I wish (Linux) WireGuard had a simple way to restrict peer public IPs

September 7, 2024

WireGuard is an obvious tool to build encrypted, authenticated connections out of, over which you can run more or less any network service. For example, you might expose the rsync daemon only over a specific WireGuard interface, instead of running rsync over SSH. Unfortunately, if you want to use WireGuard as a SSH replacement in this fashion, it has one limitation; unlike SSH, there's no simple way to restrict the public IP address of a particular peer.

The rough equivalent of a WireGuard peer is a SSH keypair. In SSH, you can restrict where a keypair will be accepted from with the 'from="..."' restriction in your .ssh/authorized_keys. This provides an extra layer of protection against the key being compromised; not only does an attacker have to acquire the key, they have to be able to use it from exactly the same IP (or the expected IPs). However, more or less by design WireGuard doesn't have a particular restriction on where a WireGuard peer key can be used from. You can set an expected public IP for the peer, but if the peer contacts you from another IP, your (Linux kernel) WireGuard will update its idea of where the peer is. This is handy for WireGuard's usual usage cases but not what we necessarily want for a wired down connection where the IPs should never change.

(I don't think this is a technical restriction in the WireGuard protocol, just something not done in most or all implementations.)

The normal answer is firewall rules that restrict access to the WireGuard port, but this has two limitations. The first and lesser limitation is that it's external to WireGuard, so it's possible to have WireGuard active but your firewall rules not properly applied, theoretically allowing more access than you intend. The bigger limitation is that if you have more than one such wired down WireGuard peer, firewall rules can't tell which WireGuard peer key is being used by which external peer. So in a straightforward implementation of firewall rules, any peer public IP can impersonate any other (if it has the required WireGuard peer key), which is different from the SSH 'from="..."' situation, where each key is restricted separately.

(On the other hand, the firewall situation is better in one way in that you can't accidentally add a WireGuard peer that will be accepted from anywhere the way you can with a SSH key by forgetting to put in a 'from="..."' restriction.)

To get firewall rules that can tell peers apart, you need to use different listening ports for each peer on your end. Today, this requires different WireGuard interfaces (and probably different server keys) for each peer. I think you can probably give all of the interfaces the same internal IP to simplify your life, although I haven't tested this.

(Having written this entry, I now wonder if it would be possible to write an nftables or iptables extension that hooked into the kernel side of WireGuard enough to know peer identities and let you match on them. Existing extensions are already able to be aware of various things like cgroup membership, and there's an existing extension for IPsec. Possibly you could do this with eBPF programs, since there's a BPF/eBPF iptables extension.)

Written on 07 September 2024.
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