Two views of Python type hints and catching bugs
I recently wrote a little Python program where I ended up adding type hints, an experience that I eventually concluded was worth it overall even if it was sometimes frustrating. I recently fixed a small bug in the program; like many of my bugs, it was a subtle logic bug that wasn't caught by typing (and I don't think it would have been caught by any reasonable typing).
One view you could take of type hints is that they often don't catch any actual bugs, and so you can question their worth (when viewed only from a bug catching perspective). Another view, one that I'm more inclined to, is that type hints sweep away the low hanging fruit of bugs. A type confusion bug is almost always found pretty fast when you try to use the code, because your code usually doesn't work at all. However, using type hints and checking them provides early and precise detection of these obvious bugs, so you get rid of them right away before they take up your time with you trying to work out why this object doesn't have the methods or fields that you expect.
("Type hints", which is to say documenting what types are used where for what, also have additional benefits, such as accurate documentation and enabling type based things in IDEs, LSP servers, and so on.)
So although my use of type hints and mypy didn't catch this particular logic oversight, my view of them remains positive. And type hints did help me make sure I wasn't adding an obvious bug when I fixed this issue (my fix required passing an extra argument to something, creating an opportunity for a bit of type confusion if I got the arguments wrong).
Sidebar: my particular non-type bug
This program reports the current, interesting alerts from our Prometheus metrics system. For various reasons, it supports getting the alerts as of some specific time, not just 'now', and it also filters out some alerts when they aren't old enough. My logic bug with was with the filtering; in order to compute the age of an alert, I did:
age = time.time() - alert_started_at
The logic problem is that when I'm getting the alerts at a particular time instead of 'now', I also want to compute the age of the alert as of that time, not as of 'right now'. So I don't want 'time.time()', I want 'as of the logical time when we're obtaining this information'.
(This sort of logic oversight is typical for non-obvious bugs that linger in my programs after they're basically working. I only noticed it because I was adding a new filter, and needed to get the alerts as of a time when what I wanted to filter out was happening.)