Putting a pleasant Python surprise to use

June 14, 2005

Although I've been programming in Python for a few years now, it keeps surprising me with little bits and pieces. Here's a neat Python language feature that I recently used for the first time (discovered originally through Bram Cohen's LiveJournal).

A common programming pattern is 'search for a something to work on, but stop if you don't find anything'. In Python one might write it something like this (taken more or less from DWiki's source):

found = False
for dir in utils.walk_to_root(curdir):
	page = dir.child("__readme")
	if page.exists():
		found = True
if not found:
	return ''
# Go on to use the __readme file we found in some directory.

Python allows you to put 'else' conditions on loops (both for and while loops); the else condition is executed if the loop completed instead of being break'd from. This lets us simplify this pattern down to:

for dir in utils.walk_to_root(curdir):
	page = dir.child("__readme")
	if page.exists():
	return ''

If there's no __readme file to be found from the current directory up to the root, we just return nothing; otherwise, we'll process it. This DWiki code is the first occasion I've had to use this feature since I discovered it, and I'm pleased to finally have been able to.

(As you can now see, not all the entries in this blog are going to be long and meandering.)

Written on 14 June 2005.
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Last modified: Tue Jun 14 17:16:09 2005
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