Frequent versus infrequent developers (in languages and so on)
Yesterday I mentioned the phrase 'infrequent developer' in an aside in my entry. Today I'm writing about what I mean by that and by its opposite, the frequent developer, and why I care about this.
What I'm calling frequent developers here in the context of, say, a language (such as Go) are people who routinely work with code or programs written in that language. When you're a frequent developer, you naturally develop expertise in that language's operation and often a development environment for it, because you use it often. You know the commands, you remember their options (or at least the ones that you need), you've run into some of the somewhat obscure corners and things that can go wrong. You know your way around things. You'll naturally learn and master even relatively complex procedures.
For a frequent developer, setting up and running some special piece of software to help work on the language is both okay and perfectly sensible. It may take a bit more time to learn and operate, but you use things frequently enough that the extra overhead is only a small portion of the time you spend dealing with the language. It's worth setting up caches and CI and so on, because you'll get enough benefit out of them. You are well up the XKCD 'is it worth the time' table. Frequent developers tend to accumulate a halo of tools that make their lives easier and often improve their results; they know about the linters, the checkers, the formatters, and so on.
An infrequent developer is someone who does not fit this profile. Sure, they have some software written in Go, or Python, or using Django, or whatever, but mostly it sits there working and they don't have to think about it very often. They only modify it or rebuild it or update its dependencies or the like once in a while. Since they're only occasional users of a language environment, infrequent developers generally don't maintain expertise in the finer details of the language's operation, although they can probably remember (or look up) how to do the common things and the basics. They won't remember how to deal with the unusual cases, and in fact may never have run into them. Complex procedures will probably have to be re-learned nearly every time they're needed (or re-Googled for).
Since infrequent developers spend relatively little time dealing with the language, setting up and running additional pieces of software is a much higher overhead for them and is generally not worth it if they have a choice. They get hit on both sides compared to frequent developers; they're less familiar with the software so working on it takes longer, and they use the language much less so the same amount of absolute time spend on additional software is proportionally much higher. Infrequent developers object strongly to thing 'just run this caching proxy, it only takes a bit of time to manage'. Overheads that are small to frequent developers loom very big for infrequent ones. Infrequent developers usually do not have the halo of tools that frequent developers do, and mostly stick to the basics (and as a result they miss out on various things).
It's quite easy and natural for a language community to think first and foremost about frequent developers. Frequent developers are your most active and best users, and generally they are the ones that talk to you most, have the most to say, and are the best informed about the current state of affairs and what their options are. But at the same time, focusing on frequent developers is a limited point of view and will cause you to miss what causes pain for infrequent developers. Worse, it can cause you to design only for frequent developers.
If you're only thinking about frequent developers, it's easy to create a system that assumes that of course people will set up this or that software, or that some particular pain point doesn't really matter because everyone will have tools that cover it over, or that a complex procedure is the right answer because of the power it exposes. To pick on something other than Go, it won't matter that your language refuses to mix spaces and tabs because everyone can just run an editor plugin to fix it automatically (or to automatically indent only with spaces).
(As far as complex procedures go, well, Git is famously full of them. And I say this as someone who considers himself in the 'frequent developer' camp with git, including having tools for dealing with it.)
As I mentioned in my aside yesterday, I have wound up feeling that the perspective of these infrequent developers is often overlooked and not widely heard from. I think that this is not a great thing; to summarize why, I think there are probably more infrequent developers for any popular language than you might think.
(The perspective of infrequent developers is similar to beginners in the language, but I don't think it's quite the same and I'm not sure that being beginner friendly will make you friendly to infrequent developers too.)