My Linux IPSec/VPN setup and requirements
In response to my entry mentioning perhaps writing my own daemon to rekey my IPSec tunnel, a number of people made suggestions in comments. Rather than write a long response, I've decided to write up how my current IPSec tunnel works and what my requirements are for it or any equivalent. As far as I know these requirements rule out most VPN software, at least in its normal setup.
My IPSec based GRE tunnel runs between my home machine and my work machine and its fundamental purpose is to cause my home machine to appear on the work network as just another distinct host with its own IP address. Importantly this IP address is publicly visible, not just an internal one. My home machine routes some but not all of its traffic over the IPSec tunnel and for various reasons I need full dual identity routing for it; traffic to or from the internal IP must flow over the IPSec tunnel while traffic to or from the external IP must not. My work machine also has additional interfaces that I need to isolate, which can get a bit complicated.
(The actual setup of this turns out to be kind of tangled, with some side effects.)
This tunnel is normally up all of the time, although under special circumstances it needs to be pulled down locally on my work machine (and independently on my home machine). Both home and work machines have static IPs. All of this works today; the only thing that my IPSec setup lacks is periodic automatic rekeying of the IPSec symmetric keys used for encryption and authentication.
Most VPN software that I've seen wants to either masquerade your traffic as coming from the VPN IP itself or to make clients appear on a (virtual) subnet behind the VPN server with explicit routing. Neither is what I want. Some VPNs will bridge networks together; this is not appropriate either because I have no desire to funnel all of the broadcast traffic running around on the work subnet over my DSL PPPoE link. Nor can I use pure IPSec alone, due to a Linux proxy ARP limitation (unless this has been fixed since then).
I suspect that there is no way to tell IKE daemons 'I don't need you to set things up, just to rekey this periodically'; this would be the minimally intrusive change. There is probably a way to configure a pair of IKE daemons to do everything, so that they fully control the whole IPSec and GRE tunnel setup; there is probably even a way to tell them to kick off the setup of policy based routing when a connection is negotiated. However for obvious reasons my motivation for learning enough about IKE configuration to recreate my whole setup is somewhat low, as much of the work is pure overhead that's required just to get me to where I already am now. On the other hand, if a working IKE based configuration for all of this fell out of the sky I would probably be perfectly happy to use it; I'm not intrinsically opposed to IKE, just far from convinced that investing a bunch of effort into decoding how I need to set it up will get me much or be interesting.
(It would be different if documentation for IKE daemons was clear and easy to follow, but so far I haven't found any that is. Any time I skim any of it I can see a great deal of annoyance in my future.)
PS: It's possible that my hardcoded IPSec setup is not the most modern in terms of security, since it dates from many years ago. Switching to a fully IKE-mediated setup would in theory give me a free ride on future best practices for IPSec algorithm choices so I don't have to worry about this.
Sidebar: why I feel that writing my own rekeying daemon is safe
The short version is that the daemon would not involved in setting up
the secure tunnel itself, just getting new keys from /dev/urandom
telling the authenticated other end about them, writing them to a
script file, and running
the necessary commands to (re)load them.
I'd completely agree with everyone who is telling me to use IKE if
I was attempting to actively negotiate a full IPSec setup, but I'm
not. The IPSec setup is very firmly fixed; the only thing that varies
is the keys. There are ways to lose badly here, but they're almost
entirely covered by using a transport protocol with strong encryption
and authentication and then insisting on fixed IP addresses on top of
(Note that I won't be negotiating keys with the other end as such. Whichever end initiates a rekey will contact the other end to say more or less 'here are my new keys, now use them'. And I don't intend to give the daemon the ability to report on the current keys. If I need to know them I can go look outside of the daemon. If the keys are out of sync or broken, well, the easy thing is to force an immediate rekey to fix it, not to read out current keys to try to resync each end.)
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