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The Linux kernel.task_delayacct sysctl and why you might care about it

If you run a recent enough version of iotop on a typical Linux system, it may nag at you to the effect of:

CONFIG_TASK_DELAY_ACCT and kernel.task_delayacct sysctl not enabled in kernel, cannot determine SWAPIN and IO %

You might wonder whether you should turn on this sysctl, how much you care, and why it was defaulted to being disabled in the first place.

This sysctl enables (Task) Delay accounting, which tracks things like how long things wait for the CPU or wait for their IO to complete on a per-task basis (which in Linux means 'thread', more or less). General system information will provide you an overall measure of this in things like 'iowait%' and pressure stall information, but those are aggregates; you may be interested in known things like how much specific processes are being delayed or are waiting for IO.

(Also, overall system iowait% is a conservative measure and won't give you a completely accurate picture of how much processes are waiting for IO. You can get per-cgroup pressure stall information, which in some cases can come close to a per-process number.)

In the context of iotop specifically, the major thing you will miss is 'IO %', which is the percent of the time that a particular process is waiting for IO. Task delay accounting can give you information about per-process (or task) run queue latency but I don't know if there are any tools similar to iotop that will give you this information. There is a program in the kernel source, tools/accounting/getdelays.c, that will dump the raw information on a one-time basis (and in some versions, compute averages for you, which may be informative). The (current) task delay accounting information you can theoretically get is documented in comments in include/uapi/linux/taskstats.h, or this version in the documentation. You may also want to look at include/linux/delayacct.h, which I think is the kernel internal version that tracks this information.

(You may need the version of getdelays.c from your kernel's source tree, as the current version may not be backward compatible to your kernel. This typically comes up as compile errors, which are at least obvious.)

How you can access this information yourself is sort of covered in Per-task statistics interface, but in practice you'll want to read the source code of getdelays.c or the Python source code of iotop. If you specifically want to track how long a task spends delaying for IO, there is also a field for it in /proc/<pid>/stat; per proc(5), field 42 is delayacct_blkio_ticks. As far as I can tell from the kernel source, this is the same information that the netlink interface will provide, although it only has the total time waiting for 'block' (filesystem) IO and doesn't have the count of block IO operations.

Task delay accounting can theoretically be requested on a per-cgroup basis (as I saw in a previous entry on where the Linux load average comes from), but in practice this only works for cgroup v1. This (task) delay accounting has never been added to cgroup v2, which may be a sign that the whole feature is a bit neglected. I couldn't find much to say why delay accounting was changed (in 2021) to default to being off. The commit that made this change seems to imply it was defaulted to off on the assumption that it wasn't used much. Also see this kernel mailing list message and this reddit thread.

Now that I've discovered kernel.task_delayacct and played around with it a bit, I think it's useful enough for us for diagnosing issues that we're going to turn it on by default until and unless we see problems (performance or otherwise). Probably I'll stick to doing this with an /etc/sysctl.d/ drop in file, because I think that gets activated early enough in boot to cover most processes of interest.

(As covered somewhere, if you turn delay accounting on through the sysctl, it apparently only covers processes that were started after the sysctl was changed. Processes started before have no delay accounting information, or perhaps only 'CPU' delay accounting information. One such process is init, PID 1, which will always be started before the sysctl is set.)

PS: The per-task IO delays do include NFS IO, just as iowait does, which may make it more interesting if you have NFS clients. Sometimes it's obvious which programs are being affected by slow NFS servers, but sometimes not.

TaskDelayAccountingNotes written at 23:09:37;

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