Build systems and their effects on versioning and API changes

February 2, 2025

In a comment on my entry on modern languages and bad packaging outcomes at scale, sapphirepaw said (about backward and forward compatibility within language ecologies), well, I'm going to quote from it because it's good (but go read the whole comment):

I think there’s a social contract that has broken down somewhere.


If a library version did break things, it was generally considered a bug, and developers assumed it would be fixed in short order. Then, for the most part, only distributions had to worry about specific package/library-version incompatibilities.

This all falls apart if a developer, or the ecosystem of libraries/language they depend on, ends up discarding that compatibility-across-time. That was the part that made it feasible to build a distribution from a collection of projects that were, themselves, released across time.

I have a somewhat different view. I think that the way it was in the old days was less a social contract and more an effect of the environment that software was released into and built in, and now that the environment has changed, the effects have too.

C famously has a terrible story around its (lack of a) build system and dependency management, and for much of its life you couldn't assume pervasive and inexpensive Internet connectivity (well, you still can't assume the latter globally, but people have stopped caring about such places). This gave authors of open source software a strong incentive to be both backward and forward compatible. If you released a program that required the features of a very recent version of a library, you reduced your audience to people who already had the recent version (or better) or who were willing to go through the significant manual effort to get and build that version of the library, and then perhaps make all of their other programs work with it, since C environments often more or less forced global installation of libraries. If you were a library author releasing a new minor version or patch level that had incompatibilities, people would be very slow to actually install and adopt that version because of those incompatibilities; most of their programs using your libraries wouldn't update on the spot, and there was no good mechanism to use the old version of the library for some programs.

(Technically you could make this work with static linking, but static linking was out of favour for a long time.)

All of this creates a quite strong practical and social push toward stability. If you wanted your program or its new version to be used widely (and you usually did), it had better work with the old versions of libraries that people already had; requiring new APIs or new library behavior was dangerous. If you wanted the new version of your library to be used widely, it had better be compatible with old programs using the old API, and if you wanted a brand new library to be used by people in programs, it had better demonstrate that it was going to be stable.

Much of this spilled over into other languages like Perl and Python. Although both of these developed central package repositories and dependency management schemes, for a long time these mostly worked globally, just like the C library and header ecology, and so they faced similar pressures. Python only added fully supported virtual environments in 2012, for example (in Python 3.3).

Modern languages like Go and Rust (and the Node.js/NPM ecosystem, and modern Python venv based operation) don't work like that. Modern languages mostly use static linking instead of shared libraries (or the equivalent of static linking for dynamic languages, such as Python venvs), and they have build systems that explicitly support automatically fetching and using specific versions of dependencies (or version ranges; most build systems are optimistic about forward compatibility). This has created an ecology where it's much easier to use a recent version of something than it was in C, and where API changes in dependencies often have much less effect because it's much easier (and sometimes even the default) to build old programs with old dependency versions.

(In some languages this has resulted in a lot of programs and packages implicitly requiring relatively recent versions of their dependencies, even if they don't say so and claim wide backward compatibility. This happens because people would have to take explicit steps to test with their stated minimum version requirements and often people don't, with predictable results. Go is an exception here because of its choice of 'minimum version selection' for dependencies over 'maximum version selection', but even then it's easy to drift into using new language features or new standard library APIs without specifically requiring that version of Go.)

One of the things about technology is that technology absolutely affects social issues, so different technology creates different social expectations. I think that's what's happened with social expectations around modern languages. Because they have standard build systems that make it easy to do it, people feel free to have their programs require specific version ranges of dependencies (modern as well as old), and package authors feel free to break things and then maybe fix them later, because programs can opt in or not and aren't stuck with the package's choices for a particular version. There are still forces pushing towards compatibility, but they're weaker than they used to be and more often violated.

Or to put it another way, there was a social contract of sorts for C libraries in the old days but the social contract was a consequence of the restrictions of the technology. When the technology changed, the 'social contract' also changed, with unfortunate effects at scale, which most developers don't care about (most developers aren't operating at scale, they're scratching their own itch). The new technology and the new social expectations are probably better for the developers of programs, who can now easily use new features of dependencies (or alternately not have to update their code to the latest upstream whims), and for the developers of libraries and packages, who can change things more easily and who generally see their new work being used faster than before.

(In one perspective, the entire 'semantic versioning' movement is a reaction to developers not following the expected compatibility that semver people want. If developers were already doing semver, there would be no need for a movement for it; the semver movement exists precisely because people weren't. We didn't have a 'semver' movement for C libraries in the 1990s because no one needed to ask for it, it simply happened.)

Written on 02 February 2025.
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