Wandering Thoughts


The Prometheus host agent is missing some Linux NFSv4 RPC stats (as of 1.8.2)

Over on the Fediverse I said:

This is my face when the Prometheus host agent provides very incomplete monitoring of NFS v4 RPC operations on modern kernels that can likely hide problems. For NFS servers I believe that you get only NFS v4.0 ops, no NFS v4.1 or v4.2 ones. For NFS v4 clients things confuse me but you certainly don't get all of the stats as far as I can see.

When I wrote that Fediverse post, I hadn't peered far enough into the depths of the Linux kernel to be sure what was missing, but now that I understand the Linux kernel NFS v4 server and client RPC operations stats I can provide a better answer of what's missing. All of this applies to node_exporter as of version 1.8.2 (the current one as I write this).

(I now think 'very incomplete' is somewhat wrong, but not entirely so, especially on the server side.)

Importantly, what's missing is different for the server side and the client side, with the client side providing information on operations that the server side doesn't. This can make it very puzzling if you're trying to cross-compare two 'NFS RPC operations' graphs, one from a client and one from a server, because the client graph will show operations that the server graph doesn't.

In the host agent code, the actual stats are read from /proc/net/rpc/nfs and /proc/net/rpc/nfsd by a separate package, prometheus/procfs, and are parsed in nfs/parse.go. For the server case, if we cross compare this to the kernel's include/linux/nfs4.h, what's missing from server stats is all NFS v4.1, v4.2, and RFC 8276 xattr operations, everything from operation 40 through operation 75 (as I write this).

Because the Linux NFS v4 client stats are more confusing and aren't so nicely ordered, the picture there is more complex. The nfs/parse.go code handles everything up through 'Clone', and is missing from 'Copy' onward. However, both what it has and what it's missing are a mixture of NFS v4, v4.1, and v4.2 operations; for example, 'Allocate' and 'Clone' (both included) are v4.2 operations, while 'Lookupp', a v4.0 operation, is missing from client stats. If I'm reading the code correctly, the missing NFS v4 client operations are currently (using somewhat unofficial names):

Copy OffloadCancel Lookupp LayoutError CopyNotify Getxattr Setxattr Listxattrs Removexattr ReadPlus

Adding the missing operations to the Prometheus host agent would require updates to both prometheus/procfs (to add fields for them) and to node_exporter itself, to report the fields. The NFS client stats collector in collector/nfs_linux.go uses Go reflection to determine the metrics to report and so needs no updates, but the NFS server stats collector in collector/nfsd_linux.go directly knows about all 40 of the current operations and so would need code updates, either to add the new fields or to switch to using Go reflection.

If you want numbers for scale, at the moment node_exporter reports on 50 out of 69 NFS v4 client operations, and is missing 36 NFS v4 server operations (reporting on what I believe is 36 out of 72). My ability to decode what the kernel NFS v4 client and server code is doing is limited, so I can't say exactly how these operations match up and, for example, what client operations the server stats are missing.

(I haven't made a bug report about this (yet) and may not do so, because doing so would require making my Github account operable again, something I'm sort of annoyed by. Github's choice to require me to have MFA to make bug reports is not the incentive they think it is.)

PrometheusHostAgentNFSv4RPCStats written at 22:51:26;


Linux kernel NFSv4 server and client RPC operation statistics

NFS servers and clients communicate using RPC, sending various NFS v3, v4, and possibly v2 (but we hope not) RPC operations to the server and getting replies. On Linux, the kernel exports statistics about these NFS RPC operations in various places, with a global summary in /proc/net/rpc/nfsd (for the NFS server side) and /proc/net/rpc/nfs (for the client side). Various tools will extract this information and convert it into things like metrics, or present it on the fly (for example, nfsstat(8)). However, as far as I know what is in those files and especially how RPC operations are reported is not well documented, and also confusing, which is a problem if you discover that something has an incomplete knowledge of NFSv4 RPC stats.

For a general discussion of /proc/net/rpc/nfsd, see Svenn D'Hert's nfsd stats explained article. I'm focusing on NFSv4, which is to say the 'proc4ops' line. This line is produced in nfsd_show in fs/nfsd/stats.c. The line starts with a count of how many operations there are, such as 'proc4ops 76', and then has one number for each operation. What are the operations and how many of them are there? That's more or less found in the nfs_opnum4 enum in include/linux/nfs4.h. You'll notice that there are some gaps in the operation numbers; for example, there's no 0, 1, or 2. Despite there being no such actual NFS v4 operations, 'proc4ops' starts with three 0s for them, because it works with an array numbered by nfs_opnum4 and like all C arrays, it starts at 0.

(The counts of other, real NFS v4 operations may be 0 because they're never done in your environment.)

For NFS v4 client operations, we look at the 'proc4' line in /proc/net/rpc/nfs. Like the server's 'proc4ops' line, it starts with a count of how many operations are being reported on, such as 'proc4 69', and then a count for each operation. Unfortunately for us and everyone else, these operations are not numbered the same as the NFS server operations. Instead the numbering is given in an anonymous and unnumbered enum in include/linux/nfs4.h that starts with 'NFSPROC4_CLNT_NULL = 0,' (as a spoiler, the 'null' operation is not unused, contrary to the include file's comment). The actual generation and output of /proc/net/rpc/nfs is done in rpc_proc_show in net/sunrpc/stats.c. The whole structure this code uses is set up in fs/nfs/nfs4xdr.c, and while there is a confusing level of indirection, I believe the structure corresponds directly with the NFSPROC4_CLNT_* enum values.

What I think is going on is that Linux has decided to optimize its NFSv4 client statistics to only include the NFS v4 operations that it actually uses, rather than take up a bit of extra memory to include all of the NFS v4 operations, including ones that will always have a '0' count. Because the Linux NFS v4 client started using different NFSv4 operations at different times, some of these operations (such as 'lookupp') are out of order; when the NFS v4 client started using them, they had to be added at the end of the 'proc4' line to preserve backward compatibility with existing programs that read /proc/net/rpc/nfs.

PS: As far as I can tell from a quick look at fs/nfs/nfs3xdr.c, include/uapi/linux/nfs3.h, and net/sunrpc/stats.c, the NFS v3 server and client stats cover all of the NFS v3 operations and are in the same order, the order of the NFS v3 operation numbers.

NFSv4ServerAndClientRPCStats written at 21:59:08;


How Ubuntu 24.04's bad bpftrace package appears to have happened

When I wrote about Ubuntu 24.04's completely broken bpftrace '0.20.2-1ubuntu4.2' package (which is now no longer available as an Ubuntu update), I said it was a disturbing mystery how a theoretical 24.04 bpftrace binary was built in such a way that it depended on a shared library that didn't exist in 24.04. Thanks to the discussion in bpftrace bug #2097317, we have somewhat of an answer, which in part shows some of the challenges of building software at scale.

The short version is that the broken bpftrace package wasn't built in a standard Ubuntu 24.04 environment that only had released packages. Instead, it was built in a '24.04' environment that included (some?) proposed updates, and one of the included proposed updates was an updated version of libllvm18 that had the new shared library. Apparently there are mechanisms that should have acted to make the new bpftrace depend on the new libllvm18 if everything went right, but some things didn't go right and the new bpftrace package didn't pick up that dependency.

On the one hand, if you're planning interconnected package updates, it's a good idea to make sure that they work with each other, which means you may want to mingle in some proposed updates into some of your build environments. On the other hand, if you allow your build environments to be contaminated with non-public packages this way, you really, really need to make sure that the dependencies work out. If you don't and packages become public in the wrong order, you get Ubuntu 24.04's result.

(While the RPM build process and package format would have avoided this specific problem, I'm pretty sure that there are similar ways to make it go wrong.)

Contaminating your build environment this way also makes testing your newly built packages harder. The built bpftrace binary would have run inside the build environment, because the build environment had the right shared library from the proposed libllvm18. To see the failure, you would have to run tests (including running the built binary) in a 'pure' 24.04 environment that had only publicly released package updates. This would require an extra package test step; I'm not clear if Ubuntu has this as part of their automated testing of proposed updates (there's some hints in the discussion that they do but that these tests were limited and didn't try to run the binary).

Ubuntu2404BpftraceBadPackageII written at 21:39:53;


An alarmingly bad official Ubuntu 24.04 bpftrace binary package

Bpftrace is a more or less official part of Ubuntu; it's even in the Ubuntu 24.04 'main' repository, as opposed to one of the less supported ones. So I'll present things in the traditional illustrated form (slightly edited for line length reasons):

$ bpftrace
bpftrace: error while loading shared libraries: libLLVM-18.so.18.1: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory
$ readelf -d /usr/bin/bpftrace | grep libLLVM
 0x0...01 (NEEDED)  Shared library: [libLLVM-18.so.18.1]
$ dpkg -L libllvm18 | grep libLLVM
$ dpkg -l bpftrace libllvm18
ii  bpftrace       0.20.2-1ubuntu4.2 amd64 [...]
ii  libllvm18:amd64 1:18.1.3-1ubuntu1 amd64 [...]

I originally mis-diagnosed this as a libllvm18 packaging failure, but this is in fact worse. Based on trawling through packages.ubuntu.com, only Ubuntu 24.10 and later have a 'libLLVM-18.so.18.1' in any package; in Ubuntu 24.04, the correct name for this is 'libLLVM.so.18.1'. If you rebuild the bpftrace source .deb on a genuine 24.04 machine, you get a bpftrace build (and binary .deb) that does correctly use 'libLLVM.so.18.1' instead of 'libLLVM-18.so.18.1'.

As far as I can see, there are two things that could have happened here. The first is that Canonical simply built a 24.10 (or later) bpftrace binary .deb and put it in 24.04 without bothering to check if the result actually worked. I would like to say that this shows shocking disregard for the functioning of an increasingly important observability tool from Canonical, but actually it's not shocking at all, it's Canonical being Canonical (and they would like us to pay for this for some reason). The second and worse option is that Canonical is building 'Ubuntu 24.04' packages in an environment that is contaminated with 24.10 or later packages, shared libraries, and so on. This isn't supposed to happen in a properly operating package building environment that intends to create reliable and reproducible results and casts doubt on the provenance and reliability of all Ubuntu 24.04 packages.

(I don't know if there's a way to inspect binary .debs to determine anything about the environment they were built in, the way you can get some information about RPMs. Also, I now have a new appreciation for Fedora putting the Fedora release version into the actual RPM's 'release' name. Ubuntu 24.10 and 24.04 don't have the same version of bpftrace, so this isn't quite as simple as Canonical copying the 24.10 package to 24.04; 24.10 has 0.21.2, while 24.04 is theoretically 0.20.2.)

Incidentally, this isn't an issue of the shared library having its name changed, because if you manually create a 'libLLVM-18.so.18.1' symbolic link to the 24.04 libllvm18's 'libLLVM.so.18.1' and run bpftrace, what you get is:

$ bpftrace
: CommandLine Error: Option 'debug-counter' registered more than once!
LLVM ERROR: inconsistency in registered CommandLine options

This appears to say that the Ubuntu 24.04 bpftrace binary is incompatible with the Ubuntu 24.04 libllvm18 shared libraries. I suspect that it was built against different LLVM 18 headers as well as different LLVM 18 shared libraries.

Ubuntu2404BpftraceBadPackage written at 22:53:51;


The (potential) complexity of good runqueue latency measurement in Linux

Run queue latency is the time between when a Linux task becomes ready to run and when it actually runs. If you want good responsiveness, you want a low runqueue latency, so for a while I've been tracking a histogram of it with eBPF, and I put some graphs of it up on some Grafana dashboards I look at. Then recently I improved the responsiveness of my desktop with the cgroup V2 'cpu.idle' setting, and questions came up about how this different from process niceness. When I was looking at those questions, I realized that my run queue latency measurements were incomplete.

When I first set up my run queue latency tracking, I wasn't using either cgroup V2 cpu.idle or process niceness, and so I set up a single global runqueue latency histogram for all tasks regardless of their priority and scheduling class. Once I started using 'idle' CPU scheduling (and testing the effectiveness of niceness), this resulted in hopelessly muddled data that was effectively meaningless during the time that multiple scheduling types of scheduling or multiple nicenesses were running. Running CPU-consuming processes only when the system is otherwise idle is (hopefully) good for the runqueue latency of my regular desktop processes, but more terrible than usual for those 'run only when idle' processes, and generally there's going to be a lot more of them than my desktop processes.

The moment you introduce more than one 'class' of processes for scheduling, you need to split run queue latency measurements up between these classes if you want to really make sense of the results. What these classes are will depend on your environment. I could probably get away with a class for 'cpu.idle' tasks, a class for heavily nice'd tasks, a class for regular tasks, and perhaps a class for (system) processes running with very high priority. If you're doing fair share scheduling between logins, you might need a class per login (or you could ignore run queue latency as too noisy a measure).

I'm not sure I'd actually track all of my classes as Prometheus metrics. For my personal purposes, I don't care very much about the run queue latency of 'idle' or heavily nice'd processes, so perhaps I should update my personal metrics gathering to just ignore those. Alternately, I could write a bpftrace script that gathered the detailed class by class data, run it by hand when I was curious, and ignore the issue otherwise (continuing with my 'global' run queue latency histogram, which is at least honest in general).

RunqLatencyComplexity written at 23:16:48;


The issue with DNF 5 and script output in Fedora 41

These days Fedora uses DNF as its high(er) level package management software, replacing yum. However, there are multiple versions of DNF, which behave somewhat differently. Through Fedora 40, the default version of DNF was DNF 4; in Fedora 41, DNF is now DNF 5. DNF 5 brings a number of improvements but it has at least one issue that makes me unhappy with it in my specific situation. Over on the Fediverse I said:

Oh nice, DNF 5 in Fedora 41 has nicely improved the handling of output from RPM scriptlets, so that you can more easily see that it's scriptlet output instead of DNF messages.


I must retract my praise for DNF 5 in Fedora 41, because it has actually made the handling of output from RPM scriptlets *much* worse than in dnf 4. DNF 5 will repeatedly re-print the current output to date of scriptlets every time it updates a progress indicator of, for example, removing packages. This results in a flood of output for DKMS module builds during kernel updates. Dnf 5's cure is far worse than the disease, and there's no way to disable it.

<bugzilla 2331691>

(Fedora 41 specifically has dnf5-, at least at the moment.)

This can be mostly worked around for kernel package upgrades and DKMS modules by manually removing and upgrading packages before the main kernel upgrade. You want to do this so that dnf is removing as few packages as possible while your DKMS modules are rebuilding. This is done with:

  1. Upgrade all of your non-kernel packages first:

    dnf upgrade --exclude 'kernel*'

  2. Remove the following packages for the old kernel:

    kernel kernel-core kernel-devel kernel-modules kernel-modules-core kernel-modules-extra

    (It's probably easier to do 'dnf remove kernel*<version>*' and let DNF sort it out.)

  3. Upgrade two kernel packages that you can do in advance:

    dnf upgrade kernel-tools kernel-tools-libs

Unfortunately in Fedora 41 this still leaves you with one RPM package that you can't upgrade in advance and that will be removed while your DKMS module is rebuilding, namely 'kernel-devel-matched'. To add extra annoyance, this is a virtual package that contains no files, and you can't remove it because a lot of things depend on it.

As far as I can tell, DNF 5 has absolutely no way to shut off its progress bars. It completely ignores $TERM and I can't see anything else that leaves DNF usable. It would have been nice to have some command line switches to control this, but it seems pretty clear that this wasn't high on the DNF 5 road map.

(Although I don't expect this to be fixed in Fedora 41 over its lifetime, I am still deferring the Fedora 41 upgrades of my work and home desktops for as long as possible to minimize the amount of DNF 5 irritation I have to deal with.)

FedoraDnf5ScriptOutputIssue written at 23:45:51;


WireGuard's AllowedIPs aren't always the (WireGuard) routes you want

A while back I wrote about understanding WireGuard's AllowedIPs, and also recently I wrote about how different sorts of WireGuard setups have different difficulties, where one of the challenges for some setups is setting up what you want routed through WireGuard connections. As Ian Z aka nobrowser recently noted in a comment on the first entry, these days many WireGuard related programs (such as wg-quick and NetworkManager) will automatically set routes for you based on AllowedIPs. Much of the time this will work fine, but there are situations where adding routes for all AllowedIPs ranges isn't what you want.

WireGuard's AllowedIPs setting for a particular peer controls two things at once: what (inside-WireGuard) source IP addresses you will accept from the peer, and what destination addresses WireGuard will send to that peer if the packet is sent to that WireGuard interface. However, it's the routing table that controls what destination addresses are sent to a particular WireGuard interface (or more likely a combination of IP policy routing rules and some routing table).

If your WireGuard IP address is only reachable from other WireGuard peers, you can sensibly bound your AllowedIPs so that the collection of all of them matches the routing table. This is also more or less doable if some of them are gateways for additional networks; hopefully your network design puts all of those networks under some subnet and the subnet isn't too big. However, if your WireGuard IP can wind up being reached by a broader range of source IPs, or even 'all of the Internet' (as is my case), then your AllowedIPs range is potentially much larger than what you want to always be routed to WireGuard.

A related case is if you have a 'work VPN' WireGuard configuration where you could route all of your traffic through your WireGuard connection but some of the time you only want to route traffic to specific (work) subnets. Unless you like changing AllowedIPs all of the time or constructing two different WireGuard interfaces and only activating the correct one, you'll want an AllowedIPs that accepts everything but some of the time you'll only route specific networks to the WireGuard interface.

(On the other hand, with the state of things in Linux, having two separate WireGuard interfaces might be the easiest way to manage this in NetworkManager or other tools.)

I think that most people's use of WireGuard will probably involve AllowedIPs settings that also work for routing, provided that the tools involve handle the recursive routing problem. These days, NetworkManager handles that for you, although I don't know about wg-quick.

(This is one of the entries that I write partly to work it out in my own head. My own configuration requires a different AllowedIPs than the routes I send through the WireGuard tunnel. I make this work with policy based routing.)

WireGuardAllowedIPsVsRoutes written at 23:35:10;


Cgroup V2 memory limits and their potential for thrashing

Recently I read 32 MiB Working Sets on a 64 GiB machine (via), which recounts how under some situations, Windows could limit the working set ('resident set') of programs to 32 MiB, resulting in a lot of CPU time being spent on soft (or 'minor') page faults. On Linux, you can do similar things to limit memory usage of a program or an entire cgroup, for example through systemd, and it occurred to me to wonder if you can get the same thrashing effect with cgroup V2 memory limits. Broadly, I believe that the answer depends on what you're using the memory for and what you use to set limits, and it's certainly possible to wind up setting limits so that you get thrashing.

(As a result, this is now something that I'll want to think about when setting cgroup memory limits, and maybe watch out for.)

Cgroup V2 doesn't have anything that directly limits a cgroup's working set (what is usually called the 'resident set size' (RSS) on Unix systems). The closest it has is memory.high, which throttles a cgroup's memory usage and puts it under heavy memory reclaim pressure when it hits this high limit. What happens next depends on what sort of memory pages are being reclaimed from the process. If they are backed by files (for example, they're pages from the program, shared libraries, or memory mapped files), they will be dropped from the process's resident set but may stay in memory so it's only a soft page fault when they're next accessed. However, if they're anonymous pages of memory the process has allocated, they must be written to swap (if there's room for them) and I don't know if the original pages stay in memory afterward (and so are eligible for a soft page fault when next accessed). If the process keeps accessing anonymous pages that were previously reclaimed, it will thrash on either soft or hard page faults.

(The memory.high limit is set by systemd's MemoryHigh=.)

However, the memory usage of a cgroup is not necessarily in ordinary process memory that counts for RSS; it can be in all sorts of kernel caches and structures. The memory.high limit affects all of them and will generally shrink all of them, so in practice what it actually limits depends partly on what the processes in the cgroup are doing and what sort of memory that allocates. Some of this memory can also thrash like user memory does (for example, memory for disk cache), but some won't necessarily (I believe shrinking some sorts of memory usage discards the memory outright).

Since memory.high is to a certain degree advisory and doesn't guarantee that the cgroup never goes over this memory usage, I think people more commonly use memory.max (for example, via the systemd MemoryMax= setting). This is a hard limit and will kill programs in the cgroup if they push hard on going over it; however, the memory system will try to reduce usage with other measures, including pushing pages into swap space. In theory this could result in either swap thrashing or soft page fault thrashing, if the memory usage was just right. However, in our environments cgroups that hit memory.max generally wind up having programs killed rather than sitting there thrashing (at least for very long). This is probably partly because we don't configure much swap space on our servers, so there's not much room between hitting memory.max with swap available and exhausting the swap space too.

My view is that this generally makes it better to set memory.max than memory.high. If you have a cgroup that overruns whatever limit you're setting, using memory.high is much more likely to cause some sort of thrashing because it never kills processes (the kernel documentation even tells you that memory.high should be used with some sort of monitoring to 'alleviate heavy reclaim pressure', ie either raise the limit or actually kill things). In a past entry I set MemoryHigh= to a bit less than my MemoryMax setting, but I don't think I'll do that in the future; any gap between memory.high and memory.max is an opportunity for thrashing through that 'heavy reclaim pressure'.

CgroupV2MemoryLimitsAndThrashing written at 23:10:34;


A gotcha with importing ZFS pools and NFS exports on Linux (as of ZFS 2.3.0)

Ever since its Solaris origins, ZFS has supported automatic NFS and CIFS sharing of ZFS filesystems through their 'sharenfs' and 'sharesmb' properties. Part of the idea of this is that you could automatically have NFS (and SMB) shares created and removed as you did things like import and export pools, rather than have to maintain a separate set of export information and keep it in sync with what ZFS filesystems were available. On Linux, OpenZFS still supports this, working through standard Linux NFS export permissions (which don't quite match the Solaris/Illumos model that's used for sharenfs) and standard tools like exportfs. A lot of this works more or less as you'd expect, but it turns out that there's a potentially unpleasant surprise lurking in how 'zpool import' and 'zpool export' work.

In the current code, if you import or export a ZFS pool that has no filesystems with a sharenfs set, ZFS will still run 'exportfs -ra' at the end of the operation even though nothing could have changed in the NFS exports situation. An important effect that this has is that it will wipe out any manually added or changed NFS exports, reverting your NFS exports to what is currently in /etc/exports and /etc/exports.d. In many situations (including ours) this is a harmless operation, because /etc/exports and /etc/exports.d are how things are supposed to be. But in some environments you may have programs that maintain their own exports list and permissions through running 'exportfs' in various ways, and in these environments a ZFS pool import or export will destroy those exports.

(Apparently one such environment is high availability systems, some of which manually manage NFS exports outside of /etc/exports (I maintain that this is a perfectly sensible design decision). These are also the kind of environment that might routinely import or export pools, as HA pools move between hosts.)

The current OpenZFS code runs 'exportfs -ra' entirely blindly. It doesn't matter if you don't NFS export any ZFS filesystems, much less any from the pool that you're importing or exporting. As long as an 'exportfs' binary is on the system and can be executed, ZFS will run it. Possibly this could be changed if someone was to submit an OpenZFS bug report, but for a number of reasons (including that we're not directly affected by this and aren't in a position to do any testing), that someone will not be me.

(As far as I can tell this is the state of the code in all Linux OpenZFS versions up through the current development version and 2.3.0-rc4, the latest 2.3.0 release candidate.)

Appendix: Where this is in the current OpenZFS source code

The exportfs execution is done in nfs_commit_shares() in lib/libshare/os/linux/nfs.c. This is called (indirectly) by sa_commit_shares() in lib/libshare/libshare.c, which is called by zfs_commit_shares() in lib/libzfs/libzfs_mount.c. In turn this is called by zpool_enable_datasets() and zpool_disable_datasets(), also in libzfs_mount.c, which are called as part of 'zpool import' and 'zpool export' respectively.

(As a piece of trivia, zpool_disable_datasets() will also be called during 'zpool destroy'.)

ZFSPoolImportAndNFSExports written at 22:41:33;


ZFS on Linux and block IO limits show some limits of being out of the kernel

ZFS on Linux (or, if you prefer, OpenZFS on Linux) is, famously, not included in the Linux kernel source for a number of reasons (starting with its licensing). The usual drawback of this is that (Open)ZFS can need modifications to support new Linux kernel versions because the internal kernel interfaces keep changing and, unlike in-kernel modules, there's nothing that keeps OpenZFS in sync with them. However, that ZFS is out of the kernel also has some other limits, and one of them is around cgroup v2 based block IO limits and IO priorities.

The obvious issue with these is that ZFS doesn't support them (at least not in a useful way). For instance, I believe that it doesn't particularly pass through information that would let cgroup v2 attribute all block IO to specific cgroups (for both read and write IO). This means that as far as I know, if you have something running on top of ZFS you can't use cgroup v2 to limit its IO impact, any more than you could if it was on NFS (you're left to wish for VFS level cgroup limits). ZFS being part of the Linux kernel source code wouldn't guarantee that it supported block IO cgroup accounting, but it probably makes it somewhat more likely.

The less obvious issue is that ZFS wasn't even in the room when the cgroup v2 IO controller was being discussed and designed. As hinted by how I talk about it in terms of 'block IO', the current IO controller is very strongly focused on dealing with block IO devices. Unfortunately this is a bad fit for ZFS, which integrates filesystems with storage management, so that in many typical configurations your user-level ZFS IO results in block IO to various different disks on an unpredictable basis.

(This works for filesystems that sit on top of a software RAID device, because software RAID devices are block IO devices and so you can manage IO limits at the level of the RAID device rather than its component devices. I don't know how well it works for btrfs configurations where btrfs is using multiple disks, although btrfs is listed as one of the supported filesystems for writeback limits, and btrfs's interoperability guide says the cgroup IO controller is fully supported.)

Had ZFS been in the kernel, the ZFS developers would have been in a good position to discuss how to make the cgroup V2 IO controller design work with ZFS, including possible changes in the IO controller itself (although this is no guarantee that it would have happened). I can imagine designs that at least sound plausible to me, such as each ZFS pool having a pseudo-device that all its IO can be attributed to so you can rate-limit and control a cgroup's IO to that device.

Out of kernel modules aren't just limited in having to keep up with the kernel's development; they're also limited in that they have a relatively low ability to influence the development of kernel features that are relevant to them.

(This isn't quite inevitable due to being out of the kernel tree; it's also because of social attitudes among the Linux kernel developers. Broadly speaking, the kernel developers have made it clear that they don't care about out of kernel modules and the concerns of those modules. Had the ZFS developers shown up on the Linux kernel mailing list to try to influence cgroup V2 IO controllers or ask for features, I suspect that they would have been ignored.)

ZFSOnLinuxVersusBlockIOLimits written at 22:56:23;

(Previous 10 or go back to December 2024 at 2024/12/13)

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