Wandering Thoughts archives


Remembering to make my local changes emit log messages when they act

Over on the Fediverse, I said something:

Current status: respinning an Ubuntu package build (... painfully) because I forgot the golden rule that when I add a hack to something, I should always make it log when my hack was triggered. Even if I can observe the side effects in testing, we'll want to know it happened in production.

(Okay, this isn't applicable to all hacks, but.)

Every so often we change or augment some standard piece of software or standard part of the system to do something special under specific circumstances. A rule I keep forgetting and then either re-learning or reminding myself of is that even if the effects of my change triggering are visible to the person using the system, I want to make it log as well. There are at least two reasons for this.

The first reason is that my change may wind up causing some problem for people, even if we don't think it's going to. Should it cause such problems, it's very useful to have a log message (perhaps shortly before the problem happens) to the effect of 'I did this new thing'. This can save a bunch of troubleshooting, both at the time when we deploy this change and long afterward.

The second reason is that we may turn out to be wrong about how often our change triggers, which is to say how common the specific circumstances are. This can go either way. Our change can trigger a lot more than we expected, which may mean that it's overly aggressive and is affecting people more than we want, and cause us to look for other options. Or this could be because the issue we're trying to deal with could be more significant than we expect and justifies us doing even more. Alternately, our logging can trigger a lot less than we expect, which may mean we want to take the change out rather than have to maintain a local modification that doesn't actually do much (one that almost invariably makes the system more complex and harder to understand).

In the log message itself, I want to be clear and specific, although probably not as verbose as I would be for an infrequent error message. Especially for things I expect to trigger relatively infrequently, I should probably put as many details about the special circumstances as possible into the log message, because the log message is what me and my co-workers may have to work from in six months when we've forgotten the details.

sysadmin/LoggingForLocalModifications written at 22:48:18;

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