SELinux fails again (Fedora 20 edition)

January 15, 2014

I've always run SELinux on my laptop; it's how Fedora installs things, it's worked without problems, and despite all the bad things I've said about it I sort of consider SELinux to be the right thing to do so I wanted to keep with it. And unlike my other machines, my laptop is a completely stock setup at the system level and I don't do anything unusual on it. Then I upgraded to Fedora 20 with yum and things exploded.

(Some of the problems were fixed by 'restorecon -R /', which is not unreasonable given that I upgraded with yum.)

The major thing SELinux did was it prevented NetworkManager from setting up IPSec for L2TP VPNs. This is a new failure in Fedora 20 (it used to work in Fedora 19). This is actually a very bad failure because for whatever reason NetworkManager was willing to keep on going and set up a L2TP 'VPN' connection without the IPSec encryption, giving me less a Virtual Private Network and more a Virtual Plaintext Network. So let me emphasize this:

SELinux significantly reduced my security in practice.

I would have been much better off without SELinux because then I would have had a VPN that was actually encrypted instead of one that I just thought was encrypted and that was instead allowing any random bystander to snoop my wireless traffic.

(This is where some clever person blames NetworkManager instead for being willing to continue setting up a L2TP VPN without IPSec. No. Wrong. The simple fact is that things worked securely without SELinux and they didn't work with SELinux. Ergo, SELinux is the party that broke things. Arguing that it is not SELinux's fault is not solving the actual security problem here. SELinux made my system less secure, regardless of exactly how that happened. If you argue that this doesn't matter you are not interested in security, you are interested in mathematics. Please stay away from my systems.)

Now let us talk about SELinux's bad user interface failures. In the process of going back and forth with SELinux and my Fedora 20 upgrade, I did a bunch of flailing around. I followed the directions of the SELinux alert widget to add some new policies with audit2allow to try to fix things in a relatively graceful way, I silenced some alerts when I was running in permissive mode before I found restorecon and thought it had solved all of my problems, and so on. What I would like to do now is clear all of that away and revert to a stock Fedora 20 SELinux setup so that I can dutifully report all of these policy problems.

I haven't been able to find out how to do so.

I am a relatively experienced sysadmin. I can read manpages, scan Python code, grep everything in sight, and so on. I have utterly failed to find out how to revert to a stock policy or to un-silence various alerts so I can use the nice alert program to report them as bugs. At this point it appears to be literally impossible for me to do this without installing Fedora 20 from scratch, and that's not going to happen.

(I'm relatively sure that it isn't literally impossible and that there is some magic incantation somewhere.)

As mentioned, I'm a sysadmin. If I can't figure out how to do this, what chance does a regular user have? In fact, what chance does a regular user have to make SELinux work in general when something like this happens? Even adding a policy exemption takes manual cut and paste work (and knowing what certain Unix documentation conventions are). Real security absolutely must be usable. SELinux is not and this is its largest failure.

The golden rule is what I said on Twitter: people use their computers to get things done. If your security system gets in the way of getting things done, people will remove it. If they can't figure out how to remove it, they will remove the entire system. If Linux is lucky, this will involve installing Ubuntu instead of Fedora. If Linux is not lucky, this results in another user saying 'well, Linux doesn't work, I guess it's time for Windows'.

(Have I filed bugs about this? Of course not. I can't. See above. To file bugs on anything apart from 'you have a massive UI fail here' I would have to install Fedora 20 from scratch, overwriting all of my customization and setup work.)

Written on 15 January 2014.
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Last modified: Wed Jan 15 15:54:45 2014
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