Unfortunately, damaged ZFS filesystems can be more or less unrepairable

December 1, 2021

An unfortunate piece of ZFS news of the time interval is that Ubuntu 21.10 shipped with a serious ZFS bug that created corrupted ZFS filesystems (see the 21.10 release notes; via). This sort of ZFS bug happens from time to time and has likely happened as far back as Solaris ZFS, and there are two unfortunate aspects of them.

(For an example of Solaris ZFS corruption, Solaris ZFS could write ACL data that was bad in a way that it ignored but modern ZFS environments care about. This sort of ZFS issue is not specific to Ubuntu or modern OpenZFS development, although you can certainly blame Ubuntu for this particular case of it and for shipping Ubuntu 21.10 with it.)

The first unfortunate aspect is that many of these bugs normally panic your kernel. At one level it's great that ZFS is loaded with internal integrity and consistency checks that try to make sure the ZFS objects it's dealing with haven't been corrupted. At another level it's not so great that the error handling for integrity problems is generally to panic. Modern versions of OpenZFS has made some progress on allowing some of these problems to continue instead of panic, but there are still a lot left.

The second unfortunate aspect is that generally you can't repair this damage the way you can in more conventional filesystems. Because of ZFS's immutability and checksums, once something makes it to disk with a valid checksum, it's forever. If what made it to disk was broken or corrupted, it stays broken or corrupted; there's no way to fix it in place and no mechanism in ZFS to quietly fix it in a new version. Instead, the only way to get rid of the problem is to delete the corrupted data in some way, generally after copying out as much of the rest of your data as you can (and need to). If you're lucky, you can delete the affected file; if you're somewhat unfortunate, you're going to have to destroy the filesystem; if you're really unlucky, the entire pool needs to be recreated.

This creates two reasons to make regular backups (and not using 'zfs send', because that may well just copy the damage to your backups). The first reason is of course so that you have the backup to restore from. The second reason is because making a backup with tar, rsync, or another user level tool of your choice will read everything in your ZFS filesystems, which creates regular assurance that everything is free of corruption.

(ZFS scrubs don't check enough to find this sort of thing.)

PS: Even if you don't make regular backups, perhaps it's a good idea just to read all of your ZFS filesystems every so often by tar'ing them to /dev/null or similar things. I should probably do this on my home machine, which I am really bad at backing up.

Written on 01 December 2021.
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Last modified: Wed Dec 1 22:58:50 2021
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