The programmable web browser was and is inevitable
In a comment on my entry on why the modern web is why web browsers can't have nice things, superkuh wrote in part:
In the past it was seen as crazy to open every executable file someone might send you over the internet (be it email, ftp, web, or whatever). But sometime in the 2010s it became not only acceptable, but standard practice to automatically run every executable sent to you by any random endpoint on the internet.
For 'every executable' you should read 'every piece of JavaScript', which is executable code that is run by your browser as a free and relatively unlimited service provided to every web page you visit. The dominant thing restraining the executables that web pages send you is the limited APIs that browsers provide, which is why they provide such limited APIs. This comment sparked a chain of thoughts that led to a thesis.
I believe that the programmable web browser was (and is) inevitable. I don't mean this just in the narrow sense that if it hadn't been JavaScript it would have been Flash or Java applets or Lua or WASM or some other relatively general purpose language that the browser would up providing. Instead, I mean it in a broad and general sense, because 'programmability' of the browser is driven by a general and real problem.
For almost as long as the web has existed, people have wanted to create web pages that had relatively complex features and interactions. They had excellent reasons for this; they wanted drop-down or fold-out menus to save screen space so that they could maximize the amount of space given to important stuff instead of navigation, and they wanted to interactively validate form contents before submission for fast feedback to the people filling them in, and so on. At the same time, browser developers didn't want to (and couldn't) program every single specific complex feature that web page authors wanted, complete with bespoke HTML markup for it and so on. To enable as many of these complex features as possible with as little work on their part as possible, browser developers created primitives that could be assembled together to create more sophisticated features, interactions, layouts, and so on.
When you have a collection of primitives that people are expected to use to create their specific features, interactions, and so on, you have a programming language and a programming environment. It doesn't really matter if this programming language is entirely declarative (and isn't necessarily Turing complete), as in the case of CSS; people have to program the web browser to get what they want.
So my view is that we were always going to wind up with at least one programming language in our web browsers, because a programming language is the meeting point between what web page authors want to have and what browser developers want to provide. The only question was (and is) how good of a programming language (or languages) we were going to get. Or perhaps an additional question was whether the people designing the 'programming language' were going to realize that they were doing so, or if they were going to create one through an accretion of features.
(My view is that CSS absolutely is a programming language in this sense, in that you must design and 'program' it in order to achieve the effects you want, especially if you want sophisticated ones like drop down menus. Modern CSS has thankfully moved beyond the days when I called it an assembly language.)
(This elaborates on a Fediverse post.)