First irritations with Solaris 9

October 6, 2005

As with Fedora Core 4, I haven't been using Solaris 9 long enough to have given it a fair shake. So instead of any sort of review, this is just a collection of things that have irritated me about it on first exposure.

I'll start with a nice simple one:

# useradd -m -c 'Chris Siebenmann' cks
UX: useradd: ERROR: Unable to create the home directory: Operation not applicable.

This is on a default configured Solaris 9 machine, straight out of the 'take more or less the defaults' install. Is it too much to ask that the apparent best way to add users from the command line actually works?

(The reason this fails is that /home, the location of nominal user home directories, is actually an automounter setup. But useradd doesn't know about this. Whoops. For extra bonus fun, you actually have to make an entry in the /etc/auto_home automounter map to get things to work.)

Installer irritations:

  • the installer asked me to reinsert a CD-ROM it had already asked for (Solaris 9 Software disk 2, after the documentation). This is just sloppy; you should be able to order your entire install series so it asks for each CD-ROM only once.

  • practically every time it had me swap CD-ROMs, it stopped to prompt me if I really wanted things from the CD-ROM installed. This was despite walking me through an entire earlier 'what stuff do you want installed' step that led it to wanting those CD-ROMs.

  • periodically it would pop up a dialog about continuing in 30 seconds if I did nothing, or I could continue right away, or I could pause. The first time I rolled my eyes and clicked 'Continue'. The next time I realized that this dialog was obscuring a lower dialog with informative options that I might wish to inspect and perhaps change.

  • having previously wanted the sort of interaction normally seen in needy young children, the installer decided to automatically reboot at the end.
    Update: mea culpa; this one is my fault. Right near the start, the Solaris 9 installer asks you if you want to automatically reboot at the end. (Then you are asked sixty zillion other questions so you forget this.)

I'd criticize the installer for not looking very pretty, but it was running on an 8 bit deep framebuffer. (Probably not a very fast one, either. Ultra-10s are not where you go if you want even 1998-era PC graphic basics, like 32-bit colour.)

Then there's the small issue of patch installer error messages, which are lovely things like:

Installation of 117067-01 failed. Return code 2.
Installation of 112233-12 failed. Return code 8.

Neither are helpful error messages. Does one or both of them mean that it's a patch not applicable to this system? Does one or both of them mean that something important has gone wrong during patch installation?

(It appears that return code 2 means 'update already installed' and return code 8 means 'this update isn't applicable to your system'. But to find this out I had to read the detailed error log. It would not have killed Sun to print an actually useful error message instead of 'Return code N'.)

Comments on this page:

From at 2006-03-21 06:10:42:


The following are the explanation of patchdd script exit codes:

  1. No error
  2. Usage error
  3. Attempt to apply a patch that's already been applied
  4. Effective UID is not root
  5. Attempt to save original files failed
  6. pkgadd failed
  7. Patch is obsoleted
  8. Invalid package directory
  9. Attempting to patch a package that is not installed
  10. Cannot access /usr/sbin/pkgadd (client problem)

10 Package validation errors 11 Error adding patch to root template 12 Patch script terminated due to signal 13 Symbolic link included in patch 14 NOT USED 15 The prepatch script had a return code other than 0. 16 The postpatch script had a return code other than 0. 17 Mismatch of the -d option between a previous patch

       install and the current one.

18 Not enough space in the file systems that are targets

       of the patch.

19 $SOFTINFO/INST_RELEASE file not found 20 A direct instance patch was required but not found 21 The required patches have not been installed on the


22 A progressive instance patch was required but not found 23 A restricted patch is already applied to the package 24 An incompatible patch is applied 25 A required patch is not applied 26 The user specified backout data can't be found 27 The relative directory supplied can't be found 28 A pkginfo file is corrupt or missing 29 Bad patch ID format 30 Dryrun failure(s) 31 Path given for -C option is invalid 32 Must be running Solaris 2.6 or greater 33 Bad formatted patch file or patch file not found 34 Incorrect patch spool directory 35 Later revision already installed 36 Cannot create safe temporary directory 37 Illegal backout directory specified 38 A prepatch, prePatch or a postpatch script could not be

Written on 06 October 2005.
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