Things I learned from OpenSSH about reading very sensitive files

January 15, 2016

You may have heard that OpenSSH had an exploitable issue with some bad client code (which is actually two CVEs, CVE-2016-0777 and CVE-2016-0778). The issue was reported by Qualys Security, who released a fascinating and very detailed writeup on the issues. While the direct problem is basically the same as in Heartbleed, namely trusting an attacker-supplied length parameter and then sending back whatever happened to be sitting in memory, Qualys Security identified several issues that allowed private keys to leak through this issue despite OpenSSH's attempts to handle them securely. The specific issues are also fascinating in how they show just how hard it is to securely read sensitive files.

So here is what I have learned from OpenSSH about this:

  • Do not use any sort of library level buffered IO. OpenSSH read private keys with stdio, which left copies of them behind in stdio buffers that were later free()'d. If your data is sensitive enough that you are going to explicitly erase it later, you must insure that it never passes through buffers that you do not control (and then you zero the buffers afterwards).

    (I suspect that I have Go code that fumbles this, although doing this in Go in general is at least a bit tricky.)

  • Do not use any convenient form of memory or buffer handling that magically reallocates a new buffer and copies data when you ask a buffer to grow. The other way OpenSSH leaked private keys into memory was through realloc(), which may of course free the buffer you handed it and give you another one.

    There are all sorts of convenient auto-growing buffers and objects in all sorts of languages that are going to be vulnerable to this. You need to avoid them all. Once again, explicitly handling all storage yourself is required (and explicitly erasing all of it).

  • Do not use general but over-powerful facilities in security sensitive code. OpenSSH apparently used a general 'load keypair' function that read the private key too even though it only needed the public key, which resulted in OpenSSH bringing into memory (and exposing) the private keys for all public keys it checked, not just the private key of the public key it was going to use with the server.

    It's easy to see how this happened, and strictly from a programming perspective it's the right answer. We have to load keypairs some times, so rather than have a 'load keypair' function and a 'load public key' function and so on, you just have a fully general 'load keypair' function and throw away the parts of results you don't need. But the result is that we loaded key data we didn't need into memory and then it leaked.

    (Admittedly the issue in OpenSSH is somewhat complex, since you can remove the .pub file and force it to decrypt your private key file to recover the public key (see the comments for this entry).)

(There is also an additional issue where overly clever C compilers can eliminate 'unnecessary' memset() operations that are supposed to erase the key data.)

The thing that scares me is that all of these are really easy mistakes to make, or rather really easy issues to overlook. I could have written code that did all three of them without even thinking about it, and I might have done so even if I was also writing code to carefully erase key data later.

Part of how they are so easy to overlook is that we are trained to think in terms of abstractions, not the details underneath them. Stdio gives you efficient IO (and maybe you remember that it involves buffering), realloc() just magically grows the allocated space (and oh yeah, sometimes it gives you a new area of memory, which means the old one got freed), and so on. And in fact all of these would have been harmless or mostly harmless in the absence of the core 'server can get a copy of random memory' bug.

Comments on this page:

By Greg A. Woods at 2016-01-22 17:07:05:

Personally I think such arduous paranoid programming practices are always a major waste of time. If you think you need to securely wipe something you've recently read into, or created in, local process memory, then you're admitting that you do not (or worse, can not) trust the rest of your own process code and/or your entire design.

This "roaming" feature in OpenSSH was the wrong solution in the wrong place at the wrong time. They should have known better, but I guess sometimes the desire for usability smothers critical thinking, even in those with the best of intentions.

You're admitting that you do not (or worse, can not) trust the rest of your own process code and/or your entire design.

Also known as “defence in depth”, yes?

Beyond some threshold of complexity – and it’s not a very high one –, nobody is smart enough to understand the design as a whole sufficiently well to truly trust it. That’s especially so in light of the fact that just one single breach in the integrity of the design is all an attacker may need. The completely (and only) rational response is to make the exact admission you mention, and then act accordingly.

Certainly SSH is miles beyond that threshold.

By Greg A. Woods at 2016-01-24 21:17:02:

Well, there's some merit to the "defence in depth" argument for sure, but as Chris has shown the lengths one must go to to be sure of not leaking any information even to the rest of your own process address space is pretty much ludicrous when using anything but maybe low-level assembly language. That level of insanity is more like riding around in a wheel chair all the time because you're afraid that if you walk then you might someday trip and fall and break your neck and then need to ride around in a wheel chair all the time.

Now if we were talking about Multics, or some more modern capabilities-based single-level-store type of operating system....

By cks at 2016-01-24 21:21:19:

I should write an entry about this, but I disagree. Encryption failures are so potentially catastrophic (especially when they disclose private keys) that they deserve defense in depth. Note that OpenSSH already tries some defense in depth in that it explicitly scrubs private keys from memory after it's used them (or at least tries to, cf issues with compilers optimizing memset() out).

Written on 15 January 2016.
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