How Django's form field ordering works
In Django, forms are defined in what seems to be the conventional approach; each form is a Python class, and fields are variables defined in the class definition (what would be class variables if this was anything like a conventional Python class). Although I don't think that the Django documentation ever states this explicitly, the natural order of form fields in the form (the order that is used if you just tell the form to render itself as HTML or iterate over every field) is the order that you defined the fields in. All of this is perfectly natural and intuitive at first glance.
If you know Python, though, you are probably very startled about right now. You see, in Python class elements have no particular ordering. For most classes the class namespace is literally a Python dictionary, and dictionaries have no particular set order of elements. Certainly you can't work out the order that entries were created in them, and thus for normal classes there's no way to know which order the fields were defined in.
If you know a bit of Python, you might expect that Django is doing something funny with a metaclass. But it turns out that it's not, because even a metaclass can't get this information; metaclasses take effect after the class namespace has been set up (more or less). What Django is doing is simpler and more clever than a metaclass; it's keeping count. Literally. The parent class for all form fields has a global counter, and every time you create a form field Django saves the current counter value in the new field instance and increments it. Then when it wants to know what order fields were created in, it just looks at all of their counter values.
(I have to admire this approach; it's a great triumph of brute force over trying too hard to be clever.)
This has important consequences if you define fields outside of specific forms, perhaps because you want to reuse the same complex field definition between several related forms. Unless you are doing something that specifically dictates field ordering, the global order that the fields were defined in will control their order in a specific form and all fields defined outside the form will be ordered before any fields defined just in it. If you dynamically create fields (and perhaps forms) on the fly, I suspect that things get even harder to keep track of.
This also means that you can artificially manipulate the field order if you absolutely have to. I'm not going to tell you what internal variable to change on field instances, because anyone who ought to be doing this can find the relevant variable in the Django source (and re-find it again if the Django people change its name or the implementation of all of this). The usual cautions apply.
(All of this is for Django 1.2.5. Yes, we're slightly behind the times.)
Sidebar: how this interacts with inherited form classes
Suppose you have one Form class that inherits from another Form class, and both classes define fields. Better yet, suppose that both Form classes contain fields defined globally, in some order. What order are the fields in?
As of Django 1.2.5, the answer appears to be that each separate Form class has its own internal order for its own fields. When you subclass a Form class, all of your fields (in your order) go before your parent's fields (in its order), which are before any parent it may have, and so on.
Don't ask how this interacts with multiple inheritance, because I don't know and I'm not going to do the experiments to find out.
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