backup DNS resolver with systemd-resolved
2024-10-23: Doing basic policy based routing on FreeBSD with PF rules
2024-10-22: Having rate-limits on failed authentication attempts is reassuring
2024-10-21: Quoting and not quoting command substitution in the Bourne shell
2024-10-20: Two visions of 'software supply chain security'
2024-10-19: Forced MFA is effectively an annoying, harder to deal with second password
2024-10-18: The Go module proxy and forcing Go to actually update module versions
2024-10-17: Syndication feed readers now seem to leave Last-Modified values alone
2024-10-16: Our various different types of Ubuntu installs
2024-10-15: A surprise with /etc/cron.daily, run-parts, and files with '.' in their name
2024-10-14: We have lots of local customizations (and how we keep track of them)
2024-10-13: Our local changes to standard (Ubuntu) installs are easy to forget
2024-10-12: Some thoughts on why 'inetd activation' didn't catch on
2024-10-11: Potential pragmatic handling of partial matches for HTTP conditional GET
2024-10-10: Linux software RAID and changing your system's hostname
2024-10-09: The history of inetd is more interesting than I expected
2024-10-08: OpenBSD kernel messages about memory conflicts on x86 machines
2024-10-07: Things syndication feed readers do with 'conditional GET'
2024-10-06: DKIM signatures from mailing list providers don't mean too much
2024-10-05: Daemonization in Unix programs is probably about restarting programs
2024-10-04: Traditionally, init on Unix was not a service manager as such
2024-10-03: (Unix) daemonization turns out to be quite old
2024-10-02: Go's new small language features from 1.22 and 1.23 are nice
2024-10-01: Two views of what a TLS certificate verifies

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