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Good union types in Go would probably need types without a zero value

One of the classical big reason to want union types in Go is so that one can implement the general pattern of an option type, in order to force people to deal explicitly with null values. Except this is not quite true on both sides. The compiler can enforce null value checks before use already, and union and option types by themselves don't fully protect you against null values. Much like people ignore error returns (and the Go compiler allows this), people can skip over that they can't extract an underlying value from their Result value and return a zero value from their 'get a result' function.

My view is that the power of option types is what they do in the rest of the language, but they can only do this if you can express their guarantees in the type system. The important thing you need for this is non-nullable types. This is what lets you guarantee that something is a proper value extracted from an error-free Result or whatever. If you can't express this in your types, everyone has to check, one way or another, or you risk a null sneaking in.

Go doesn't currently have a type concept for 'something that can't be null', or for that matter a concept that is exactly 'null'. The closest Go equivalent is the general idea of zero values, of which nil pointers (and nil interfaces) are a special case (but you can also have zero value maps and channels, which also have special semantics; the zero value of slices is more normal). If you want to make Result and similar types particularly useful in Go, I believe that you need to change this, somehow introducing types that don't have a zero value.

(Such types would likely be a variation of existing types with zero values, and presumably you could only use values or assign to variables of that type if the compiler could prove that what you were using or assigning wasn't a zero value.)

As noted in a comment by loreb on my entry on how union types would be complicated, these 'union' or 'sum' types in Go also run into issues with their zero value, and as Ian Lance Taylor's issue comment says, zero values are built quite deeply into Go. You can define semantics for union types that allow zero values, but I don't think they're really particularly useful for anything except cramming some data structures into a few less bytes in a somewhat opaque way, and I'm not sure that's something Go should be caring about.

Given that zero values are a deep part of Go and the Go developers don't seem particularly interested in trying to change this, I doubt that we're ever going to get the powerful form of union types in Go. If anything like union types appears, it will probably be merely to save memory, and even then union types are complicated in Go's runtime.

Sidebar: the simple zero value allowed union type semantics

If you allow union types to have a zero value, the obvious meaning of a zero value is something that can't have a value of any type successfully extracted from it. If you try the union type equivalent of a type assertion you get a zero value and 'false' for all possible options. Of course this completely gives up on the 'no zero value' type side of things, but at least you have a meaning.

This makes a zero value union very similar to a nil interface, which will also fail all type assertions. At this point my feeling is that Go might as well stick with interfaces and not attempt to provide union types.

programming/GoUnionTypesAndZeroValues written at 23:00:36;

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