Wandering Thoughts archives

2024-11-30: Using systemd-run to limit something's memory usage in cgroups v2
2024-11-29: Python type hints are probably "worth it" in the large for me
2024-11-28: My life has been improved by my quiet Prometheus alert status monitor
2024-11-27: Some notes on my experiences with Python type hints and mypy
2024-11-26: Python type hints may not be for me in practice
2024-11-25: What NFS server threads do in the Linux kernel
2024-11-24: The question of how many NFS server threads you should use (on Linux)
2024-11-23: The general issue of terminal programs and the Alt key
2024-11-22: My new solution for quiet monitoring of our Prometheus alerts
2024-11-21: Our Prometheus alerting problem if our central mail server isn't working
2024-11-20: Thinking about how to tame the interaction of conditional GET and caching
2024-11-19: Two API styles of doing special things involving text in UIs
2024-11-18: Ubuntu LTS (server) releases have become fairly similar to each other
2024-11-17: (Some) spammers will keep trying old, no longer in DNS IPv6 addresses
2024-11-16: The missing text focused programming environment
2024-11-15: IPv6 networks do apparently get probed (and implications for address assignment)
2024-11-14: Your options for displaying status over time in Grafana 11
2024-11-13: Implementing some Git aliases indirectly, in shell scripts
2024-11-12: Finding a good use for keep_firing_for in our Prometheus alerts
2024-11-11: Prometheus makes it annoyingly difficult to add more information to alerts
2024-11-10: Syndication feed fetchers and their behavior on HTTP 429 status responses
2024-11-09: A rough guess at how much IPv6 address space we might need
2024-11-08: Maybe skipping 'Dependabot' commits when using 'git log'
2024-11-07: Complications in supporting 'append to a file' in a NFS server
2024-11-06: Losing NFS locks and the SunOS SIGLOST signal
2024-11-05: The general problem of losing network based locks
2024-11-04: A rough equivalent to "return to last power state" for libvirt virtual machines
2024-11-03: The history of Unix's ioctl and signal about window sizes
2024-11-02: I feel that NAT is inevitable even with IPv6
2024-11-01: Notes on the compatibility of crypted passwords across Unixes in late 2024

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