== Making user home directories on a stock Solaris machine I was charmed to recently discover that Solaris 10 still hasn't fixed that _useradd_ issue I saw with [[Solaris 9 Solaris9FirstIrritations]]. For my future reference, since I am likely to wind up doing this a lot, here is how I add users on Solaris 10; this may or may not be the officially approved way to work around the _useradd_ issue. # _useradd -c Whatever ~~~~_ # _mkdir /export/home/~~~~_ # _chown ~~~~ /export/home/~~~~_ (This may or may not get the group ownership right. It's hard to care.) # set the login's initial password with: _passwd ~~~~_ # now, edit ((/etc/auto_home)) to add a line saying: _~~~~ localhost:/export/home/&_ Usefully, you don't need to restart any daemons to get this to take effect. Theoretically you can now log in to the new account and copy the default dotfiles from _/etc/skel_ to your home directory, but as far as I can see they don't actually have anything useful so you're not actually missing anything. (Certainly they don't set a useful [[Solaris _$PATH_ SolarisPATH]].) If you want to skip all of this at the cost of some ugliness in home directory location, just manually specify that the new user's home directory is _/export/home/~~~~_ with _useradd -d_. I may wind up doing this for expendable VMWare installs of Solaris, since it's faster and less annoying. (Also for my future reference, the index that _man -k_ needs on Solaris 10 is created with _catman -w_.)