Python type hints are probably "worth it" in the large for me

November 29, 2024

I recently added type hints to a little program, and that experience wasn't entirely positive that left me feeling that maybe I shouldn't bother. Because I don't promise to be consistent, I went back and re-added type hints to the program all over again, starting from the non-hinted version. This time I did the type hints rather differently and the result came out well enough that I'm going to keep it.

Perhaps my biggest change was to entirely abandon NewType(). Instead I set up two NamedTuples and used type aliases for everything else, which amounts to three type aliases in total. Since I was using type aliases anyway, I only added them when it was annoying to enter the real type (and I was doing it often enough). I skipped doing a type alias for 'list[namedTupleType]' because I couldn't come up with a name that I liked well enough and that it's a list is fundamental to how it's interacted with in the code involved, so I didn't feel like obscuring that.

Adding type hints 'for real' had the positive aspect of encouraging me to write a bunch of comments about what things were and how they worked, which will undoubtedly help future me when I want to change something in six months. Since I was using NamedTuples, I changed to accessing the elements of the tuples through the names instead of the indexes, which improved the code. I had to give up 'list(adict.items())' in favour of a list comprehension that explicitly created the named tuple, but this is probably a good thing for the overall code quality.

(I also changed the type of one thing I had as 'int' to a float, which is what it really should have been all along even if all of the normal values were integers.)

Overall, I think I've come around to the view that doing all of this is good for me in the same way that using shellcheck is good for my shell scripts, even if I sometimes roll my eyes at things it says. I also think that just making mypy silent isn't the goal I should be aiming for. Instead, I should be aiming for what I did to my program on this second pass, doing things like introducing named tuples (in some form), adding comments, and so on. Adding final type hints should be a prompt for a general cleanup.

(Perhaps I'll someday get to a point where I add basic type hints as I write the code initially, just to codify my belief about the shape of what I'm returning and passing in, and use them to find my mistakes. But that day is probably not today, and I'll probably want better LSP integration for it in my GNU Emacs environment.)

Written on 29 November 2024.
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Last modified: Fri Nov 29 23:07:45 2024
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