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I wouldn't use ZFS for swap (either for swapfiles or with a zvol)

As part of broadly charting how Linux finds where to write and read swap blocks, I recently noted that ZFS on Linux can't be used to hold a swapfile. David Magda noted that you could get around this by creating a zvol and using it for swap. While the Linux kernel will accept this and it works, at least to some extent, I wouldn't rely on it and I wouldn't do it unless I was desperate and had no other choice. Fundamentally, swapping to ZFS is not in accordance with what people (and often Unix kernels) expect from writing pages out to swap.

(On Linux, the Arch wiki has some definite cautions.)

Both the Unix kernel and Unix system administrators expect swapping pages out (and reading them back in) to be low overhead operations, things that are very close to writing a block of memory to some disk blocks or reading disk blocks into (preallocated) memory. This is not how ZFS works, even for writes to zvols. Due to ZFS's fundamental decision to never overwrite data in place, writing out blocks to a zvol requires allocating new space for them in the ZFS pool, collecting all of the relevant changes together, and then writing out a transaction group (or perhaps writing the blocks to a ZFS Intent Log). This more or less intrinsically requires allocating memory for various internal ZFS book-keeping, as well as obtaining various ZFS-related locks (for example, ones that protect the data structures that track free blocks). And it winds up doing a lot more IO than just the direct pages of memory being written to swap.

A lot of the time this will all work. Often you aren't swapping under heavy memory pressure, you're just pushing some unused pages out to swap and it's okay for this to take a while and allocate some extra memory and so on. But, regardless of whether it works, it's much more complicated than swapping is normally supposed to be and that makes it more chancy and less predictable. All of this leaves me feeling that swap to ZFS (and to anything similar to it) is for very unusual situations, not normal operation. If I didn't expect to really ever need swap on a system, I think I'd rather have no swap rather than swap on a zvol.

(ZFS isn't the only swap environment that has this problem. Swapping to a file on NFS has many of the same issues, and is also something that I can't recommend.)

ZFS is good for many things, but not everything, and one of the things it's not good at is very low overhead direct write IO. This is by design, since you can't combine it with copy on write and ZFS decided the latter was more important (and I agree with it).

ZFSForSwapMyViews written at 21:52:35;

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