Wandering Thoughts archives

2024-12-31: My unusual X desktop wasn't made 'from scratch' in a conventional sense
2024-12-30: I'm firmly attached to a mouse and (overlapping) windows
2024-12-29: My screens now have areas that are 'good' and 'bad' for me
2024-12-28: In an unconfigured Vim, I want to do ':set paste' right away
2024-12-27: Cgroup V2 memory limits and their potential for thrashing
2024-12-26: WireGuard on OpenBSD just works (at least as a VPN server)
2024-12-25: x86 servers, ATX power supply control, and reboots, resets, and power cycles
2024-12-24: The TLS certificate multi-file problem (for automatic updates)
2024-12-23: A gotcha with importing ZFS pools and NFS exports on Linux (as of ZFS 2.3.0)
2024-12-22: Two views of Python type hints and catching bugs
2024-12-21: When power cycling your (x86) server isn't enough to recover it
2024-12-20: Remembering to make my local changes emit log messages when they act
2024-12-19: Short lived TLS certificates and graceful rollover in web servers
2024-12-18: Browser feed reader addons don't seem to do very well on caching
2024-12-17: We have an unusual concern when we use Let's Encrypt
2024-12-16: Some notes on "closed interfaces" in Go
2024-12-15: I think Go union type proposals should start with their objectives
2024-12-14: ZFS on Linux and block IO limits show some limits of being out of the kernel
2024-12-13: Cgroup V2's cpu.idle setting versus process niceness
2024-12-12: Improving my desktop's responsiveness with the cgroup V2 'cpu.idle' setting
2024-12-11: The long (after)life of some of our old fileserver hardware
2024-12-10: My wish for VFS or filesystem level cgroup (v2) IO limits
2024-12-09: Maybe we should explicitly schedule rebooting our fleet every so often
2024-12-08: Unix's buffered IO in assembly and in C
2024-12-07: PCIe cards we use and have used in our servers
2024-12-06: Common motherboards are supporting more and more M.2 NVMe drive slots
2024-12-05: Buffered IO in Unix before V7 introduced stdio
2024-12-04: Sorting out 'PCIe bifurcation' and how it interacts with NVMe drives
2024-12-03: The modern world of server serial ports, BMCs, and IPMI Serial over LAN
2024-12-02: Good union types in Go would probably need types without a zero value
2024-12-01: Union types ('enum types') would be complicated in Go

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