Two visions of 'software supply chain security'
Although the website that is insisting I use MFA if I want to use it to file bug reports doesn't use the words in its messages to me, we all know that the reason it is suddenly demanding I use MFA is what is broadly known as "software supply chain security" and the 'software supply chain' (which is a contentious name for deciding that you're going to rely on other people's open source code). In thinking about this, I feel that you can have (at least) two visions of "software supply chain security".
In one vision, software supply chain security is a collection of well intentioned moves and changes that are intended to make it harder for bad actors to compromise open source projects and their source code. For instance, all of the package repositories and other places where software is distributed try to get everyone to use multi-factor authentication, so people with the ability to publish new versions of packages can't get their (single) password compromised and have that password used by an attacker to publish a compromised version of their package. You might also expect to see people looking into heavily used, security critical projects to see if they have enough resources and then some moves to provide those resources.
In the other vision, software supply chain security is a way for corporations to avoid being blamed when there's a security issue in open source software that they've pulled into their products or their operations (or both). Corporations mostly don't really care about achieving actual security, especially since real security may not be legibly secure, but they are sensitive to blame, especially because it can result in lawsuits, fines, and other consequences. If a corporation can demonstrate that it was following convincing best practices to obtain secure (open source) software, maybe it can deflect the blame. And when doing this, it's useful if the 'best practices' are clearly legible and easy to assess, such as 'where we get open source software from insists on MFA'.
In the second vision, you might expect a big (corporate) push for visible but essentially performative 'security' steps, with relatively little difficult analysis of underlying root causes of various security risks, much less much of an attempt to address deep structural issues like sustainable open source maintenance.
(If you want an extremely crude measuring stick, you can simply ask "would this measure have prevented the XZ Utils backdoor". Generally the answer is 'no'.)