Quoting and not quoting command substitution in the Bourne shell

October 21, 2024

Over on the Fediverse, I said something:

Bourne shell trivia of the day:
  var=$(program ...)
is the same as
  var="$(program ...)"
so the quotes are unnecessary.

  program2 $(program ...)
is not the same as:
  program2 "$(program ..)"
and often the quotes are vital.

(I have been writing the variable assignment as var="$(...)" for ages without realizing that the quotes were unnecessary.)

This came about because I ran an old shell script through shellcheck, which recommended replacing its use of var=`...` with var=$(...), and then I got to wondering why shellcheck wasn't telling me to write the second as var="$(...)" for safety against multi-word expansions. The answer is of course that multi-word expansion doesn't happen in this context; even if the $(...) produces what would normally be multiple words of output, they're all assigned to 'var' as a single word.

On the one hand, this is what you want; there's almost no circumstance where you want a command that produces multiple words of output to have the first word assigned to 'var' and then the rest interpreted as a command and its arguments. On the other hand, the Bourne shell is generally not known for being friendly about its quoting. It would be perfectly in character for the Bourne shell to require you to quote the '$(...)' even in variable assignment.

On the one hand, shellcheck doesn't complain about the quoted version and it's consistent with quoting $(...) in other circumstances (when it really does matter). On the other hand, you can easily forget or not know (as I did) that the quoting is unnecessary here, and then you can be alarmed when you see an unquoted 'var=$(...)' in the wild or have it suggested. Since I've mostly written the quoted version, I'll probably continue doing so in my scripts unless I'm dealing with a script that already has some unquoted examples, where I should probably make everything unquoted so that no one reading the script in the future ever thinks there's a difference between the two.

Written on 21 October 2024.
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Last modified: Mon Oct 21 22:49:58 2024
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