More vim options it turns out that I want
Much to my displeasure, Ubuntu seems to have been steadily making the
version of vim that they ship more and more superintelligent. I do not
want a superintelligent vi; in fact, superintelligence
is a net negative in vim
, because unlike with GNU Emacs it is almost
always wrong. So, unlike the first set of vim options,
these are negative options that I need, things that turn off settings.
So far, I have wound up with:
set formatoptions=l
- Turns off automatic line wrapping. Since vi
is my sysadmin's editor and sysadmins
edit configuration files a lot, automatic line wrapping is anti-feature.
(I hate it in Emacs too, when it happens.)
let loaded_matchparen = 1
- Turns off blinking matched delimeters,
like () and [] and so on. I find this irritating and distracting.
filetype plugin off
- This turns off all sorts of superintelligent automatic formatting that I aggressively don't want.
(At some point I may look into the best way to fix the line ending issue, but I haven't been annoyed enough yet.)
Some reading in the vim help files suggests that 'set paste
' will also
do a lot to turn off all of the superintelligence that I so dislike.
Using Ubuntu's 'tiny' version of vim also goes a long way to disabling
various things I don't like, but it has the side effect of making vim
not like the latter two .vimrc
settings here (and it's not something
that I can turn on globally on our systems and so have all the time, no
matter what environment or UID I am at the moment).
All in all, I really wish vim had a mode where it just settled for
being a better vi
instead of trying to be a bad imitation of GNU
Emacs. As before, if I want GNU Emacs, I know where to
find it.
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